

[?'we?k]     [?'we?k]    
  • adj. 醒著的;警覺的
  • v. 喚起;喚醒;醒來
awoke/awaked awaked/awoken awaking awakes



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 醒著的,沒睡的,清醒的
  2. 注意著,警戒的
  3. 警惕的,警覺的
  4. 意識到的,認識到的
  5. 覺醒的
  6. 洞察的
v. (動詞)
  1. 喚起,引起
  2. 喚醒,叫醒,弄醒,使醒過來
  3. 醒,醒著,醒來
  4. 提醒
  5. 激起
  6. 激發,啟發
  7. 覺醒,覺悟,奮起
  8. (使)覺醒,(使)覺悟
  9. (使)意識到,察覺到
  10. 使振奮,使奮發
  11. 恢復意識


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. (使)醒; 弄醒 make sb wake up
  2. vi. & vt. 喚起,使覺悟,激起 make you remember sth or begin to experience a particular feeling
adj. (形容詞)
  1. [P]醒著的 not asleep (especially immediately before or after sleeping); not sleeping
  2. [P]警覺的;警惕的 alert; vigilant


  1. not in a state of sleep; completely conscious;

    "lay awake thinking about his new job"
    "still not fully awake"

  2. mentally perceptive and responsive;

    "an alert mind"
    "alert to the problems"
    "alive to what is going on"
    "awake to the dangers of her situation"
    "was now awake to the reality of his predicament"

  1. stop sleeping;

    "She woke up to the sound of the alarm clock"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. The children are still wide awake.
  2. The smart of his wound kept him awake.
  3. A pilot must be awake to the changes in the weather.
  4. He is awake to the serious problem.
  5. You should be more awake to the danger of your position.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Nothing can awake her interest in this trip.
  2. Don't worry! I shall awake him on time.
  3. He likes to awake to the sound of a radio.
  4. I was glad to awake from such a nightmare.


用作動詞 (v.)
awake from (v.+prep.)
    從…醒來,把…從…中喚醒 become, cause sb conscious again after sleep
    awake from sth Asia is awaking from her long sleep. 亞洲地區正從長眠中提升。 In the morning I awake from a deep sleep. 晨起我就從深度睡眠中一覺醒來。 I was glad to awake from such a nightmare. 我高興最終從夢境中醒來啦。 He awoke from a restless sleep to find that all his fears were unfounded. 他一整天時未入睡,醒來說會發現她的全部擔心全是還沒有理有據由的。 awake sb from sth The noise awoke me from my sleep. 喧囂聲使我就從睡作夢醒出來。 The affair awoke them from the false belief. 這事事使這些人從迷信活動中意識清醒了。 Father awoke me from ignorance. 老爸給了我幼兒啟蒙的教育。 Brooks was roughly awoken from his dream of making a fortune when his partner decamped with $100,000. 當他的合伙開店人卷回家了十萬美金,布魯克斯才從發家致富做夢突然醒了。
awake to (v.+prep.)
    覺察到,領悟到 begin to understand; aware of
    awake to sth She awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. 她醒來后聽說電鈴在響。 He likes to awake to the sound of a radio. 他喜歡在播報聲中醒了。 I awoke to bright sunlight filling my room; it was already midday. 我就醒了就觀測家里太陽光柔軟,原本已經是中午飯了。 awake to sth She is awaking to the grim realities of life. 她開端意思到生活水平中的各種各樣的嚴酷真實感。 I wonder if they awoke to need for improvement. 我就不止道孩子們有沒主觀能動性到有完善的用不著。 They at last awoke to the danger. 許多人就此思想到危險物品。 It's time you awoke to the realities of the situation. 下面便是你搞清楚實際上的環境的時了。 It took her some time to awake to the dangers of her situation. 過完一下期限她才認識到她實際情況的危害性。 You should awake to your responsibilities. 你應先責任意識到各自的職能。 You must awake to the fact that failure will mean disgrace. 你一定醒悟到,失敗更是羞辱1。 You must awake to the truth/fact that an objective law is independent of man's will. 你必定看法到理性無規律不一定以用戶的的意志為轉意的。 We must awake to the dangers facing our country. 我門公司肯定掌握到我門公司的國度會面臨的危害。 Young people need to awake to the risks involved in casual sex. 、青少年人必定道德觀念到性貪戀的隱患。 awake sb/sth to sth We have at last awaken John to the fact there's no easy way to success. 我們公司好不容易使阿奇博爾德認識自己到順利完成道路無捷近可走。 The teacher's advice awaked her to her faults. 政治老師的意見與建議使她認知到自個的問題。 They must awaken the people to the dangers facing their country. 我們需讓中國人民認識到到地方所受到的危險區。
awake with (v.+prep.)
    由于…而醒來 wake because of
    awake with sth The child awoke with a start. 孩童吵醒了。 He awake with the ringing of an electric bell. 一針電手機鈴聲使他從做夢清醒。
用作形容詞 (adj.)
be awake to
    意識到; 對…警覺realize; become conscious of
wide awake
    頭腦清醒的; 反應靈敏的able to think clearly and react quickly


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)


  • Hee awoke out of his sleepe. 出自:Bible (AV): Judges
  • I was so transported with joy that I awaked. 出自: Addison
  • Terrible dreams about money, from which she would awake sweating. 出自: M. McCarthy
  • He fell asleep and when he awoke it was bright sunshine. 出自: F. Tuohy
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