

[?a?n]     [?a?n]    
  • v. 照耀;出色;發光;投光于;使發光
  • n. 光澤;光輝;陽光;擦皮鞋(美);喜歡;鬼把戲(復)
shone/shined shone/shined shining shines



v. (動詞)
  1. 出風頭,出人頭地,大顯身手,嶄露頭角,炫耀才華,表現突出,出類拔萃,出眾,杰出,出色
  2. (以燈等)照耀,閃耀,照射,使照耀
  3. 磨光,擦亮,擦光
  4. 明顯流露,顯露
  5. (使)發光,發亮,使光亮
  6. 反光,反射光
  7. 把...的光投向,把...照向,使...光投向,投光于
n. (名詞)
  1. 光澤,光亮,光彩,光輝,光
  2. 陽光,晴天
  3. 惡作劇,鬼把戲,詭計
  4. 華麗
  5. 愛好,喜愛
  6. 糾紛,騷動,吵鬧,混亂
  7. 一眼就看上,一見鐘情
  8. 新榮(姓,日本)


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 發光; 反射光; 照耀 give out or reflect light; be bright
  2. vt. 照射 aim the light in a specified direction
  3. vt. 擦亮 polish sth and make it bright
  4. vi. 表現突出,出眾 excel in some way
n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 光亮,光澤 brightness; polished appearance
  2. [S] 磨,擦 an act of polishing


  1. the quality of being bright and sending out rays of light
  1. be bright by reflecting or casting light;

    "Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"

  2. emit light; be bright, as of the sun or a light;

    "The sun shone bright that day"
    "The fire beamed on their faces"

  3. be shiny, as if wet;

    "His eyes were glistening"

  4. be distinguished or eminent;

    "His talent shines"

  5. be clear and obvious;

    "A shining example"

  6. have a complexion with a strong bright color, such as red or pink;

    "Her face glowed when she came out of the sauna"

  7. throw or flash the light of (a lamp);

    "Shine the light on that window, please"

  8. touch or seem as if touching visually or audibly;

    "Light fell on her face"
    "The sun shone on the fields"
    "The light struck the golden necklace"
    "A strange sound struck my ears"

  9. experience a feeling of well-being or happiness, as from good health or an intense emotion;

    "She was beaming with joy"
    "Her face radiated with happiness"

  10. make (a surface) shine;

    "shine the silver, please"
    "polish my shoes"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The curtain was suddenly drawn and a bright light shone in.
  2. He shines at golf.
  3. The sun is shinning brightly.
  4. Shine your torch into the drawer.
  5. I hate lights being shone in my face.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The waxed floor had a good shine.
  2. Now her hair has taken on a healthy shine.
  3. The fete will take place on Sunday, rain or shine.
  4. Would you put a good shine on these boots?
  5. I think that dog has taken a shine to me: it follows me everywhere.


