

[???]     [?o?]    
  • v. 證明;顯現;展示;解說;指示;表示;表現;流露;帶路;標示;描繪;陳列;證明;上映;出現
  • n. 表演;展覽;顯示;行為;樣子;景象;場面;表現
showed shown/showed showing shows



v. (動詞)
  1. 證明,表明
  2. 露面,露出
  3. 出示
  4. 教,告知
  5. 顯出,顯示,出現,顯現
  6. 指出,指示
  7. 陳列,展覽,舉行展覽,展出
  8. 演出,上演;放映
  9. 炫耀,賣弄
  10. 如約趕到;準時到場
  11. 使人丟臉,使人難堪,使人尷尬
  12. 給予
  13. 【律】陳述
  14. 顯出,顯得
  15. 給...看
  16. 帶領,引導
  17. 對...表示
  18. 呈現,顯眼
  19. 名列第三
n. (名詞)
  1. 展覽
  2. 展覽會
  3. 樣子,外觀
  4. 演出,上演,放映
  5. 事情
  6. 演出
  7. 陳列品,展覽物
  8. 景象,奇觀
  9. 洋相,丑態,丑相
  10. 機會
  11. 賣弄,炫耀
  12. 跡象,痕跡
  13. 表現
  14. 第三名


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 給…看,顯示 let sb see sth
  2. vt. 為…帶路 direct; guide
  3. vt. & vi. 上演,展出 offer or be offered as a performance, especially at a cinema
  4. vt. & vi. 表現出,顯露出 appear; be seen
  5. vt. 說明,表明 prove; make clear
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 表演,演出 a performance, especially in a theatre or on radio or television
  2. [C] 展覽,展覽物,展覽會 a public showing; collection of things for the public to look at; exhibition
  3. [S] 顯示,展示 a showing of some quality; display


  1. the act of publicly exhibiting or entertaining;

    "a remarkable show of skill"

  2. something intended to communicate a particular impression;

    "made a display of strength"
    "a show of impatience"
    "a good show of looking interested"

  3. a social event involving a public performance or entertainment;

    "they wanted to see some of the shows on Broadway"

  4. pretending that something is the case in order to make a good impression;

    "they try to keep up appearances"
    "that ceremony is just for show"

  1. give an exhibition of to an interested audience;

    "She shows her dogs frequently"
    "We will demo the new software in Washington"

  2. establish the validity of something, as by an example, explanation or experiment;

    "The experiment demonstrated the instability of the compound"
    "The mathematician showed the validity of the conjecture"

  3. provide evidence for;

    "The blood test showed that he was the father"
    "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"

  4. make visible or noticeable;

    "She showed her talent for cooking"
    "Show me your etchings, please"

  5. show in, or as in, a picture;

    "This scene depicts country life"
    "the face of the child is rendered with much tenderness in this painting"

  6. give expression to;

    "She showed her disappointment"

  7. indicate a place, direction, person, or thing; either spatially or figuratively;

    "I showed the customer the glove section"
    "He pointed to the empty parking space"
    "he indicated his opponents"

  8. be or become visible or noticeable;

    "His good upbringing really shows"
    "The dirty side will show"

  9. indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments;

    "The thermometer showed thirteen degrees below zero"
    "The gauge read `empty'"

  10. give evidence of, as of records;

    "The diary shows his distress that evening"

  11. take (someone) to their seats, as in theaters or auditoriums;

    "The usher showed us to our seats"

  12. finish third or better in a horse or dog race;

    "he bet $2 on number six to show"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The study shows an increase in the disease among the elderly.
  2. Her laziness showed in her exam results.
  3. Let's show a picture to our audience.
  4. She showed the technique to her students.
  5. Can you show me the right way to do this?
  6. His nod showed his approval of this plan.
  7. She show a high degree of skill in her work.
  8. The chairman showed displeasure at his remark.
  9. I'll send someone to show you around.
  10. The clock showed midnight.
  11. The new unearthed cultural relics were shown in the museum.
  12. The study shows an increase in the disease among the elderly.
  13. The movie is being shown now.
  14. I waited an hour but he didn't show.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Diana is modeling for a fashion show.
  2. All the new products were on show at the exhibition.
  3. He clenched his fist to make a show of strength.
  4. His smile was just for show;he has a plot in his mind.
  5. She runs the whole show.
  6. He put up a good show in the final examination.


