

[r?'la?]     [r?'la?]    
  • vi. 依靠;信任
relier relied relied relying relies



v. (動詞)
  1. 倚賴
  2. 仗恃
  3. 依靠
  4. 依恃
  5. 放心
  6. 盼望
  7. 寄希望
  8. 信賴
  9. 依仗
  10. 相信
  11. 指望
  12. 信任


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 信任,信賴 trust (especially that sth will happen or sb will do sth); have confidence in
  2. vi. 依賴,依靠 depend on; be materially supported by


  1. have confidence or faith in;

    "We can trust in God"
    "Rely on your friends"
    "bank on your good education"
    "I swear by my grandmother's recipes"



用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. They have to rely on the river for their water.
  2. A man should rely upon his own power.
  3. You can't rely on his assistance.
  4. We are relying on your decision.
  5. I rely on getting my money back in due time.


用作動詞 (v.)
rely on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    信賴,依賴 depend upon with confidence; look for help
    rely on sb/sth You can rely upon Jacelin. 家長能夠信認杰斯林。 You can always rely on Jim, he won't fail you. 你就以一定相互信任吉姆,他不太會我就傷心的。 You can rely on me for help. 可以但愿為你解決。 You may rely upon my early arrival. 你舒心好后,我要早到的。 You may rely upon his words absolutely, for he always speaks the truth. 你應該以千萬喜愛他搞笑的話,正因為他總之說聽話話。 You can't rely on the weather. 天氣怎么樣是靠停不住的。 You should rely on your own efforts. 你應有靠自行的全力。 I relied on the map but it was wrong. 我絕大部分借助這張地圖位置,但它是錯的。 I'd like to come with you but that's not a promise, don't rely on it. 我愿意意你和他一起去去,但這不能允諾,別惦記我就定去。 The town relies on the seasonal tourist industry for jobs. 這家城鎮規劃全靠季度性的度假旅行業作為就業的時機。 Hong Kong's prosperity relies heavily on mainland. 廈門的繁榮昌盛在非常大的階段上依賴關系于臺灣地區。 This young man cannot be relied on. 這一個年輕時候人不能信。 He had proved that he could be relied on in a crisis. 他已說明,在危急關頭他是可以信服的。 He can always be relied upon for help. 他的的幫助總會靠經得住的。 We know such people are not to be relied upon. 自己指導這樣人是靠不好的。 This story cannot be relied upon. 這句話靠譜撐不住。 rely on (sb/sb's/sth) v-ing Don't rely on going abroad for our holiday, we may not be able to afford it. 不可以但愿去在國外度假游,你們應該額外負擔不出資金。 Don't rely on going to Japan. 別期望你能夠去東南亞。 We rely on his finishing the work today. 我們都一直堅信他當下能開放。 Don't rely on me going to Japan. 別期望我歐美。 rely on〔upon〕 sb to-v I rely upon you to finish the work on time. 我小編相信大家會實時結束這一項運行的。 They relied on us to do our best. We mustn't let them down. 孩子們等待我們都大家會提出最大化的竭盡全力。我們都大家不錯過孩子們的幾率。 We can rely on our children to do such work. 這般的運行讓我們可滿意地讓胎兒們去做。 They cannot be relied on to offer much support or advice. 不可能奢求他可以提供有許多幫助和意見書。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • She had relied on that friendship too much and was lost without it. 出自: E. Taylor
  • She could rely on me to do exactly as I said I would. 出自: D. Lessing
  • Mother's massive double-volumed Shorter Oxford English Dictionary, ever to be relied on. 出自: A. Price
  • They relied on him for money. 出自: A. Tyler
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