用作動詞 (v.)
shine at (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉擅長 be good at
    shine at sth I have never shone at tennis. 我網球從來沒打好過。 He shines at maths. 他善長數學思維。 He didn't shine at languages, but he was a wonderful card-player. 他在語文角度并不非常出色,可他是個超好的牌手。
shine away (v.+adv.)
    向一邊照 shine to one side
    shine away The lamp in the window shone away for hours. 窗框里的渾然亮起有幾個h。 shine sth ? away Please shine that light away from my eyes. 請把那盞燈往一遍照,請別讓燈晃我的眼球。
shine down (v.+adv.)
    (使)向下照耀 (cause to) shine from above
    shine down The sun shone down. 一縷陽光映照。 I remember it was on a fine morning with the sun shining down. 我忘了那時在一太陽光普照的早起。 shine sth ? down Shine the torch down here, please. 請拉手電從這向下照。
shine in1 (v.+adv.)
    (使)從外邊照進來 (cause to) shine from outside
    shine in The light shone in. 是燈光照向來。 We stopped the work when the setting sun shone in. 當夕陽照入時,小編退出了運轉。 shine sth ? in Shine the torch in, please. 請機身電向里照。 Shine the candle in, please. 請把蠟燭往里面照。
shine in2 (v.+prep.)
    出色,出眾 be good at sth
    shine in sth The light was shining in his eyes and he could not see. 環境光正按照他的眼皮,他什么呢也看不見。 Wear dark glasses so the sun won't shine in your eyes. 戴上圓框眼鏡,是這樣光照不容易太亮。 shine sth in sth He shone a light in my eyes. 別用前照燈照我的眼部。 shine in sth He shone in an examination. 他考題成就出色。 He doesn't shine in the conversation. 他不懂得談吐。 He shines in the literary world. 他在文學類界很在線聽書望。 Betty shines in spelling. 貝蒂的拼讀很精湛。
shine on1 (v.+adv.)
    (使)照耀; (使)照射 (cause to) shine
    shine on The sun shone on for hours in a cloudless sky. 天放晴了幾種個小時。 The stars shone on into a pale morning. 繁星一致耀眼到晨光優品微明。 shine sth ? on Shine the torch on so that we can read the labels. 用力電筒照這類價格標簽,當我們難看得見。
shine on2〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    (使)照射在…上 (cause to) give light on (sth/sb)
    shine on〔upon〕 sth The red sun, rising in the east, shone on the happy village. 首輪紅日從中國東方上升,照亮著這高興的小山村。 shine sth on〔upon〕 sb/sth When I shone my flashlight on their nest, they were still working silently. 當你拿手電看著它們之間之間的窩時,它們之間之間還在沒有聲不響地勞務。 He raised the lamp and shone it on the grandmother's face. She was still. 他高舉燈,朝老婆婆照一照,老婆婆逐漸動下不出,還沒有味道了。
shine out (v.+adv.)
    從里邊照出 (cause to) shine from inside
    shine out The rays of lamp shone out through the window. 城市燈光從窗子擠出來。 shine sth ? out Shine the torch out, please. 請手電筒向外照。 shine out of sth The rays of lamp shone out of the window. 是燈光從鋁門窗射出來來。
shine through (v.+prep.)
    (使)透過(某物) (cause to) be able to be seen through (sth in the way)
    shine through sth There the lights were shining through the windows. 那兒窗子還亮著燈光效果。 Two steady rays of lucidity shone through the confusion. 在錯亂中透過兩束清轍的光。 Her continuing courage shines through all her actions. 她的攻勢里提示出了她長盛不衰的信念。 shine sth through sth It is difficult to shine a light through this thick mist. 光照沒辦法可穿透如此濃的大霧。
shine up (v.+adv.)
    盡可能地使發亮 shine or polish as much as possible
    shine up The light shone up. 渾然從下方照下去。 shine sth ? up Shine the torch up into the rafters, please. 要用手機電筒照一照房椽。 shine sth ? up He shined his shoes up till they gleamed. 他把運動鞋擦得錚亮。
shine up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    竭力討好以博取…的友誼 try to please and get the friendship of
    shine up to sb The young man shone up to Ally. 一個年輕時候人向阿莉大獻殷勤。 Smedley shines up to all the pretty girls. 斯米德萊想法取悅那些美觀的姑娘家。
shine with (v.+prep.)
    由于…而發亮,放光 appear bright because of sth
    shine with sth Her eyes shone with tears. 她的眼里閃爍著淚花。 His face shines with happiness. 他的臉有歡天喜地。
用作名詞 (n.)
rain or shine
    風雨無阻 no matter what's the weather like
take a shine to
    對…有好感 form a liking for sb
take the shine off〔out〕 of
    使…相形見絀 cause to appear less importantAny one of our workmen could take the shine off the new foreman.我們工人中的任何人都能超過那個新來的領班。
to a shine
    達到…的亮度 at the degree of brightness


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • The shine from her window..had lighted the pole. 出自: T. Hardy
  • Champions all in armour shine, Assembled were in field. 出自: Spenser
  • The light from the candlesticks shone upon her golden head. 出自: I. Murdoch
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