

[beɡ]     [beɡ]    
  • v. 懇求;乞討
  • abbr. 開始(=begin)
begged begged begging begs



v. (動詞)
  1. 行乞,乞討,乞食,討(飯)
  2. 蹲坐舉前腳于胸前
  3. 乞求,請求,懇求,要求,懇請,祈求,哀求
  4. 請(原諒、允許)
  5. 回避(問題),躲避
  6. 假定…為正確
  7. 請求準許做某事
  8. 無人問津,沒人要
  9. 請人原諒,向人道歉
  10. 令人置疑
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =begin 開始
  2. =big evil grin 咧嘴壞笑
n. (名詞)
  1. 行乞,乞討


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 乞討,乞求 ask (sb) for money, food (etc.)
  2. vt. & vi. 請求,懇求 ask earnestly or with deep feeling


  1. call upon in supplication; entreat;

    "I beg you to stop!"

  2. make a solicitation or entreaty for something; request urgently or persistently;

    "Henry IV solicited the Pope for a divorce"
    "My neighbor keeps soliciting money for different charities"

  3. ask to obtain free;

    "beg money and food"

  4. dodge, avoid answering, or take for granted;

    "beg the question"
    "beg the point in the discussion"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She begs them not to punish her son severely.
  2. The boys hailed passing cars to beg a ride.
  3. He knew he had hurt her and begged her to forgive him.
  4. He lives by begging.
  5. He was too lazy to work and too proud to beg.


用作動詞 (v.)
beg, steal or borrow
    無論如何弄到 obtain by any means
    beg, steal or borrow sth I needed a special spanner and I couldn't beg, steal or borrow one anywhere. 我必須一塊非常規的搬手,但我不管如何快速也找不超過。 This book is so well worth reading that it should be begged, stolen or borrowed rather than missed. 這這本書就是可以一讀,即使要怎樣去弄一本線也不能能不讀。
beg for( v.+prep. )
    懇求,乞求 make an urgent request for (action)
    beg for sth In those years they were forced to beg for a living. 許多年孩子 被逼出討飯。 I had to beg for my food at the age of seven.7 歲那一年我并不得不來討飯。 He went to his neighbour to beg for some milk to feed the motherless baby. 他找街坊鄰居家討一些純奶來馴養那沒娘的兒童。 The old woman went from house to house, begging for bread. 哪位老老婆各家各戶地討飯。 beg sb for sth He begged us for money. 他向各位討錢。 The tramp begged me for money. 那些流蕩漢向我討錢。 The poor girl begged the passers-by for money. 這名無助的一個女孩向人行道人討錢。 May I beg you for a subscription? 能請您捐點錢嗎? They went from house to house, begging the people for bread. 我們各家各戶地往大家討飯。 beg for sth After the song ended, all clapped and begged for another. 旋律停歇來后,全員擊掌,并重定向再次一款 。 He will never beg for his life. 他并不用乞求饒命的。 He went to his relatives to beg for help. 他主動向親威求救。 The wounded soldier begged for mercy. 那傷兵乞求貪婪。 All the bandits knelt down and begged for mercy. 匪幫們都亂紛紛跪倒求饒。 They begged for mercy for the sake of saving their own skin. 許多人要求饒命。 Her eyes are begging for an answer. 她的眼神在盼望解答。 beg sb for sth The wounded soldier begged his enemy for mercy. 那傷兵向怪物討饒。 He begged us for alms. 他向我乞求施舍。 The prisoner begged the judge for mercy. 囚犯央求人民陪審員寬恕。
beg from( v. + prep. )
    向…乞求,乞討 ask humbly (for a gift) from (sb)
    beg from sb The beggar begged from the rich but they refused. 那叫花子向千萬富翁們乞討,但因受了阻止。 beg sth from sb May I beg a cigarette from you? 給自己一個細支煙好么? James lived on without begging alms from others. 杜蘭特是沒有向別個乞求周濟也一樣過活。 He begged a few pence from us. 他向你們討多少個便士。 From whom did you beg this money? 你跟誰討的這種錢?
beg of( v. + prep. )
    〈正〉懇求,請求 ask (sb) politely
    beg of sb to-v I beg of you to keep quiet. 我表單提交彼此寧靜點。 I beg of you not to run any risk. 我需求你不能大冒險。 I begged of him to stay. 我求他呆去。 I beg of you to keep still. 我懇請就別動。 I beg of you not to mention her name again . 我明確提出就別再提她的英文名字。 I beg of you not to reveal the secret. 我重定向你不用揭底一個小秘密。 He begged of me to help him. 他重定向我的幫助他。 May I beg of you to offer some constructive suggestions about my thesis? 能請您就我的整形論文提一個有建沒性的想法嗎? I beg of you to kindly reconsider my request. 我盼望你煞費苦心立即選擇了解我的post請求。 beg sth of sb May I beg some time of you? 我可以占存你1點事件嗎? He came to beg money of me. 他來向我討錢。 He urgently begged a favour of me. 他迫不及待地要求我幫他個忙。 Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke. 很快下跪磕頭來,請公爵開恩吧。
beg off( v.+adv. )
    懇求免除(責任、責罰等) (cause to) be excused (responsibility, punishment, etc.)
    beg off Mother told Tom to sweep away the dead leaves in the yard, but he tried to beg off. 寶媽們要湯姆清潔院子里的霧霾,可他卻大力重定向別叫他干一件事。 Jane has just begged off, can you take her place in the team? 簡今天懇求離場,請你在這點隊里替她嗎? He promised to come and help but later begged off. 他許可來協助的,但慢慢明確提出愿諒他可以來。 Half past four is an awkward time for me to attend a meeting, as I don't finish work until five, but I will try and beg off for half an hour. 讓我八點半去例會很好尷尬,根據我欲幾點才上班時候,但打了算想土辦法請半小的時候假。 beg sb/sth ? off His mistake would have got him severely punished if they had not begged him off. 想這些人不替再說情,他犯了那些的失敗要感受到嚴苛判罰的。 Considering his ill health, they begged him off. 這些人來滿足他自身不當,請他別干過。 Harry was running a fever, so we went to the office to beg him off from sentry duty that evening. 哈利在低燒,于是當我們去工作室標準要求罷免他那天網上值夜班神器任務。 I'll have to beg Jane off, she's sick again. 我得替簡病假,她又病了。 He begged a week off. 他中請給一天的假。
go begging
    可以買得到 be able to buy
I beg your pardon


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Father's ruin was approaching, that we should all soon beg our bread in the streets. 出自: C. S. Lewis
  • I went to the house and begged a glass of milk and a slice of bread and butter. 出自: S. Beckett
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