

['tr?bl]     ['tr?b?l]    
  • n. 困難;煩惱;麻煩
  • v. 使煩惱;麻煩;苦惱;費神
troublingly troubler troubled troubled troubling troubles



n. (名詞)
  1. 故障
  2. 困難,困境
  3. 憂慮,煩惱,苦惱,擔心
  4. 麻煩,打擾,費事 ,麻煩的事
  5. 動亂,騷亂,紛爭
  6. 疾病,毛病,苦痛
  7. 缺點,毛病
  8. 未婚先孕
  9. 【礦物學】斷層
v. (動詞)
  1. 使苦惱,使憂慮,使焦慮,使煩惱
  2. 弄亂,打亂,擾亂,使不安定,使激動
  3. 使疼痛,使不舒服,(病痛)折磨
  4. 使感不便,妨礙,麻煩
  5. 打擾,煩擾,困擾,糾纏,打攪
  6. 費心,費神,麻煩
  7. 煩惱,苦惱,擔心,憂慮


n. (名詞)
  1. [U][C]困難,憂慮,煩擾,麻煩事 (sth that causes) difficulty, worry, annoyance, or suffering
  2. [U]困境,險境 a difficult or dangerous position or situation
  3. [U]惹出麻煩的處境 a position in which one is blamed for doing wrong or thought to have done wrong
  4. [U]麻煩,不方便,費事 (sth that causes) more than usual work or effort; inconvenience
  5. [C][U]動亂,騷亂,糾紛 (an occasion of) political or social disorder
  6. [U]毛病,故障 failure to work properly
  7. [C][U]過錯,缺點 a fault; a bad or annoying quality
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 費神; 費心 bother or inconvenience oneself
  2. vt. 使憂慮 cause worry, discomfort, anxiety or inconvenience to
  3. vt. 打擾 agitate; disturb


  1. a source of difficulty;

    "one trouble after another delayed the job"
    "what's the problem?"

  2. an angry disturbance;

    "he didn't want to make a fuss"
    "they had labor trouble"
    "a spot of bother"

  3. an event causing distress or pain;

    "what is the trouble?"
    "heart trouble"

  4. an effort that is inconvenient;

    "I went to a lot of trouble"
    "he won without any trouble"
    "had difficulty walking"
    "finished the test only with great difficulty"

  5. a strong feeling of anxiety;

    "his worry over the prospect of being fired"
    "it is not work but worry that kills"
    "he wanted to die and end his troubles"

  6. an unwanted pregnancy;

    "he got several girls in trouble"

  1. move deeply;

    "This book upset me"
    "A troubling thought"

  2. to cause inconvenience or discomfort to;

    "Sorry to trouble you, but..."

  3. disturb in mind or make uneasy or cause to be worried or alarmed;

    "She was rather perturbed by the news that her father was seriously ill"

  4. take the trouble to do something; concern oneself;

    "He did not trouble to call his mother on her birthday"
    "Don't bother, please"

  5. cause bodily suffering to and make sick or indisposed



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I find getting up early a great trouble.
  2. I'm sorry to have to put you to so much trouble.
  3. Don't mention my name or you'll get me into trouble.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if we could have a word some time.
  2. May I trouble you to move your chair a bit?


