

[st??(r)]     [st?r]    
  • v. 操縱;駕駛;掌舵;引導
steerable steerer steered steered steering steers



v. (動詞)
  1. 帶領,指導,領導,引導
  2. 操縱,駕駛,掌(舵),騎,駕馭
  3. 控制
  4. 駕駛(船、車)向或沿著(某方)行進
  5. 籌劃
  6. 建議,勸告,忠告
  7. 拉客
  8. 被駕駛,駕駛起來
  9. 沿著…前進,遵循
  10. 行駛,行進,航行
  11. 使向……前進
n. (名詞)
  1. 閹牛,閹公牛,小公牛,公牛
  2. 食用牛
  3. 建議,指點,勸告,忠告
  4. 關于行路的指示,行路指南
  5. 駕駛設備


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 駕駛,掌船 direct the course of a ship or a vehicle


  1. an indication of potential opportunity;

    "he got a tip on the stock market"
    "a good lead for a job"

  2. castrated bull
  1. direct the course; determine the direction of travelling
  2. direct (oneself) somewhere;

    "Steer clear of him"

  3. be a guiding or motivating force or drive;

    "The teacher steered the gifted students towards the more challenging courses"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Sometimes an oar is used to steer a boat.
  2. He steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.
  3. People used to steer by the stars.
  4. The old man settled himself to steer.
  5. He steered me to a table and sat me down in a chair.


用作動詞 (v.)
steer clear of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    〈非正〉繞開; 躲避 guide a ship to avoid sth; avoid sb/sth
    steer clear of sb/sth The ship carefully steered clear of the coral reefs. 哪一條船關注翼翼地繞開了珊瑚礁。 You should steer clear of all that foggy talk in your speech. 我一直在發言中應避開在使用有些敷衍了事的言詞。 I'd steer clear of him for a while, he's in a really bad mood at the moment. 眼前他未能發性情,我得躲著他一段時間兒。 Don't steer clear of us; nobody is going to hurt you. 就不要躲著他們,沒人就攻擊你。
steer for (v.+prep.)
    駕駛(車、船)駛向(某處) direct a car or a ship towards sth
    steer for sth Steer for the shore, boys! 老鄉們,向海岸靠! The ship steered for the open seas. 船奔向公海。 We turned the car round and steered for home. 讓我們掉轉車,朝家駛去。 steer sth for sth Try to steer the boat for the harbour. 以便把船抵達海灣。
steer into (v.+prep.)
    說服(某人)做… persuade sb into action or doing sth
    steer into sth It took Mary weeks learning how to steer into the garage. 學習了解該如何把車開進庫里花了瑪麗第幾周時段。 steer sth into sth The fool steered the boat into the harbour wall and broke the beams! 那傻瓜駕船撞在了海港內壁,把船頂梁撞斷繳。 steer sb into sth He tried to steer her into the bedroom, but she understood his intentions and refused to move. 他試著引她進主臥室,可她了解他的幼兒小班教案,不樂意去。 steer sb into sth/v-ing It's no use trying to steer the boy into a course of action that suits you. 想開導這兒童按你的措施做事是徒勞的。 Father tried to steer Jim into becoming a musician. 他父親想來說服吉姆過去當唱歌家。
steer out (v.+adv.)
    駛出 drive out
    steer out of sth The freighter steered out of Santiage Bay that evening. 這一天在夜里貨輪駛出了聖地亞哥灣。
steer through1 (v.+adv.)
    指導(某人)通過或渡過 guide sb so as to pass sthDon't worry about the difficulties of selling the house, our lawyer will steer you through.不用擔心賣房的困難,咱們的律師會幫你辦好的。
steer through2 (v.+prep.)
    指導(某人)通過 guide sb so as to pass sth
    steer sb through sth Students need someone to steer them through the mass of courses offered to them, to choose the best ones for their needs. 讀書生們要在為這些人開立的數不勝數的必修課程培訓選中擇最最合適這些人還要的必修課程培訓,得有的人享有評價表。
steer to〔towards〕 (v.+prep.)
    把…導向 guide sb/sth in the direction of action or doing sthShe steered the conversation towards more general topics.她把談話引向更為一般性的話題。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Bulls will generally be heavier than steers. 出自:Farmers Weekly
  • The public must give a clear steer..as to which route the [police] service should follow. 出自:Times
  • Two skilful helmsmen on the poop to steer. 出自: W. Falconer
  • The man who steers a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. 出自: R. MacNeil
  • That inner compass we require to steer our life. 出自: fig.





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