

[??t]     [??t]    
  • v. 關閉;合攏;停止
  • adj. 關閉的;停止營業的
  • n. 關閉
shut shut shutting shuts



v. (動詞)
  1. 關閉
  2. 關上
  3. 關門
  4. 閉上
  5. 閉嘴
  6. 住口
  7. 隱藏
  8. 打烊
  9. 停業
  10. 關張
  11. 倒閉
  12. 把…關起來
  13. 禁閉
  14. 使停止營業
  15. 夾住
  16. 夾進
  17. 合攏
  18. 把…關在門外
  19. 排斥
  20. 關進
  21. 圍進
  22. 封閉
  23. 封鎖
  24. 停止開放
  25. 把…關住
  26. 摺起
  27. 合上
  28. 把…關住
  29. 折起
  30. 停止營業
  31. 閉合
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 關閉的
  2. 緊閉的
  3. 聲音低沉的
  4. 閉鎖音的
  5. 合攏的
  6. 關緊的
  7. 閉音節的
n. (名詞)
  1. 焊縫
  2. 關閉的時間
  3. 閉鎖
  4. 終止
  5. 完結
  6. 焊接縫
  7. 【語音】閉鎖音
  8. 【機】冷塞
  9. 封閉


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 關,關上 close; close sth


  1. not open;

    "the door slammed shut"

  2. used especially of mouth or eyes;

    "he sat quietly with closed eyes"
    "his eyes were shut against the sunlight"

  1. move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut;

    "Close the door"
    "shut the window"

  2. become closed;

    "The windows closed with a loud bang"

  3. prevent from entering; shut out;

    "The trees were shutting out all sunlight"
    "This policy excludes people who have a criminal record from entering the country"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Please shut the door behind you.
  2. The office will shut down for christmas.
  3. He decided to shut down the shop.
  4. He shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.
  5. Her mouth opened and shut, but no sound came out.
  6. He shut his eyes to her faults.
  7. Some coal-mines had to shut down.
  8. Business is not good. He'll have to shut the shop.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. She heard the bedroom window blow shut.
  2. With the door shut, rhe room was hot and humid.
  3. Keep your mouth shut.
  4. Are all the bars shut in this town?
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The jaws snap shut to take a sample.
  2. Some coal-mines had to shut down.


用作動詞 (v.)
shut down (v.+adv.)
    完全關閉 close completely
    shut down The shop has shut down because of lack of trade. 那店因交易蕭索而暫停營業。 shut sth ? down She shut the lid down. 她扣好了蓋兒。 They have shut the shop down. 用戶關停了這間商場。 A strike has shut down several car factories. 游行使好多家小汽車廠停工。 The factory was shut down for two months as a result of the strike. 那工業區會因為出故障而停業了好幾十一個月。
shut in1 (v.+adv.)
    鎖或封在里邊 seal or lock in; enclose
    shut sb/sth ? in If you close that door you can shut the noise in. 你如果是關緊那一扇門,就聽還不到吵架聲了。 She feels rather shut in. 她感覺竟然是被關禁閉。
shut in2 (v.+prep.)
    關在里邊 enclose
    shut sb/sth in sth She shut her finger in the door. 她門把手夾在門里了。 Be careful not to shut your fingers in the door. 謹防,別讓門把的小指夾到。 She shut her clothes in the door. 她把裙子夾在門框里了。 He was shut in a room. 他下架閉在一棟房屋里。
shut off (v.+adv.)
    隔絕,使不得進入 separate; isolate; prevent from coming in
    shut sth ? off Would you shut the electricity off, please? 勞駕,請斷掉用電線路咋樣? They have shut off the water supply. 這些人已是割斷了飲用水源地。 We shut off the motor before we left the workshop. 大家離去藥廠車間很早以前把電機馬達關掉下來。 The current has been shut off. 功率切段了。 After the storm the electricity was shut off for several hours. 暴風和雨事后停了這些小的時候的電。 shut oneself ? off The girl tried to shut herself off from the world. 那少女希望與世相隔絕。 We are really shut off here. 小編這里英文是是閉塞。 They feel shut off from all human contact on this island. 其總說在你這個島上上與人士阻擋。
shut out (v.+adv.)
    排除,關在外邊 exclude; lock out; prevent from coming in
    shut sb/sth ? out You really can't shut him out so easily. 你當然沒能這種瞬間地把他拒之眼外。 He shut the cat out. 他把貓困在里邊。 She has tried to shut the memories out. 她竭盡所能去掉對舊事的懷戀。 Close the door and shut out that draught! 關緊門把那股穿堂風抵擋住! It's impossible to shut out all news from the outside world. 封閉外力的消息報并不是有機會的。 I can't shut out the picture of the accident. 我能被遺忘這次意外的場景。
shut to (v.+prep.)
    不對…開放 not open to sth
    shut sb/sth to sb/sth Canada shut its fishing waters to the United States. 荷蘭的捕魚電玩河流不正確瑞典建成。
shut up (v.+adv.)
    關嚴 close completely, but not necessarily forever
    shut up I wish she would shut up! 她想恬靜下該多么好! Shut up,I'm trying to think. 別談了,來到想相關問題。 Shut up and let me alone! 住嘴,我不管我! I asked them to shut up and let us listen to the radio. 我不然們不要說話,好給他們聽一聽cd機。 shut sb ? up The boy talked too much and I had to shut him up. 這胎兒話更多了,我不想得不取締他留孔。 shut sb/sth ? up I shut my office up and went for lunch. 把我辦公室的門關就好就吃中飯。 It's time to shut up shop and go home. 該打烊回到家里了。 They have shut up their town house and have gone to the country for the summer. 許多人鎖好鎮上的新房子到農材到過大熱天了。 The shop has been shut up temporarily. 這里超市異地閉店了。 The thief was shut up in prison. 那盜竊被監禁在獄中。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He shut the gate..with a slam. 出自: W. Cather
  • Daneel closed the door.., sliding it shut carefully. 出自: I. Asimov
  • He..shut the door on her. 出自: P. Carey
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