

[tr?p]     [tr?p]    
  • n. 圈套;陷阱;困境;雙輪輕便馬車;U(或S)型管道;防臭瓣
  • v. 設圈套;陷入(困境)
trapped trapped trapping traps



n. (名詞)
  1. 圈套,詭計,陷阱,困境,陰謀
  2. 防臭瓣
  3. U形彎管
  4. <俚>嘴
  5. 飛靶發射機
  6. 牢籠
  7. 起跑籠
  8. <口>打擊樂器
  9. 二輪輕馬車
  10. 車速檢測設施
  11. 活板門
  12. 夾子
  13. 暗色巖,火山巖
  14. <舊><口>個人衣物
  15. 儲油地質構造
v. (動詞)
  1. 設陷阱,設圈套(誘陷),使落入圈套,使落入險境(困境、絕境),使中計,使上當,誘騙,計捉
  2. 堵塞
  3. 誘捕(野獸),設陷阱捕捉(動物),用捕捉器捕捉(動物),裝捕捉機,困住,抓住,捕獸
  4. 飛靶射擊練習
  5. 收集
  6. 吸收
  7. 裝飾,打扮
  8. 阻止,抑制,使受限制
  9. 在...串裝上防臭瓣,裝存水彎于,用防氣閥堵住(臭氣)
  10. 卡住,夾住,絆住,纏住
  11. 把…迫進(不能逃脫的地方),迫使…進入(不能逃脫的地方)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 誘騙; 誘捕; 設陷阱捕捉 catch in a trap or by a trick


  1. a device in which something (usually an animal) can be caught and penned
  2. drain consisting of a U-shaped section of drainpipe that holds liquid and so prevents a return flow of sewer gas
  3. something (often something deceptively attractive) that catches you unawares;

    "the exam was full of trap questions"
    "it was all a snare and delusion"

  4. a device to hurl clay pigeons into the air for trapshooters
  5. the act of concealing yourself and lying in wait to attack by surprise
  6. informal terms for the mouth
  7. a light two-wheeled carriage
  8. a hazard on a golf course
  1. place in a confining or embarrassing position;

    "He was trapped in a difficult situation"

  2. catch in or as if in a trap;

    "The men trap foxes"

  3. hold or catch as if in a trap;

    "The gaps between the teeth trap food particles"

  4. to hold fast or prevent from moving;

    "The child was pinned under the fallen tree"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The police set a trap to catch the thief.
  2. The only thing the wolf could do was climbing up to the ground from the trap.
  3. To break out of the poverty trap they need help from the government.
  4. She didn't say anything about a trap.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. By clever questioning they trapped him into making a confession.
  2. Some miners were trapped underground after the collapse.


用作動詞 (v.)
trap in (v.+prep.)
    用…捕捉; 使困于 seize sth usually an animal or cause sb to be unable to move by holding him in sth
    trap sb/sth in sth How many rabbits have you trapped in your special trap this week? 整個禮拜一你用特別制定的捕獸用器誘捕了什么只小貓? Thirty miners are still trapped in the mine following yesterday's explosion. 自咋天爆燃之后.仍有二三十名煤礦工人被困與此,無法離開于礦井下。 They were trapped in the burning hotel. 這些困在在發生上火的賓館里。
trap into (v.+prep.)
    誘騙…使之采取某種行動 persuade sb by deceit into action or doing sth
    trap sb into sth/v-ing His lawyer may trap the witness into an admission that he did not actually see the crime. 他的律師助理很有可能會設加盟陷阱讓見證人成認他并非是其實觀測這回經濟犯罪事情。 The police trapped the criminal into a situation that he could not escape. 民警使犯罪者陷進是無法放棄的境界。 The reporters trapped the official into declaring his candidacy. 我們們設下牢籠,巧用地使這位貪官揭曉了她是備選角。 Many women are trapped into loveless marriages. 許許多多孕婦被桎梏在不能友情的婚姻殿堂里。 I was trapped into telling the police all I knew. 我中計了,把其它的全部都告知了販毒。 Think carefully before you answer his questions.You may be trapped into giving away vital information. 說他的毛病時要小心。你或者會中他的牢籠,把隱私散失出門。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+介詞


  • His grandfather setting the traps with the stone and two sticks. 出自: C. Mungoshi
  • A bee had flown into the church, and was trapped at this window. 出自: D. Madden
  • Her young friend was trapped in a loveless marriage. 出自: G. Daly





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