

['w?ri]     ['w??ri]    
  • vt. 撕咬;使煩惱;使焦慮
  • vi. 擔心;發愁
  • n. 擔心;煩惱;憂慮
worrier worries worried worried worrying worries



n. (名詞)
  1. 擔心,憂慮,發愁,操心
  2. 煩惱,苦惱
  3. 焦慮,不安,焦心
  4. 令人擔憂的事,讓人發愁的事, 傷腦筋的事
  5. 獵狗咬住獵獲物
  6. 苦惱的根源
  7. 麻煩,難題
  8. 令人憂傷的人
v. (動詞)
  1. (使)擔心,(使)擔憂,(使)發愁,(使)煩惱
  2. 騷擾
  3. 使不安寧,(使)焦慮不安
  4. 折磨,咬著折磨
  5. 嚙碎,撕咬
  6. 別擔心,不必發愁,沒關系
  7. 搖晃
  8. 撕扯,拉扯
  9. 思考(解決辦法)
  10. 反覆撥弄
  11. 為…發愁,使傷腦筋
  12. 攻擊
  13. 熬過,即使再困難也要度過


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 擔心,為…發愁 be anxious ( about )
  2. vt. & vi. (使)困擾,(使)煩惱 (cause to) be annoyed, anxious or upset
n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 煩惱,憂愁,憂慮 an uncomfortable feeling in the mind caused by a mixture of fear and uncertainty; anxiety
  2. [C] 令人憂傷的人或事 a person or thing that causes this feeling


  1. something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness;

    "New York traffic is a constant concern"
    "it's a major worry"

  2. a strong feeling of anxiety;

    "his worry over the prospect of being fired"
    "it is not work but worry that kills"
    "he wanted to die and end his troubles"

  1. be worried, concerned, anxious, troubled, or uneasy;

    "I worry about my job"

  2. be concerned with;

    "I worry about my grades"

  3. disturb the peace of mind of; afflict with mental agitation or distress;

    "I cannot sleep--my daughter's health is worrying me"

  4. be on the mind of;

    "I worry about the second Germanic consonant shift"

  5. lacerate by biting;

    "the dog worried his bone"

  6. touch or rub constantly;

    "The old man worried his beads"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. The dog was worrying a rat.
  2. Don't worry her; she is busy.
  3. The noise doesn't seem to worry them.
  4. What worries me is how he will manage now his wife's died.
  5. Don't worry me with your complaints.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Don't worry if you can't finish it.
  2. Your parents are worrying about you: do write to them.
  3. There's nothing to worry about.
  4. Don't worry about that mark, it will brush off.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Worry and illness had made him prematurely old.
    他心事重重、 疾病纏身,落得個未老先衰。
  2. The mother of the kidnapped child was crazy with worry.
  3. He's been a source of discord and worry.
  4. He have a lot of financial worry at the moment.
  5. That car has caused me no end of worry.
  6. My chief worry is that he doesn't have experience.
  7. Her tender looks seemed to smooth away his worry.


用作動詞 (v.)
worry about〔over〕 (v.+prep.)
    擔憂,煩惱 have sb/sth as the cause or object of deep concern
    worry about〔over〕 sb/sth/wh-clause/wh-to-v Don't worry about my illness; what I need is nothing but a few days' rest. 不為了我的病不必擔心,我唯有歇息多長時間也完成。 Look after yourself, my dear, and don't worry about me. 敬愛的,你可多保重,不需要掛念我。 He worries over the least thing that goes wrong. 他唯恐有哪種疏忽。 She's always worrying over stupid little things that don't really matter. 她一定為哪些小事兒兒的小事兒滿意至少。 If there is a word you are not familiar with, do not waste too much time worrying about what it might mean. 一旦你發現感情淡了的詞,千萬不要無意間浪費過多的精力去注重它到達 是這些義思。 He worried about how to make his living. 他為謀職愁眉不展。
worry along (v.+adv.)
    設法應付下去,熬過去 manage to get through in the face of trials and difficulties
    worry along George worried along six months trying to support a large family. 喬冶想盡面對了四個月大,保證著一位親屬有很多的家中。 Don't be nervous about me. I'll worry along somehow. 不為了我去操心,你要以便活壓下去。
worry at (v.+prep.)
    拽; 擺弄 pull and twist at sth
    worry at sth You can tell how nervous she is by the way her fingers worry at the edge of the tablecloth. 看她那手去指拽臺布邊的啥樣子,能夠 判斷她是怎樣快節奏。 I could see the dog in the garden, worrying at a bone. 我就能夠瞧見那只狗在花苑中啃著一道腳骨玩。
worry out (v.+adv.)
    耐心反復地詢問〔請求〕而獲得… ask about or ask for patiently and again and again to get
    worry sth ? out She is worrying the problem out. 她未能苦思冥想搞定該狀況。 Don't bother about it. I'll worry out the answer. 就別為這去操心了,小編會開心起來答安來的。 worry sth out of sb The children worried the necessary permission out of their father. 兒童們纏著他倆的舅舅不用,總于達到了可證。
worry through1 (v.+adv.)
    設法應付下去,熬過去 manage to get through in the face of trials and difficulties
    worry through In spite of her fears, she always worried through. 盡可能她擔驚受怕,但一直采取行動熬了在過去。
worry through2 (v.+prep.)
    干完 complete sth
    worry through sth I must worry through the work of the week. 我需求干完這些禮拜的上班。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • His chief worry was that he was unable to be of any further use. 出自:Times
  • Enough..to retire on free of financial worry. 出自: E. Welty
  • She would have found it..difficult to swallow anything that lunchtime, for she was sick with worry. 出自: C. Dexter
  • A dog who once takes to worry sheep never leaves off the habit. 出自: T. Medwin
  • He grew familiar with her hand, Squeez'd it, and worry'd it with ravenous kisses. 出自: transf.




  • worrier n. 使人煩惱的人〔事物〕‖worriless adj. 無憂慮的‖worrying adj. 令人擔憂的; 使人發愁的‖worryingly adv. 令人擔憂地; 使人發愁地


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