

[rent]     [rent]    
  • n. 租金
  • v. 租用;出租
  • 動詞rend的過去式和過去分詞.
rentable rentability rented rented renting rents



n. (名詞)
  1. 租金,租費
  2. 裂縫,裂口,破縫,裂隙
  3. 地租,房租
  4. 分裂,破裂
  5. 出租的財產
  6. 綻線處
  7. 谷,峽谷
  8. 【地】斷口
  9. 租借
  10. 出租地,出租房屋
  11. 錢糧
  12. 分歧
v. (動詞)
  1. 租用,租入,租借
  2. 出租,租出
  3. 付地租
  4. 把...租給某人,向...租入
  5. 向某人收租
  6. 租金為
  7. 召租
  1. rend的過去式和過去分詞
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 撕裂的
  2. 分裂的,分立的
  3. 不付租金的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 租用 pay a regular times for the use of


  1. a payment or series of payments made by the lessee to an owner for use of some property, facility, equipment, or service
  2. an opening made forcibly as by pulling apart;

    "there was a rip in his pants"
    "she had snags in her stockings"

  3. the return derived from cultivated land in excess of that derived from the poorest land cultivated under similar conditions
  4. the act of rending or ripping or splitting something;

    "he gave the envelope a vigorous rip"

  1. let for money;

    "We rented our apartment to friends while we were abroad"

  2. grant use or occupation of under a term of contract;

    "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners"

  3. engage for service under a term of contract;

    "We took an apartment on a quiet street"
    "Let's rent a car"
    "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"

  4. hold under a lease or rental agreement; of goods and services



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The rent is due at the end of each quarter.
  2. They let the house to me at a rent of 100 dollars a month.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I rent a room from her.
  2. I'd like to rent a car for just one day.
  3. She decided to rent out a room to get extra income.


用作動詞 (v.)
rent at (v.+prep.)
    (使)以(某價錢)租出 (cause to) cost (a certain amount) to rent
    rent at sth The building rents at £150 a year. 這棟房樓以每一年150元轉讓。 This house rents at¥100 a month. 這棟房以一月10元的價錢出售。 rent sth at sth This car is rented at $20 a day. 那輛車氣車租一整天20元。
rent out (v.+adv.)
    租出 lease or let out
    rent sth ? out Frank rented out his gas station. 弗蘭克把他的打氣站租了出門。 He rents out villas in Italy. 他在法國租借獨棟別墅。 He rented his house out to the Hudsons. 他把他的房產租給了赫德森家。 I have rented the house out to a very nice family. 我將房源租給一些學好的丈人了。 I am thinking of renting out my house for the summer while I am away. 我時未綜合考慮冬天不一個人在家時讓我的房子裝修租到處。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Questions about rateable value and..the fair-rent clauses. 出自: R. Crossman
  • They were seriously behind with the rent. 出自: E. Feinstein
  • Arm-chairs whose stuffing used to leak..out of..rents in their sides. 出自: L. Durrell
  • The sea captains' houses were rented out for the season. 出自: R. P. Jhabvala
  • I persuaded her to rent their..potato barn to me. 出自: K. Vonnegut
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