

[swi?p]     [swi?p]    
  • v. 打掃;掠過;掃視;席卷;全勝;清除
  • n. 清掃;連綿一片;席卷;掠過;范圍;搜尋;(競賽中)全勝;賭金
sweeper swept swept sweeping sweeps



v. (動詞)
  1. 掠過,掃視,環視
  2. 沖走
  3. 吹去
  4. 刮去,刮走,刮起
  5. 席卷,掃蕩
  6. 掃,掃去,掃過,打掃,清掃,清除,掃除,用掃帚掃
  7. 刷,拿刷子刷
  8. 【軍】掃射
  9. 急速移動,猛烈移動
  10. 連綿,延伸
  11. 猛拉,猛推
  12. 肅清
  13. 擦過,撣
  14. 飛快地滑過
  15. (完全)消滅
  16. 飛來
  17. 襲來,襲擊
  18. 沖去
  19. 眺望
  20. 把...一掃而光
  21. 疏浚(河底)
  22. 衣裙搖曳地走,堂皇地走動
  23. 連綿,延伸
  24. 拂去
n. (名詞)
  1. 一揮
  2. 彎曲,曲線,轉彎
  3. 打掃,掃除,掃掠
  4. 延伸
  5. 彎路
  6. 流動
  7. 蜂擁推進
  8. 突進
  9. <口>掃煙囪工人
  10. 范圍
  11. 全勝
  12. 肅清
  13. 掃蕩
  14. 刮,吹
  15. 沖刷


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 掃,打掃,拂去 remove loose dirt, dust, etc. with a brush or broom; clean in this
  2. vt. & vi. 掃視 pass over (as if) to examine or survey
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 打掃,清掃 an act of sweeping
  2. [C] 揮動 a long swinging movement of the arm with a weapon, etc.
  3. [C] 大面積搜索〔攻擊〕 an act of moving out over a broad area to search, attack
  4. [S] 連綿彎曲的地帶 a long curved line or area of country


  1. a wide scope;

    "the sweep of the plains"

  2. someone who cleans soot from chimneys
  3. winning all or all but one of the tricks in bridge
  4. a long oar used in an open boat
  5. (American football) an attempt to advance the ball by running around the end of the line
  6. a movement in an arc;

    "a sweep of his arm"

  1. sweep across or over;

    "Her long skirt brushed the floor"
    "A gasp swept cross the audience"

  2. move with sweeping, effortless, gliding motions;

    "The diva swept into the room"
    "Shreds of paper sailed through the air"
    "The searchlights swept across the sky"

  3. sweep with a broom or as if with a broom;

    "Sweep the crumbs off the table"
    "Sweep under the bed"

  4. force into some kind of situation, condition, or course of action;

    "They were swept up by the events"
    "don't drag me into this business"

  5. to cover or extend over an area or time period;

    "Rivers traverse the valley floor"
    "The parking lot spans 3 acres"
    "The novel spans three centuries"

  6. clean by sweeping;

    "Please sweep the floor"

  7. win an overwhelming victory in or on;

    "Her new show dog swept all championships"

  8. cover the entire range of
  9. make a big sweeping gesture or movement



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He picked up the broom to help me sweep the floor.
  2. They asked the little boy to sweep the room clean.
  3. His fingers swept the keys of the piano.
  4. The breeze sweeps the crystal mirror of the pool.
  5. The soldier swept the forest with a telescope.
  6. A huge wave swept over the deck.
  7. He helplessly watched the wave sweep his cap away.
  8. He was the only man to sweep the diving gold medals in two consecutive Olympics.
  9. The boy helped his mother sweep away the dirt on the floor.
  10. We need to sweep all obstacles on our road to success.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. This floor needs a good sweep.
  2. The long sweep of the distant hills could just be seen.
  3. Her sweep of her audience along with her is really an amazing skill.
  4. He lost his life in the fierce sweep of the huge wave.
  5. The woman sat down at the river bank, enjoying the the sweep of the wind over the river.
  6. They are eager to get outside the sweep of the present authority.
  7. She gave a quick sweep of the crowd with her eyes.
  8. We got several first prizes in the sport meet, which was a clean sweep this time.


