

[let]     [let]    
  • v. 讓;允許;(用于祈使句表建議、請求、命令)讓;假設;出租
  • n. 出租;阻礙;(網球等)觸網重發
let let letting lets



v. (動詞)
  1. 假設,假定
  2. 出租,租給;承包
  3. 允許,容許
  4. 使流出;放出,排放
  5. 放,放長
  6. 讓...進入
  7. 聽任
  8. 使得
  9. 被承包;被人借用中
  10. 阻礙,妨害
  11. 出借
  12. 提出建議時說
n. (名詞)
  1. <古>障礙,阻礙,妨礙
  2. <英>出租;出租的房屋;租客
  3. 球觸網重發,球觸網,發球擦網或比賽受阻礙 ,擦網球


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 讓,使 allow to do or happen
  2. vt. & vi. 出租 rent
  3. vt. 放掉,松掉 stop holding


  1. a brutal terrorist group active in Kashmir; fights against India with the goal of restoring Islamic rule of India;

    "Lashkar-e-Toiba has committed mass murders of civilian Hindus"

  2. a serve that strikes the net before falling into the receiver's court; the ball must be served again
  1. make it possible through a specific action or lack of action for something to happen;

    "This permits the water to rush in"
    "This sealed door won't allow the water come into the basement"
    "This will permit the rain to run off"

  2. actively cause something to happen;

    "I let it be known that I was not interested"

  3. consent to, give permission;

    "She permitted her son to visit her estranged husband"
    "I won't let the police search her basement"
    "I cannot allow you to see your exam"

  4. cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition;

    "He got his squad on the ball"
    "This let me in for a big surprise"
    "He got a girl into trouble"

  5. leave unchanged;

    "let it be"

  6. grant use or occupation of under a term of contract;

    "I am leasing my country estate to some foreigners"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I won't let him get away with that excuse.
  2. I don't agree with all you say, but I'll let it go at that.
  3. No visitors are let into the committee meetings.
  4. Let me have a look at this watch.
  5. Let's consider briefly his suggestion.
  6. Let the line AB be equal to the line XY.
    假設ab 線與XY 線相等。
  7. Let ABC be an angle of ninety degrees .
  8. The shop is let on very favourable terms.
  9. I asked her if she had any rooms to let.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I can't get a let for my house.
  2. Please allow the bearer of this passport to pass freely without let or hindrance.
  3. If you hit a let,you can serve again.


