

[we?k]     [we?k]    
  • v. 醒來;喚醒;意識到
  • n. 航跡;守夜
waker woke/waked waked/woken waking wakes



v. (動詞)
  1. 醒,醒來
  2. 醒著
  3. 覺醒,醒悟
  4. (使)認識(到),(使)意識(到),(使)變得警覺
  5. 蘇醒,活躍起來
  6. 弄醒,叫醒,喚醒
  7. 激起,引起,喚起
  8. 使蘇醒,使復活
  9. 打破...的寧靜,使騷動
  10. <方>(過去式和過去分詞waked)守夜,守靈
  11. <古>活動著,不休眠
n. (名詞)
  1. 守候(狀態)
  2. <主方>(葬禮前的)守夜,守靈
  3. 伴流,船跡,尾流
  4. 路線,行蹤,痕跡
  5. 【空】尾流
  6. 【史】一年一度的守護神節,守護神節日的慶祝活動
  7. 韋克(音譯名)
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 醒著的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 醒,喚醒 stop sleeping; cause sb to stop sleeping
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 航跡,痕跡 a track left by a ship in water


  1. the consequences of an event (especially a catastrophic event);

    "the aftermath of war"
    "in the wake of the accident no one knew how many had been injured"

  2. an island in the western Pacific between Guam and Hawaii
  3. the wave that spreads behind a boat as it moves forward;

    "the motorboat's wake capsized the canoe"

  4. a vigil held over a corpse the night before burial;

    "there's no weeping at an Irish wake"

  1. be awake, be alert, be there
  2. stop sleeping;

    "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"

  3. arouse or excite feelings and passions;

    "The ostentatious way of living of the rich ignites the hatred of the poor"
    "The refugees' fate stirred up compassion around the world"
    "Wake old feelings of hatred"

  4. make aware of;

    "His words woke us to terrible facts of the situation"

  5. cause to become awake or conscious;

    "He was roused by the drunken men in the street"
    "Please wake me at 6 AM."



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I usually wake up early.
  2. She spends all her waking hours worrying about her job.
  3. The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.
  4. Only you, can wake up Snow White!
  5. The bad news finally woke the country to the danger of war.
  6. We must wake up to the possibility of a war between the two nations.
  7. I wish I could wake her up to the danger she is in.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. We just saw the foaming white wake of the liner.
  2. They discovered a new pulsar wake.
  3. There's no weeping at an irish wake.


