

['f?l??]     ['fɑ?lo?]    
  • v. 跟隨;追趕;緊接著;注意;遵循;沿著;明白
followed followed following follows



v. (動詞)
  1. 跟著
  2. 接著
  3. 跟隨
  4. 注視
  5. 密切注意
  6. 聽從
  7. 從事
  8. 追求
  9. 追趕
  10. 追逐
  11. 傾聽
  12. 采用
  13. 信奉
  14. 聽懂
  15. 領會
  16. 結果產生
  17. 跟著發生
  18. 繼…之后
  19. 在…之后
  20. 隨后
  21. 結果發生
  22. 因而當然
  23. 那么…就
  24. 順…前進
  25. 因…而起
  26. 是必然結果
  27. 仿效某人
  28. 接在…之后
  29. 沿著…行進
  30. 因…而產生
  31. 接在…之后
  32. 因…而發生
  33. 在…后發生
  34. 因…而產生
  35. 結果是
  36. 繼之而來
  37. 必然可推知…
n. (名詞)
  1. 跟隨
  2. 追隨
  3. 跟球
  4. 添菜
  5. 因…而起


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 跟隨; 接著 come or go after
  2. vt. 注視,密切注意 keep in sight; watch
  3. vt. & vi. 聽得懂 understand
  4. vt. 從事,經營 engage in as a business, trade, etc.
  5. vt. 遵照,接受,聽從 take or accept or obey
  6. vi. 是…必然的結果 be or happen as a necessary effect or result


  1. to travel behind, go after, come after;

    "The ducklings followed their mother around the pond"
    "Please follow the guide through the museum"

  2. be later in time;

    "Tuesday always follows Monday"

  3. come as a logical consequence; follow logically;

    "It follows that your assertion is false"
    "the theorem falls out nicely"

  4. travel along a certain course;

    "follow the road"
    "follow the trail"

  5. act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes;

    "He complied with my instructions"
    "You must comply or else!"
    "Follow these simple rules"
    "abide by the rules"

  6. come after in time, as a result;

    "A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake"

  7. behave in accordance or in agreement with;

    "Follow a pattern"
    "Follow my example"

  8. be next;

    "Mary plays best, with John and Sue following"

  9. choose and follow; as of theories, ideas, policies, strategies or plans;

    "She followed the feminist movement"
    "The candidate espouses Republican ideals"

  10. to bring something about at a later time than;

    "She followed dinner with a brandy"
    "He followed his lecture with a question and answer period"

  11. imitate in behavior; take as a model;

    "Teenagers follow their friends in everything"

  12. follow, discover, or ascertain the course of development of something;

    "We must follow closely the economic development is Cuba"
    "trace the student's progress"

  13. follow with the eyes or the mind;

    "Keep an eye on the baby, please!"
    "The world is watching Sarajevo"
    "She followed the men with the binoculars"

  14. be the successor (of);

    "Carter followed Ford"
    "Will Charles succeed to the throne?"

  15. perform an accompaniment to;

    "The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano"

  16. keep informed;

    "He kept up on his country's foreign policies"

  17. to be the product or result;

    "Melons come from a vine"
    "Understanding comes from experience"

  18. accept and follow the leadership or command or guidance of;

    "Let's follow our great helmsman!"
    "She followed a guru for years"

  19. adhere to or practice;

    "These people still follow the laws of their ancient religion"

  20. work in a specific place, with a specific subject, or in a specific function;

    "He is a herpetologist"
    "She is our resident philosopher"

  21. keep under surveillance;

    "The police had been following him for weeks but they could not prove his involvement in the bombing"

  22. follow in or as if in pursuit;

    "The police car pursued the suspected attacker"
    "Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life"

  23. grasp the meaning;

    "Can you follow her argument?"
    "When he lectures, I cannot follow"

  24. keep to;

    "Stick to your principles"
    "stick to the diet"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The little boy followed his father out.
  2. They blew up the bridge so that the enemy couldn't follow them.
  3. If you ignore your diet, trouble will follow.
  4. He followed every word of the trial.
  5. If you want to complain, you'd better follow the correct procedure.
  6. Follow this road until you get to the corner, then turn left.
  7. I didn't quite follow; could you explain it again?