用作動詞 (v.)
let by〔pass〕 (v.+adv.)
    讓…過去 allow (sb/sth) to pass through
    let sb/sth by〔pass〕 Let me by, please. 請要我過去了。 The cars all stopped to let the fire engine by. 維修都停止來,讓消防栓車能夠。 I shall let that remark pass. 我不懂會去理他一種舉例論證。
let bygones be bygones
    既往不咎,過去就算了 let the past be forgotten
let down (v.+adv.)
    使…失望,失信 disappoint sb especially by breaking a promise
let go (of) (v.+v.+prep.)
    松手,放棄 stop holding;give up
    let go Don't let go. 別離開你。 let go sth Don't let go the rope. 抓好粗繩,別松手。 Let go my shirt. 放下我的襯衫。 He was about to let go the arrow when someone called him. 他正準備阿膠,顯得突然有的人喊他。 let go of sb/sth You're mad,Kehr!For heaven's sake, let go of me! 你瘋了,凱爾!看在耶酥份上,快推行我。 But I let go of it, how could it burn me? 感情它排盡了,它怎們會燙背包? Let go of that, please. 請把它推開。 You cross the road with Granny,Ad—and don't let go of her hand till you're on the other pavement. 艾德,你扶著老婆婆過大街道,等穿過大街道后再放開了老婆婆的手。 Don't let go of the handle. 盡量不要按下這手。
let in (v.+adv.)
    容許,接受 admit (sth)
let in for (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使…卷入 cause (sb or oneself) to have sth unwanted
    let sb/oneself in for sth His illness has let us in for a lot of extra work. 他生病,給我門上升了不低30%的負擔過重。 I hope you realize what you're letting yourself in for! 我想讓,你思想到你給本人攬了幾厘米的問題!
let in on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    〈非正〉讓知道或參與 allow sb to share a secret or take part in sth
    let sb in on sth They have agreed to let the headmaster and three senior teachers in on the discussions. 其已許可讓教務主任和3位甄選體育教師同時舉辦議論。
let into (v.+prep.)
    嵌入,插入 set sth into sth
let it go at that
    不再管〔說〕了,到此為止 stop taking any more trouble;agree not to say any more
let loose (v.+adj.)
    散開 scatter
    let sb/sth loose Jim caught Rose's arm and would not let her loose. 吉姆要把握住露絲的左胳膊不加。 Don't let that tiger loose. 千萬不要敢放開那只大象。 She let the balloon loose and it quickly rose into the air. 她推開大大氣球,大大氣球沒多久便就升老天空。 Has the dog been let loose or is it still tied up? 狗逐漸放了依舊仍在拴著? let sb loose No one should let a young child loose on a car with the engine running. 誰也沒有必須把自己孩子子投入打著來的汽車行業里 而沒加考慮。 Who let that student loose on the class? 誰讓那種初中生在教學過程上一敗涂地的? let loose The dark clouds are going to let loose soon. 云霧越來越快就可能暈開。
let me see
    讓我想想 I'm thinking or trying to remember
let off1 (v.+adv.)
    放掉〔過〕,免除 release or excuse sb from punishment;excuse from (a task or an obligation)
let off2 (v.+prep.)
    放掉〔過〕,免除 release;excuse sb from punishment;excuse from (a task or an obligation)
    let sb off sth/v-ing The judge decided to let the boys off the punishment that they deserved to give them a chance. 人民陪審員來決定給等等女孩一位悔過自新的將會,撤職我們應受的懲罰女生。 You're lucky that they let you off all washing-up. 你真喜歡,他免于了叫你洗這里的碗碟的苦事情。 The teacher told us that he would let us off our homework. 生物老師暗示我國避免做作業了。 She let the boy off playing piano. 她就沒有被迫孩紙培訓彈電子琴。
let on (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉泄密,透露;假裝 reveal a secret;pretend;simulate
    let on about sth Don't let on about the price of the car. 千萬不要把這車車輛的錢散失出外。 Don't let on about his hiding place. 別講講競爭對手他隱藏的的平臺。 let on to-v Don't ever let on to know me. 千萬不能不裸露出你認識我的癥狀。 She let on not to understand. 她偽裝不理解是什么。 let on that-clause Don't let on that I've let her into the secret. 我已把秘訣問過了她,請別再說過來。 Don't let on that I saw him coming out of the shop late at night. 無需竊取想看見他深更大半夜從店里出去那件事。 He let on that he was a professor. 他假扮他是個碩士生導師。 let on to sb that-clause Don't let on to Kehr that we are going to the movie tonight.We don't want her to know. 別將小編今天晚上去觀察片的事來告訴凱爾,小編不曾想讓她聽說過。
let on for (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使承擔 cause to have (sth unwanted)
    let oneself on for sth He didn't know what a lot of unpaid work he was letting himself on for when he agreed to become secretary of the society. 當他許可受聘該研究會的文秘人員時,他不曉道他就要投多少無勞務報酬所得的的工作。
let oneself go
    較平常不注意外表 take less care of one's appearance than usual
let out (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉泄露秘密 allow sth to become known
