

['kwest??n]     ['kwest??n]    
  • n. 問題;疑問
  • v. 詢問;懷疑
questioningly questioner questioned questioned questioning questions



n. (名詞)
  1. 問題,疑問
  2. 問,詢問,發問,質問
  3. 爭端
  4. 懷疑,疑義, 疑竇
  5. 難題
  6. 議題,爭論點
  7. 要討論的問題
  8. 【語法】疑問句
  9. 懸案
  10. 付表決,付表決的問題
v. (動詞)
  1. 問,詢問,探問,訊問,審問,質詢,質問
  2. 探究,分析,研究(事實)
  3. 懷疑,對...表示疑問 ,對...提出疑問,對…表示異議
  4. 爭論
  5. 正式提問


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]問題 form of expression in speech or writing that requests an answer from sb
  2. [C]議題,難題 topic that is being or needs to be discussed; problem that needs to be solved
  3. [U]質疑 raising of doubt
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 盤問; 提問 ask questions
  2. vt. & vi. 對…表示質疑 have or express doubt about


  1. an instance of questioning;

    "there was a question about my training"
    "we made inquiries of all those who were present"

  2. the subject matter at issue;

    "the question of disease merits serious discussion"
    "under the head of minor Roman poets"

  3. a sentence of inquiry that asks for a reply;

    "he asked a direct question"
    "he had trouble phrasing his interrogations"

  4. uncertainty about the truth or factuality or existence of something;

    "the dubiousness of his claim"
    "there is no question about the validity of the enterprise"

  5. a formal proposal for action made to a deliberative assembly for discussion and vote;

    "he made a motion to adjourn"
    "she called for the question"

  6. an informal reference to a marriage proposal;

    "he was ready to pop the question"

  1. challenge the accuracy, probity, or propriety of;

    "We must question your judgment in this matter"

  2. pose a series of questions to;

    "The suspect was questioned by the police"
    "We questioned the survivor about the details of the explosion"

  3. pose a question
  4. conduct an interview in television, newspaper, and radio reporting
  5. place in doubt or express doubtful speculation;

    "I wonder whether this was the right thing to do"
    "she wondered whether it would snow tonight"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He gave me no chance to reply to his question.
  2. That is a great international question of the day.
  3. Make a mark where you have a question.
  4. There was some question as to his honesty.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The teacher will question us on verbs.
  2. We shall have to detain him and question him.
  3. I would never question her honesty.
  4. We must question your judgment in this matter.


用作名詞 (n.)
ask a silly question
    不要問答案已很清楚的問題 do not ask a question to which the answer is obvious
beside the question
    不切題,不相干 not be relevant to the subject
beyond (all) question
    無可置疑,毫無疑問 without argument
in question
    正被談論的 referred to; stated
it's a question of
    涉及,有關 concerning; relevant to
open question
    未解決的問題,有爭議的問題 arguable; debatable
out of question
    毫無疑問 unquestionable
out of the question
    不可能的,不能考慮的 impossible
pop the question
    求婚 ask sb to marry one
put a question mark against
    提出疑問,表示懷疑 raise doubt
put it to the question
    暢所欲言 get sb to state his〔her〕 opinion
question of moment
    首要問題 topical question
there be no question (but) that...
    毫無疑問 undoubtedly
There is〔was〕 no question of
    毫無疑問 undoubtedly
under question
    在受盤問時 being questioned
without question
    毫無疑問,無可爭辯 undoubtedly
用作動詞 (v.)
It cannot be questioned but/that...
    毫無疑問 There is no question (but) that
question about (v.+prep.)
    詢問,盤問 ask a question or questions
    question sb about sb/sth He proceeded to question her in detail about the school children. 他現在開始向她相信訊問起學習們的環境。 They questioned her closely about her relation with the dead man. 孩子細心地盤查她和亡者的影響。 The policeman just questioned him about his connections with the injured man. 巡警還沒問詢過和那腳傷者的關系的。 The lawyer questioned the witness about the accident. 法律工作者向目擊者查問有觀這一次交通事故的狀態。 The scientist questioned the Indians about the river's name. 地理專家了解印第安人這句話河域的稱呼。 Did he question you about it? 他向你確認過這事不存在? He took the first opportunity to question his wife about it. 他一有機物會就向他媳婦兒查問這回。 The enemy had not questioned him about that. 獵物無詢問他你這個一些問題。 She was questioned about his immoral conduct towards her. 她被問詢過關于他對她的骯臟教育活動的原因。 question sb about wh-clause I'll question him about what he was doing last night. 你要質問他昨夜在做是什么。 The teacher questioned the children about what happened in the story. 講師問兒子們劇情里時有發生了這些事。
question as to
    詢問,盤問 ask (sb) about sth
    question sb as to sth We questioned the natives as to the river's name. 我門向當地政府人探聽那一條河的名稱。 They invited her in and questioned her as to her ability. 自己請她回去,問她有之類特長愛好。
question on (v.+prep.)
    詢問,盤問 ask sb about sth
    question sb/sth on sth The master had told us he would question us on verbs. 的老師說出過企業,他要考問企業詞組。 They questioned him on this subject. 你此后大問題向他詳解。 I'd like to question you on your views about the housing problems. 想必看看你管于房產情況的意見。 When the reading was over, she questioned the class on the content of the text. 閱讀文章后,她就這篇文章內容向全班學生回答。 You can question the whole class on the stories they have read. 你會以就所讀的短故事向班里詳解。 They were all questioned on the matter. 對于一件事這些人都被審訊過。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+后置定語 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no fibs. 出自: Goldsmith
  • Excused from having to ask those ghastly sickroom questions. 出自: C. Isherwood
  • The friends..questioned one another with their eyes. 出自: J. Steinbeck
  • I questioned John half a century later about that suit. 出自: E. Longford
  • An unidentified man was still being questioned in connection with Puddephat's murder. 出自: Joan Smith
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