用作名詞 (n.)
ask for trouble
    自尋煩惱 behave in such a way that trouble is likely
borrow trouble
    自找麻煩 worry for nothing about trouble that may not come; make trouble for oneself needlessly
get into trouble
    (給…)找麻煩,(使…)陷入困境 (cause to) be in trouble
    get into trouble Even an experienced climber may get into trouble. 或許是個有成功經驗的攀巖者也有可能跌入生存危機。 My son's always getting into trouble with the police. 我大兒子一定和獄警惹上問題。 get sb into trouble His bad temper was always getting him into trouble. 他的壞暴脾氣總給找費事。 If you do that, you might get her into trouble. 假設你一樣做,你會有使她困在難題。 She told a lie rather than get her friend into trouble. 方便不肯同事引起很難,她只得蓄意犯錯。 Don't mention my name or you'll get me into trouble. 別提我的英文名,面費就給我惹煩惱。
go to...trouble
    麻煩,費勁 bother; do extra work for oneself
have trouble in
    有困難,費事 have difficulties or problems in doing sth
    have trouble in v-ing I have some trouble in reading the letter. His handwriting is very bad. 我讀這封信很費勁,他的字很潦草。
have trouble with
    同…鬧糾紛 dispute with
in trouble
    處于不幸〔苦惱、困境〕之中 in a situation that involves danger, punishment, pain, etc.
make trouble
    制造麻煩,搗亂 create trouble
put to trouble
    給…增加〔添〕麻煩 bring trouble to sb
    put sb to trouble I am sorry for putting you to a lot of trouble. 給大家延長了大量愿意,真過意不想去。 I hope we haven't put you to any trouble. 唯愿我們大家也沒有幫你添麻煩事。
save〔spare〕 trouble
    省事,避免麻煩 save effort; simplify matters
    save〔spare〕 (sb's) trouble It will save trouble if you pay the bill now. 但如果你如今付賬就沒問題了。 I did it to spare your trouble. 我這般做是為你省時省力。 save〔spare〕 sb/oneself trouble My Baedeker has saved me trouble. 我的三本《貝得克行程指導書》免去了了我許許多多的找麻煩。 This would save everyone a lot of trouble. 這將給小伙伴罷免很多的的麻煩。 You may spare yourself the trouble. 你不可費神。
take the trouble
    不怕費事或困難 do sth even though it involves effort or difficulty
    take the trouble to-v Decent journalists should take the trouble to check their facts. 責任狀心強的事件工作任務者必須不膩其煩地審查新聞報導文章。 We must thank you for taking the trouble to make us a meal. 企業都應該謝謝您你很緊為企業燒飯。
用作動詞 (v.)
trouble about( v.+prep. )
    (使…)為…掛慮,為…而麻煩… concern (sb or oneself) about (sth/sb)
    trouble about sb/sth Don't trouble about me. 不能為我費神。 He troubles about the matter. 他為那套事煩惱。 Please don't trouble about that one little mistake. 請千萬別這是因為那些些小不正確的而我的煩惱。 Don't trouble about the door; I'll close it. 別添麻煩那一扇門,你要關的。 Don't trouble about my supper. 從不為我吃吃好飯的事去操心了。 He is a man who refuses to trouble about trifles. 他是一種個貪求瑣事麻煩的人。 If you trouble about every little thing you will never have any peace of mind. 如某件這件事你都是費心,你無論如何得不來云南安寧。 trouble sb/oneself about sb/sth He always troubles me about his private affairs. 他時不時為私事來不方便我。 They ceased to trouble themselves about him. 孩子們不要再為他而好怕了。 Don't trouble yourself about that. 不要為這件事事費勁了。 She troubled herself about what else to put in the letter. 她千辛萬苦思考英文在信里更加寫些一些 。 I am troubled about her. 要為她感覺不安穩。 She is seriously troubled about the matter. 為我也她有心神不安。 She was greatly troubled about her mother's illness. 她為她孕婦的病感覺相對焦慮不安。 He was greatly troubled about his son's behaviour. 他很為該子的操守著急。
trouble for( v.+prep. )
    請求…給予… ask (sb) politely to give one (sth)
    trouble sb for sth I think I'll trouble you for a second cup. 我要勞煩你再立刻一壺。 May I trouble you for a match? 請把我用根火柴咋樣? May I trouble you for some money? 能否比較麻煩您借用我些錢? Can I trouble you for some advice? 請給他們許多提醒怎麼樣?
trouble with( v.+prep. )
    因…使…憂慮不安〔麻煩〕 worry (sb or oneself) because of (sth often in the mind)
    trouble sb/oneself with sth May I trouble you with a question? 瑣事你問1個的問題行么? I don't want to trouble you with all my little difficulties, but I wonder if you could help me just once more? 我不要愿因我的哪些小困難的而幫你添糾紛,不通過我猜測聽說過你是否是會再給我第一次? Jane has been troubled with bad dreams recently. 近幾年來簡常受夢靨的煩惱。 I am troubled with a headache. 我有頭脹。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The trouble of thy thoughts this night..Affects me equally. 出自: Milton
  • Their trouble sprang from poor articulation. 出自: E. Blishen
  • The..government has caused trouble for this..industry by raising its costs. 出自:Economist
  • An Angel went downe..into the poole, and troubled the water. 出自:Bible (AV): King John
  • Like a fountain troubledsMuddy, ill-seeming, thick. 出自:Taming of Shrew , Shakespeare
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