用作動詞 (v.)
sweep along( v.+adv. )
    打動,感染 persuade (sb, usually a crowd) of the truth of one's speech
    sweep along With all the sails up, the little boat swept along in the pleasant wind. 偏舟張起都是風帆在風和中輕巧地前行。 sweep sb/sth ? along The wind swept us along towards the shore. 風我把我們吹向邊。 The current swept the logs along. 水沖倒了實木板材。 sweep sb ? along The speaker had the ability to sweep his listeners along with him. 你這個演說者有讀懂收聽的技能。
sweep aside( v.+adv. )
    不予考慮 refuse to pay attention to (sth)He was so full of his own schemes, that he swept aside reasonable doubts.他很有一套自己的辦法,對別人合理的懷疑也不予理會。
sweep away( v.+adv. )
    清除 remove or abolish by vigorous actionThey say they will sweep away the administration and introduce new methods.他們說要取消那種管理制度而采用新方法。
sweep back( v.+adv. )
    (使)向后拐〔掠〕 (cause to) lie at an angle away from sth to which it is attached
    sweep back The other part of the house sweeps back towards the garden. 這棟商品房的另外部份向后拐向家園。 sweep sth ? back She swept her hair back with her free hand. 她用空著的那只手將發質向后掠了掠。
sweep before( v.+prep. )
    接連取得成功 be continuously successful
    sweep all before one Jim won every race that afternoon, sweeping all before him. 那一天中午吉姆屢戰屢勝,在倆次接力賽跑中其位列1。
sweep in( v.+adv. )
    把(賭贏的錢)斂收起來 collect (one's winnings)
    sweep sth ? in A sudden wind swept a pile of leaves in. 陡然吹起陣陣風,刮進一大堆植物的葉子來。 sweep in Peter swept in, with his dignity and insolence. 彼得神氣派氣,目空一切都地了進入。 She swept in like a queen. 她昂然了打進,像小仙女通常。 sweep in Labour swept in on a tide of discontent over rising prices. 工黨在對物價水平下跌不到的變革聲中毫不費力地選為了。 sweep sth ? in Did you see the amount of money that player swept in after the last game? 你看清楚最好五局完后那賭狗帶走的哪一大筆錢了多少?
sweep into( v.+prep. )
    昂然走進 enter a place in a grand manner
    sweep sth into sth Sweep the leaves into the corner where they won't be noticed. 把樹葉掃到墻角處去,哪里沒有人需要注意。 sweep into sth They swept into the hall, preceded by trumpeters. 他以號手為前導昂首闊步走近宴會廳。 Joining Ulysses and his men, they swept into Troy, killing and burning as they went. 許多人與尤利西斯的鬼會合在一并,邊走邊燒殺,沖進了特洛伊城。
sweep off1( v.+adv. )
    大量清除 remove in large numbers
    sweep sth ? off We have swept off the rubbish. 我們大家已把廢棄物掃回來了。 The wind swept his hat off. 刮風拉掉他的大帽子。 sweep sb/sth ? off The epidemic swept off most of the villagers. 的接觸傳得病奪想去大部位全村的人的一生。
sweep off2( v.+prep. )
    把…從…刮走〔沖走〕 drive (sth/sb) off (sth) by the action of wind or waterThe rising flood swept the travellers off their feet as they struggled to hold onto the branches.正當那些行人拼命抓樹枝時,上漲的洪水把他們卷走了。
sweep out( v.+adv. )
    昂然離開 leave a place in a grand manner〔說明〕 sweep out作此解時常不用于進行體。
    sweep sth ? out She swept the dirt out. 她驅除了積塵。 This room needs to be well swept out. 這位主臥室需用好好的清理一場。 sweep out (of sth) He swept out in a fury. 他憎恨地全部】離去。 Without a word, she turned and swept out of the room. 她一計不發,換過來身高傲地進入了房子。
sweep over( v.+prep. )
    涌上…心頭,使…難以抑制 (of a feeling) reach and sometimes conquer (sb) by greater strength
    sweep over sb A deadly fear swept over him. 他沒預兆深感陣陣諸多的畏懼。 Uncontrollable anger swept over Jim when he learned how Mary had been treated. 當吉姆不看到瑪麗被該如何待遇時,一種味道壓制不下的恐懼涌用心頭。
sweep through1( v.+adv. )
    輕易地通過 pass sth, as an examination easily
    sweep through John thought that he would fail his driving test again, but this time, to his own surprise, he swept through. 羅伯特認為他還有通不到座駕測試,可殊不知他意料除此之外,他沒費勁就進行了。
sweep through2( v.+prep. )
    迅速傳遍于… (of a fashion, disease, story, etc.) be passed quickly among (large numbers of people); pass quickly through (a place)〔說明〕 sweep through作此解時,常不用于被動結構。
sweep under( v.+prep. )
    試圖隱瞞錯事 try to hide sth wrong
    sweep under sth Don't forget to sweep under the beds. 別忘了自己清洗床的接下。 sweep sth under sth The servant had a lazy habit of sweeping the dust under the edge of the mat. 仆人建立一個偷懶的陋習,只掃蹭鞋墊非核心上面的飛塵。 sweep sth under the carpet We have made a serious mistake, and have no intention of sweeping it under the carpet. 咱們犯了一大個難治的不對,但被人編造。 I don't think it can be swept under the carpet, everyone should be told. 我相信這件事情隱瞞事實不下,是告誡每個個。 Unpleasant episodes in his early career were swept under the carpet. 他最早的時候之路中的不豐采的事被蓋住好了。
sweep up( v.+adv. )
    清掃 clean (a room), as with a brush
    sweep up After all the guests had left,I swept up. 消費者都走后,我清理了房內。 The poor women of the area were employed to sweep up after office hours. 該區縣的貧困家庭婦女們被雇來經常開門后清洗衛生間。 sweep sth ? up The students stirred up much dust when they swept up the fallen leaves. 學習們掃葉落時飄揚了無數沙粒。 Who will sweep up the rubbish after the party? 晚時候歸誰清掃這個廢棄物? Did you sweep up all the broken glass? 你有都沒有什么有把碎窗戶玻璃都掃掉?
用作名詞 (n.)
clean sweep
    壓倒優勢的勝利 completely winHe won the election by a clean sweep.他在選舉中大獲全勝。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The noiseless sweep by of the large white owl. 出自: A. Marsh
  • The first sweep of royal fury being past. 出自: Carlyle
  • The wind had full sweep. 出自: U. Sinclair
  • Spider-webs..which we have swept away. 出自: R. Bagot




  • sweeper n. 打掃者;掃除機‖sweeping adj. 包羅萬象的,一掃而光的;籠統的,泛泛的‖sweepingly adv. 包羅萬象地;范圍廣大,徹底地


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