    let sb/oneself/sth ? out (of sth) Let me out! I'm locked in! 放我出來 ! 讓我鎖上了! Don't trouble to see me to the door,I'll let myself out. 別勞煩送我出玩了,他會自行出的。 I'd rather not let the children out in this wet weather, for it is very easy for them to catch a cold. 在這一陰濕的空氣指數里,你想還得避免小小孩子們出外,鑒于孩子 很可能著涼。 The doctors are letting mother out of hospital next week. 醫生專家們準備工作讓自己下時間康復。 If neither of us wants to go to the party, we'll have to find an excuse to let us out. 假設我和你不想到報名這點相聚,大家就不得不找一個能使大家不想去的托詞。 After six years they let him out for good behaviour. 根據他行為不錯,你們在關上他二年后將他放。 Don't let the dog out. 不需要把狗釋放去。 Please let the water out of the bathtub. 請把洗手盆里的水消除。 If the tyres are too hard, just let some of the air out. 只要摩托車輪胎太硬,你就放點氣來行了。 Jacelin has become so fat that his wife has had to let out his trousers several inches round the waist. 杰斯林太胖了,他小淫不準不將他的褲腰下調幾屏幕尺寸。 Let out the main sail, let's make use of this wind! 主帆打開,我們我們公司們乘風向前走! She let out a terrible scream. 她傳出幾聲殘忍的狂叫。 It's good to let out your feelings in a shout. 大吼驚叫著情緒發泄兩下婚姻是有福利的。 Dade won't be let out of prison for at least six years. 達德不少于要坐6年牢。 If he was given five years' imprisonment, he could be let out after three years. 可是他獲刑5年徒刑,他就機會在幾年后刑滿。 let sth ? out He used to let out cars by the day. 他慣常按看日出租汽車的。 In the park boats are let out for 30 fen per hour. 那主題公園出租車小艇,每小的時候租金費用3角。 let sth ? out Don't let the fire out, will you? 別讓火變暗,咋樣? let sb ? out “The regular teacher is back, isn't he?”“Good, that lets me out!” “哪位官方教員回到家了,對嗎?”“好哇,我就即便抽身了。” I was glad to be let out of that nasty affair, and have someone more experienced handle the trouble. 那一次我真開心快樂能從一件老大難的時間中證悟出來,讓更有豐富經驗的人去應付那薄弱環節。 let out Cage let out in all directions but his attackers were too strong for him. 凱奇左踢右打,但普通攻擊他的人比他厲害得多。 let out at sb Once he gets angry, he lets out at anyone who opposes him. 他當生起氣來,就傷口大罵巴勒斯坦建國他的人。 let out School lets out at 3 o'clock. 大學三點放假。 The movie lets out at 11 o'clock. 那場一部電影11點散場。 let sth ? out Someone had let the news out. 有玩家把這新消息氯氣泄露回去了。 Keep this to yourself, don't let it out to the press. 我能盲瘺密秘,別把它透露給要聞界。 let out that/wh-clause Mary accidentally let out that her mother had telephoned. 瑪麗不小心常說出她的爹媽來過咨詢電話。 Jane let out where she had hidden her father's birthday present. 簡被人中把藏著給的父親的生辰買禮物的地區再說進去。 let the cat out of the bag We want to surprise Mother with a birthday gift;but Peter let the cat out of the bag by asking her what she would like. 我國有打算送生辰紅包讓老媽驚訝,可彼得因問她打算哪個而讓事實露了餡。
let sb/sth be
    不打擾某人,不干涉某事 not disturb or interfere with sb/sth
let through1 (v.+adv.)
    讓…通過 allow or accept (sb/sth) to pass through
    let sb/sth through Open the gate and let the crowd through. 把大道打開,讓他們往日。 We need some partly transparent window shades to let the light through but not the heat. 讓我們可以其他半透明圖片的、既能遮擋溫氣又能透光的卷簾門。 The examiners let the weak student through, but warned him that he must improve his work. 主考們讓那種差孩子及格了,但也做出提示信息,要他需上升升學考試關卡。
let through2 (v.+prep.)
    讓…通過… allow or accept (sb/sth) to pass through sth
    let sb/sth through sth Let the crowd through the gates now, the game will start soon. 使人變們從各閘機打來吧,比賽以后需要開始了。 Open the curtains to let some light through the window. 拉大窗紗,讓燈光透近來。 Facer was let through the examination, but warned to improve his study. 費塞即便是能夠 了測試,但也遭受到警告通知,要延長他的升學水準。
let up (v.+adv.)
    放松,減少〔弱〕 relax or lessen
    let sb up The student's here;shall I let him up? 這個考生來咯,我令他上樓嗎? let up We mustn't let up now that we have nearly achieved our object. 即便我國已快高達個人目標了,就沒法松勁。 The rain began to let up. 雨準備下變小了。 When is this hot weather going to let up? 夏天沒法熱,之類階段方能讓人覺得涼爽有些呢? let sth ? up We have overspent.We'll have to let up our expenditures next month. 當我們就超支了,在這月某種得厲行節約支出費用。
let up on (v.+adv.+prep.)
    對(某人)放松〔不狠〕;在(某事)上松懈 treat (sb) less severely;work less hard at (sth)
    let up on sb/sth Let up on the child;it was an accident. 實則一場意外,饒了這小孩吧。 We can't let up on our efforts to compete with other more successful firms. 在同其他的看看那些更興隆的大公司價格競爭中,我們的無往懈怠不得當。
let us say
    比如,例如 for example


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The West End is full of shops to let. 出自: S. Spender
  • So she gravitated upwards, letting the ground floor to tenants. 出自: P. Norman
  • The contract has been let for the M40..road. 出自:Daily Telegraph
  • A Church let and hindered from striking out boldly on new paths. 出自:Daily Telegraph
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