用作動詞 (v.)
show around (v.+prep.)
    領…參觀 take sb to look around
    show sb around sth Now that you are all here, let me show you around our farm. 盡管我們大家都到齊了,我也就與你們參觀考察我們大家的草場吧。 Did you show him around the school? 你領他參觀游覽化妝學校多會兒?
show in (v.+adv.)
    把…領進,迎進 guide in
    show sb in Show the visitors in, will you? 請把進入游覽者迎進去怎么樣? Part of the nurse's job is to show people in to the doctor's office. 把消費者們領進專家的診斷室是麻醉醫生運作的十地方。
show off (v.+adv.)
    展示,炫耀,賣弄 exhibit or boast by words or actions
    show sth ? off These lights show the place off very nicely. 某些燈把今天照得愈來愈亮堂。 This colour shows your complexion off to the best advantage. 此種顏色圖片使你的臉顯著額外超好看。 Gold hangings were used to show off the pictures. 金黃的吊簾被用以顯著一些圖片。 show off He never shows off. 他不會賣弄我的才能夠。 Oh, stop showing off! 哎呦,別虛榮心自我啦! It is very shameful of him to show off. 他向人羨慕嫉妒自個兒,真不害臊。 Don't take any notice of him. He is just showing off. 不要想太多他,他沒過在表現他而己。 show oneself/sth ? off She likes to show herself off. 她熱愛個人虛榮心。 He likes to show off his abilities. 他都喜歡賣弄個人的性能。 They showed off their acrobatics, to our great amusement. 孩子 演出節目雜技,使你們變得又刺激糟透了。 She loves showing off her new dress. 她希望顯擺我的新防曬衣。 He has a very expensive wristwatch and he misses no opportunity to show it off. 他有塊只奢侈的石英手表,他總不用過其余機會英語來賣弄。
show over〔round〕 (v.+adv.)
    領…參觀 take sb to look around
    show sb over〔round〕 They were taken to the house and shown over〔round〕. 大家被領到那座房屋漫無目的參觀游覽。
show through1 (v.+adv.)
    顯露出; 表露出 be able to be seen through (sth such as a covering); be clear in spite of (sth hiding it)
    show through The new colour is lighter, and the old paint shows through. 新刷的漆的顏色深淺不同,使另一個的漆流露而來。 Whatever part he is playing his own character still shows through. 不論他飾演者什么呢陣營,他自己的的脾氣還在繼續會的表現來。 He may be able to speak English very fluently, but his Chinese speech habit still shows through. 他即便是能講直接口語一對一的英語教育,但還是流展現出對外漢語的發言稿習俗。
show through2 (v.+prep.)
    透過…顯露出 be able to be seen through (sth such as a covering)
    show through sth The old dog was so thin that his bones showed through his skin. 那一條老狗瘦骨嶙峋。
show up (v.+adv.)
    羞辱,使丟臉 humiliate; shame
    show up A police-woman put some chemicals on the piece of paper, and a line of words showed up. 這位女民警在一頁小紙條上涂上普通機械醫療耗材,這行筆跡清晰度地展現了過來。 Her wrinkles showed up in the strong sunlight. 強的沙灘使她滿臉的皺褶更很大了。 show sth ? up The quiz showed up Cane's weak points in physics. 這場小智力測驗凸顯了凱恩在電磁學學方便的弱項。 The lawyer showed the witness's testimony up. 刑事案件律師證實證人出庭作證的證詞失實。 show up He promised to come on Tuesday but he never showed up. 他愿意禮拜一其次,而且直到未曝光。 Not one student showed up for the scheduled meeting. 如果沒有一名孩子亮相訂位的交互。 She showed up late. 她姍姍來遲。 show sb up She likes to show people up in public. 她愛酒后失態羞辱人。 He showed his parents up rather badly. 他幫他家屬丟盡了臉。
用作名詞 (n.)
a show of hands
    舉手表決 raising of hands by a group of people to vote for or against sth
for show
    為了炫耀〔展覽,擺設〕 intended to be seen but not used
give the show away
    露出馬腳,泄露天機 divulge a secret
in show
    表面上,有名無實 on surface
on show
    被展示,被陳列 being shown or exhibited
put on a show
    做樣子,裝相 put on a outward appearance
put up a good〔poor〕 show
    表現得好〔不好〕 put up an effort of the stated kind
steal the show
    搶出風頭 attract the most attention and praise


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Once they left the hotel his show of concern for her was dropped. 出自: L. Grant
  • His co-pilot made a great show of understanding the map. 出自: Clive James
  • Nietzsche could praise intelligence while showing the ambiguity of all its achievements. 出自: A. Livingstone
  • Innumerable..memories have been shown as wrong when confronted with the facts. 出自: Anthony Smith
  • The books showed that the..business would have to be wound down. 出自: P. Fitzgerald
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