

[ri?d]     [ri?d]    
  • v. 識字;閱讀;朗讀;理解;讀到;猜測;讀唇語;寫著;讀起來(給人以某種印象);顯示;看讀數;聽到;將...改為;攻讀;(計算機)讀盤
  • n. 閱讀;好讀物
  • adj. 博學的;熟知的
read read reading reads



v. (動詞)
  1. 閱讀,朗讀,誦讀,讀,讀書
  2. 學習,勤學,用功
  3. 顯示,標明,讀數為
  4. 理解,讀懂,看懂,了解
  5. 覺察,獲悉,察覺
  6. 解釋,解答
  7. 讀起來
  8. 讀到
  9. 宜讀,值得讀
  10. 講讀
  11. 【議會】宣讀(議案)
  12. 照譜唱
  13. 攻讀,研究
  14. 辨讀,辨認
  15. 用...去代替
  16. 讀出
  17. 改作
  18. 【計】讀,可讀,讀入
  19. 載明,寫明
  20. 內容是,概括起來
n. (名詞)
  1. 閱讀,讀書
  2. 讀書時間
  3. 好的讀物,好書,讀物
  4. 利德(音譯名)
  5. Herbert Edward Read 里德爵士(1893-1968,英國詩人、文學評論家)
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 有學問的,通曉的
  2. 被朗讀的
  3. 讀知的,獲知的
  4. 博識的,博覽的
  5. 造詣深的
  1. read的過去式和過去分詞


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 讀; 看懂,理解 look at and understand (sth printed or written); get (the stated information) from print or writing
  2. vt. 顯示; 標明 show or indicate


  1. something that is read;

    "the article was a very good read"

  1. interpret something that is written or printed;

    "read the advertisement"
    "Have you read Salman Rushdie?"

  2. have or contain a certain wording or form;

    "The passage reads as follows"
    "What does the law say?"

  3. look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed;

    "The King will read the proclamation at noon"

  4. obtain data from magnetic tapes;

    "This dictionary can be read by the computer"

  5. interpret the significance of, as of palms, tea leaves, intestines, the sky; also of human behavior;

    "She read the sky and predicted rain"
    "I can't read his strange behavior"
    "The fortune teller read his fate in the crystal ball"

  6. interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression;

    "I read this address as a satire"
    "How should I take this message?"
    "You can't take credit for this!"

  7. be a student of a certain subject;

    "She is reading for the bar exam"

  8. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments;

    "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"
    "The gauge read `empty'"

  9. audition for a stage role by reading parts of a role;

    "He is auditioning for `Julius Caesar' at Stratford this year"

  10. to hear and understand;

    "I read you loud and clear!"

  11. make sense of a language;

    "She understands French"
    "Can you read Greek?"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Only a few of the children there can read.
  2. Read the text slowly and deliberately.
  3. Every man is a volume if you know how to read him.
  4. Please read aloud so that I can hear you.
  5. I can read French but I can't speak it.
  6. Silence must not always be read as consent.
  7. I read a good article in today's paper.
  8. The marker reads "12 kilometres".
  9. Generally, the article reads very well.
  10. What does the thermometer read?
  11. A man came to read the gas meter.
  12. Do you read me?
  13. We advise the bank to amend the clause to read "partial shipment be permit".
  14. She read history as an undergraduate.
  15. My computer can't read the disk you sent.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I was having a quiet read when the phone rang.
  2. His thrillers are always a gripping read.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. He is very widely read in law.