用作動詞 (v.)
wake from (v.+prep.)
    (使)醒來 (cause to) become conscious again after sleep
    wake from sth It takes me a long time to wake from my night's sleep. 我大多數應該挺長時間才會從一夜間的酣睡中睡醒。 In spring nature wakes from her long winter sleep. 在春天里,大理所當然從超長出眠中蘇醒進來進來。 wake sb from sth Why did you wake me from such a beautiful dream? 你為一些把你從盡管美麗的在夢里叫醒?
wake to (v.+prep.)
    (使)開始認識到 (cause to) begin to realize
    wake to sth Do you like waking to the sound of a radio? 你肯半夜醒來就響起CD機的噪音嗎? On the morning of New Year's Day, people woke to the sound of firecrackers. 元旦節凌晨,用戶半夜醒來便應該聞到鞭炮聲。 I woke to bright sunlight filling my room, it was already midday. 我醒過后察覺到晶瑩的光照已填滿了房內,就已經是中午12點左右了。 wake to sth He did not wake to the danger until he discovered that he was surrounded on all sides by the enemy. 知道挖掘被敵兵四周圍包裹,他才自我意識到他境遇著實有危險。 wake sb to sth We must wake the people to the dangers facing our country. 我不得不使人能民百姓知道到我部委所受到的安全隱患。
wake up (v.+adv.)
    活躍起來; 激起,引起 become stirred from an inactive state; stir; excite
    wake up What time did you wake up this morning? 目前清晨你三點一覺醒來的? I wake up at the same time every morning without having to use an alarm clock. 你不用石英鐘,每星期晨起都能在一個周期醒來。 She had to wake up several times a night when their baby was ill. 大家 的小孩子病倒時,她一夜間就醒好多次。 He drowsed off, but then woke up abruptly, as though someone had called his name. 他打得個盹,但老是又醒過來,類似是別人在喊他的取名字。 When he woke up, the sea had become calm again. 當他醒取下,海浪都已恢復功能了安靜。 Bears wake up in the spring after a winter of hibernation. 熊經有一個夏天的夏眠后在春秋季醒來。 More and more oppressed people are waking up. 越長越長的被受侵的人們時未進化。 We must give the men who have committed errors ample opportunity to wake up. 人們肯定給出問題的人能夠充分的有機會,他會們清醒。 It's time for you to wake up and attend to your business. 應是你奮發立業的時會了。 wake sb ? up On Sundays she usually wakes up her children a little later than usual. 禮拜天,常見她會遲點兒叫醒子女們。 Why don't you try to sleep?I'll wake you up for the medicine. 你為之類不嘗試睡有時兒?你要叫醒你吃中藥的。 Wake the children up,Betty. It's time for them to go to school. 貝蒂,把小朋友們叫醒,該上小學了。 Be quiet, your father's asleep, don't wake him up. 很安靜些,你他父親在睡午覺,不用吵醒他。 A clap of thunder last night woke everybody up, and then rain poured down. 昨天夜里一位炸雷驚哭了所有的的人,但是刮起來了傾盆雨水。 The noise woke the guests up. 大吵大鬧聲把求美者們吵醒來。 I was suddenly woken up by the alarm clock at 3 a.m.,I knew it was my little brother's practical joke again. 12點幾點鐘,我偶爾被鬧鐘鈴聲醒了,我得知這即是我的老大弟的惡作劇。 wake sb ? up The author used three exclamatory marks at the end of the last sentence to wake up the readers. 小說作品在的文章的后來一下用上了多個驚呆號,以受到彩友的要留意。 wake up I wish she'd wake up! She's so naive! 她隨便說說太以自我為中心了,我想讓她能清醒反過來反過來。 These rich kids should wake up and see the problems they have on their hands. 這部分富家子弟該道德觀念清醒反過來了,也該道德觀念到自己的自己的有著的難題。 wake sb ? up The incident woke the leaders up. 這個情況會讓領導人悔悟。 wake up that-clause More and more people are waking up that knowledge is important. 愈來愈多了的人正確認識得到內容的很關鍵。 wake up On holidays the little town wakes up. 每每休息日,這家地方鎮就出現下去了。 You'll have to wake up if you wish to succeed. 比如假如兌換順利,也就應該振作在一起。 wake sb ? up The art course stimulated me, woke me up. 文化藝術課勾起了我的需求,使我變的是活躍起。 He needs someone to wake him up. 他須要沒人來使他振作起來了。 She needs some interest to wake her up. 她必須要 某些喜好使她振作起。
wake up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    (使)認識到 (cause sb to) aware of a problem, situation, etc.
    wake sb ? up to sth I wish I could wake her up to the danger she is in. 我機會能叫醒她熟悉四處境安全風險。 If only we could wake them up to the dangers of the situation. 我們的得是能使用戶認識了解到態勢的危險物品就可以了了。 wake up to oneself/sth It is time I woke up to myself.I've wasted too much time fooling around, and I almost ruined my career. 我該有意識熟悉各自了。我諸多浪費了太高無所萬事的精力,差點兒毀了我的企事業。 They should wake up to the problems they've got on their hands. 你們想必認識了解到你們會面臨的諸多毛病。 We must wake up to the gravity of the situation. 我們的都要認得到事態的厲害性。 They should wake up to the danger they are in. 用戶應當思想意識到各自境地的有危險。 Only then did the other men wake up to his presence. 昨天當時,其它的的科技人員記起他都已經回到。 The whole society should wake up to the fact that the emerging global network of computers is going to shape the future of the world. 其中一個時代要認知到這類其中一個事情:全球最大電腦主機連網將樹立世界里的在未來。
用作名詞 (n.)
in the/one's wake (of)
    由于,作為…的結果 owning to; thanks to; as the result of


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+副詞+介詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The long white wake that the ship made in the dark water. 出自: A. Geras
  • I must have waked at six o'clock, that morning. 出自: J. Barth
  • I feel like I'm dreaming and I never want to wake up. 出自: C. Brayfield
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