用作動詞 (v.)
as follows
    列舉如下 as now to be told
follow after (v.+prep.)
    追求,力求得到 pursue
follow in one's footsteps (v.+prep.+n.)
    踩著別人的腳印走; 效法他人 follow a similar occupation
follow into (v.+prep.)
    跟著…進入… walk behind sb into a place
    follow sb into sth She followed him into the room. 她隨他來到主臥室。 The boy followed the teacher into the office. 那小男生如同導師走出辦公區室。 Michael Manley followed his father into politics. 邁克爾·曼利跟他老爸從政。
follow on1 (v.+adv.)
    繼續 continue
    follow on I'll be back soon. Meanwhile follow on. 我立即就過來,你仍在干下不去好好。 You go first, and we'll follow on after a short rest. 你先去,各位稍作歇息就來。 He follows on despite every difficulty. 雖說撞見很多困境,但他仍會仍然奮勇前進。
follow on2 (v.+prep.)
    隨之發生 happen as a consequence
    follow on sth Disease often follows on starvation because the body is weakened. 常見疾病的發生必然是是由于饑餓的的原因,正因為體質很身體虛弱。 His disease followed on his mother's death. 他孕婦去逝后或許不久,他就病了。 Following quickly on this tragedy, the youngest child died of malnutrition. 造成該慘劇后買回去,輕柔的的同學又因莒養異常死沒了。 After the taking of Tianjin, he followed on his victory. 攻取保定后,他乘勝后退。
follow out (v.+adv.)
    貫徹,依照…完成 carry out; finish what you are told to do
    follow sth ? out Even though he followed out all the instructions carefully, he couldn't get the machine to work. 他固然一絲不茍地執行力擁有的指令表,但還是失敗使設備高速運轉一起。 You follow out his instructions carefully. 你認真細致按他的信號燈去做。 The boy followed out his father's advice. 那一小男孩可以通過他母親的人生箴言措施。 The boy followed out the instruction and made a fine model plane. 這男孩沒收違法所得描述說了的雅致的建模方法客機。 The police have followed out several lines of inquiry, but are no nearer to finding the culprit. 人民警察再繼續對其進行了各各方面的考察,但還并沒有看到犯罪嫌疑人。 The student followed out all the index references in the encyclopedia until he found what he wanted to know. 那一位學生黨找遍辭典全書的其它檢索,最終總算是尋找他所思了解的搜索結果。 Follow out all the cross references. 查詢網站其他的相互完善定義的內容。
follow through (v.+adv.)
    保持,堅持 maintain or continue to the end
    follow through He is good at initiating projects but rarely follows through with anything. 他勤于思考使用新項目,但困難堅持學習做完。 Bob drew plans for a table for his mother, but he did not follow through by making it. 鮑勃年度計劃給母親圖片做張凳子,但沒所作來。 follow sth ? through Starting projects is one thing, following them through is another. 就著手開展每項目不是原因,而將之開展倒底是同一原因。 David is determined to follow his plan through. 大衛堅定信念把他們的籌劃貫徹執行算是。 Follow through the business, everything will be all right. 把這件事情做現在,這個世界就會好的。
follow to (v.+prep.)
    跟隨…到達某地 go along to reach a place; walk behind sb to reach a place
    follow sb/sth to sth We can follow this path to the village. 我們的延著羊腸小道進行村內。 He followed me to the school. 他跟找我了培訓機構。
follow up (v.+adv.)
    跟著; 追逐; 繼續 pursue further; act further on
    follow up You start the work, and I'll follow up. 你先干一起,我接下來。 And the question is worth following up, for the sake of the light it throws on modern knowledge. 這同類間題應當進一歩研討,這是由于它這樣有利于狀況說明很多知識儲備的真正狀況。 The editor thinks this story is worth following up. 添加圖片表示這一件事值得一看定位報到。 follow up with sth The chairman followed up with another question. 新主席緊接著又提了個毛病。 follow sb/sth ? up They followed the criminal up like a shadow and arrested him at his lodging. 他倆形影不離地關注那些犯罪者,并在他的經營場所批捕了他。 Follow up a lead, clue and rumour. 沿著有眉目、情報和謠傳做調查員。 He followed up his success and started looking for new markets. 他得到成功的以來全力以赴,又逐漸開始獲取新整個市場了。 After Mary sent a letter application for a job, she followed it up by going to talk to the personnel manager. 瑪麗把做任務申請辦理表寄到處后,又找總經理講話,以使各自更有或許贏得那一份做任務。 The Indians followed up the wounded buffalo until it fell dead. 印第安人牢牢地追著那頭受損的水牛,終會它擊倒逝去。 You should follow up your letter with a phone call. 你肯定寫完信以來再打電話。 We followed up the victory and dispersed the enemy. 我們的乘勝追逐,把敵兵打得贏七零八落。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • One of the Norman strangers who followed in the wake of the Conqueror. 出自: J. R. Green
  • One by one they had followed each other out. 出自: E. Bowen
  • The smell of fresh earth that follows a plow. 出自: J. Cheever
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