用作動詞 (v.)
read about (v.+prep.)
    讀到; 獲悉 receive information concerning (sth) through printed material
    read about sth I read about it in the newspaper. 這我們在文摘周刊上看清楚的。 The heart transplants have been read about and discussed everywhere. 大眾已讀到觀于左心種植的簡報,各處都可以論點這事。
read back (v.+adv.)
    復述 repeat a reading of; read in return
    read sth ? back Please read back the text of my message. 請把電文念幫我聽一百遍。 When you send a telegram by phone, the operator will normally read it back to you. 你經由固定電話風能發電報的同時,話務員平常會把的電文再念帶給你聽一次審核是否是合適。
read for (v.+prep.)
    為取得(學位等)而攻讀〔學習〕 study so as to obtain (a degree) or become a member of (the bar, the profession or lawyers, etc.)
    read for sth My son is reading for the law, and hopes to become a lawyer at the end of next year. 我他稍后深造法,或者想要來年歲末作為一個北京律師。
read in (v.+prep.)
    讀到; 學習,研究 read words printed in a book, newspaper, etc.; study a subject by reading; understand sth by reading or studying sth
    read in sth I like to read deeply in any subject that I choose to study. 我喜歡確認開展調研閱讀文章練習我選定的所以過程。 read sth in sth The story must be true,I read it in the newspaper. 這樣的事情準是的確,那都是我想去報上看清的。 I could read the answer in his face before he spoke. 他都還沒說話聲,小編從他臉頰表情包直到他的意思就了。 He read in a magazine that more prisoners had been captured. 他在二本自媒體上可以看到又擄獲了無數戰俘。 I read in a book that this was discovered by a young soldier. 我就有本書里認知到這便是五位年輕時盜賊發掘的。 Yesterday I read in the paper that milk would cost more. 前天當我報上得悉純牛乳將會降價。
read into (v.+prep.)
    理解…時加進 add more than is justified
    read sth into sth Don't read more into her letter than she intended. 別把她信上沒的意義灌輸給她。 He read love into her casual friendliness. 他把她偶爾說道的信賴錯誤的認知不顧一切情。 Try not to read evil intentions into the ordinary actions of people. 就不要將你身邊的人的應該現象都看作是密謀不軌。 You shouldn't read things into what I said. 我不需要一件事認為情況下加入此外的意恩。 You are reading more than words intended into what he said. 你彎曲了他發言稿的真實效果。
read like (v.+prep.)
    讀起來像是… be like another sth while reading sth
    read like sth This doesn't read like a child's composition. 這讀在一起不好似學生子寫的作文方面。 That article reads like a translation. 這本文讀在一起仿佛是一本書原文翻譯。 This book reads like a biography. 這書讀看起來猶如一冊傳記。 The poem reads like a translation. 這一首詩聽起好像是譯成佳作。
read of (v.+prep.)
    讀到; 獲悉 receive information concerning (sth) through printed material
    read of sth I read of his death in yesterday's newspaper. 我悟前些日子的報紙新聞上獲知他故世的噩耗。
read off (v.+adv.)
    全部流利地讀出 read (sth such as words) thoroughly, often loud and smoothly
    read sth ? off He read off the instructions as though he knew them by heart. 他口語一對一地誦讀信息,類似能熟背差不多。 The radio announcer read off the message as if he'd known it by heart. 電臺主播朗讀那篇文告時,神仿佛以及背得滾瓜爛熟了。
read on (v.+adv.)
    繼續讀 continue to read
    read on I'm sorry I interrupted.Please read on. 對不會起給我斷繳,請隨后讀吧。 Our story finished at this point last week; now read on. 上時間自己的事情在那里的英文結束了之的,現今之后接著讀。 The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep. 這部言情小說相當目不暇接,她一點氣讀往下走,而且不辭勞苦。 When you have done the exercise, read on to page 12. 你操練完后在這之后,延續看回去,到12頁就行。
read out (v.+adv.)
    讀出 (of a computer) produce (the results of an inquiry or calculation)
read over (v.+adv.)
    重新讀 read from beginning to end
    read sth ? over Read over your written work before handing it in. 把書面語操作先選多遍再交。 The BBC read the script over before allowing the programme to be made. 德國直播大公司先要把紙稿批閱看一遍,第二步才能對另一節目做設計制作。 Let me read that over.I must have mistaken the name. 叫我再讀一下,我準是把姓名搞錯大了。
read through (v.+adv.)
    仔細閱讀 examine thoroughly
    read sth ? through The editor read through the manuscript. 導入把那篇新聞稿沒看了。 The passage was so difficult that he had to read it through several times before he could understand it. 那篇經典文章比較難,他上上下下到尾看著三四個遍才看懂。
read to (v.+prep.)
    邊讀邊使(自己)處于某種狀態 cause oneself to be in a state while reading
    read oneself to sth She often reads herself to sleep. 她頻繁躺在炕上閱讀寫作等你睡夢中。 He even read himself to tears. 他讀著讀著或是外流了淚水。
read up (v.+adv.)
    攻讀,鉆研 learn up by reading; study
    read sth ? up I believe he has started reading up anthropology. 我小編相信他已開端進入設計人類祖先學。 You have read the subject up but I know nothing about it. 你對這學科作過深入學習的探索,或許卻無能為力道。 Read up the rules and you'll see I am right. 若果縝密讀一段時間那些規則,你就認識我是規范的。 Before trying to tackle his homework he read up the notes he had taken at the lecture. 他把語文教學上記的記筆記認認真真聊過后才通過觸感做使用。 read up on sth I must read up on the developments in the French language; I'm afraid I'm getting out of touch. 我得攻讀碩士一系關于 荷蘭語語言發展壯大的書,我可能本身太閉塞了。 I must read up on Arab customs before I go to Bahrain. 在去巴林前一天我有必要先弄懂阿拉伯人的自覺性和規規矩矩。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He'd..gone to bed to lie down and have a read. 出自: T. Parker
  • Tamburlaine is a tolerable read..As a stage play it is pretty hopeless. 出自: J. I. M. Stewart
  • He was deeply read in the ancients. 出自: Henry Fielding
  • Leading editorials were read..to the people. 出自: A. Carnegie
  • I don't read Scott. 出自: R. Kipling
  • We had read the same..books. 出自: S. Bellow
  • She started reading him a story. 出自: K. Amis
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