

[le?]     [le?]    
  • lie的過去式.
  • v. 放置;躺下;打賭;設計;擊倒;產卵;使平靜;壓平
  • n. 地形;位置;敘事短詩;交媾
  • adj. 外行的;世俗的
laid laid laying lays



v. (動詞)
  1. 擱,放,擺
  2. 鋪設,安放
  3. 安排,布置
  4. 打賭,押賭注
  5. 準備,預備
  6. 砌(磚)
  7. 停止使用
  8. 提出,宣稱
  9. 產卵,下蛋
  10. 策劃,擬定
  11. 使處于,歸于,把...歸于
  12. 【海】就位
  13. 躺,斜倚
  14. 涂(顏料)
  15. 平息,緩解
n. (名詞)
  1. 位置
  2. 方向
  3. 地理形勢,地形
  4. 民歌,民謠
  5. 短詩,短抒情詩,短敘事詩
  6. 繩索的股數
  7. 鋪放
  8. 音樂的旋律 ,曲調
  9. 鳥的啼囀
  10. 分配漁獲品,分紅
  11. <俚、粗>交媾
  12. 性伙伴
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 外行(人)的,非專業的
  2. 一般信徒的,平信徒的
  3. 凡俗的 ,俗人的, 世俗的
  4. 無經驗的,缺少專門知識的
  5. 【牌】非主牌的,普通牌的 ,副的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 放置 set in proper position
  2. vt. 壓倒,使躺下,放倒 put down so as to lie flat;cause to lie flat
  3. vt. 使…平息,使…消失 settle, disappear, or cease to be active
  4. vt. 打賭,下賭注 risk (especially money) on the result of some happening, such as a race;bet
  5. vt. & vi. 生蛋,產卵 produce


  1. a narrative song with a recurrent refrain
  2. a narrative poem of popular origin
  1. characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy;

    "set his collar in laic rather than clerical position"
    "the lay ministry"

  2. not of or from a profession;

    "a lay opinion as to the cause of the disease"

  1. put into a certain place or abstract location;

    "Put your things here"
    "Set the tray down"
    "Set the dogs on the scent of the missing children"
    "Place emphasis on a certain point"

  2. put in a horizontal position;

    "lay the books on the table"
    "lay the patient carefully onto the bed"

  3. prepare or position for action or operation;

    "lay a fire"
    "lay the foundation for a new health care plan"

  4. lay eggs;

    "This hen doesn't lay"

  5. impose as a duty, burden, or punishment;

    "lay a responsibility on someone"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. You may lay it on the table.
  2. I lay down not so much to sleep as to think.
  3. I'll lay odds of three to one that he gets the job.
  4. He showed us how to lay out a printed page.
  5. Surveyors lay out Wall Street along the line of the stockade.
  6. They lay eggs from the beginning of July to the middle of August.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He knows the lay of the land here.
  2. Lay more emphasis on combating corruption and advocating integrity.
  3. A lay figure can be placed in any position, or attitude, and clothed in any costume and thus serves as a model for the drapery.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. A lay opinion as to the seriousness of the disease.
  2. The lay public must be convinced that this is right and beneficial, and the medical fraternity must be held to the standards of the subuniverse.


用作動詞 (v.)
lay about1 (v.+adv.)
    亂打 strike wildly with sth
    lay about He laid about with a stick. 他拿著棍子竭盡全力沖打。
lay about2 (v.+prep.)
    猛攻 attack violently
    lay about sb/sth He laid about them with a stick. 他手提式棍子猛打顧客。 He rushed into the midst of the hooligans and laid about him fearlessly. 他升級到了那群惡棍中間的,全無恐懼地往四通四方亂打。 When ruffians attacked him, he laid about them vigorously. 當歹徒去攻擊他時,他英勇地跟自己搏斗。
lay aside (v.+adv.)
    積蓄(金錢),留出(時間) save money or time
lay away (v.+adv.)
    埋葬 bury a person
lay before (v.+prep.)
    提交 refer to
    lay sth before sb/sth I laid the matter squarely before him. 你把某些原因直截了當向他做出來。 The nominating committee laid its slate before the board. 入選理事會會把得票數人名冊修改信息全體師生理事會會研討。 We laid the issue before the committee. .我向理事會會推出了這樣的問題。 The bill has been laid before the Congress. 該議案已發布議會決議草案。
lay by (v.+adv.)
    儲蓄,存留(備將來之用) save for future needs
    lay sth ? by Every month he laid by fifty dollars out of his salary. 沒月他從資薪中儲存50美金。
lay down (v.+adv.)
    訓斥,發號施令 dress down;give orders
lay for (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉暗中等待(伺機攻擊),埋伏著等待 hide and wait for in order to catch or attack
    lay for sb/sth They were laying for him in the dark, and when he went out of his car, they all fell upon him. 孩子 乘漆黑等著你他,他一會車,孩子 同吃向他猛撲回憶過去。 The bandits laid for him in the dark. 歹徒們躲藏在暗處出其不意被攻擊他。 lay sth for sb The hunter laid a trap for the tiger. 術士設計了坑過濾獅子老虎。
lay in (v.+adv.)
    貯存,儲備 store;stock up
    lay in with sth Peter is laying in with good red wine for his wedding party. 彼得正為他的定親聚會儲備量紅常見葡萄品種酒。 Mother is laying in with some peanuts for the Spring Festival. 孕婦正為春節期間的準備許多芝麻。 lay sth ? in She has laid in provisions against a shortage. 她保藏糧食加工以期匱乏。 We usually lay in extra coal in case of emergencies . 大家一般說來附加貯備一點煤,以防急用。 She bought many fresh eggs and preserved them in salted water, because she wanted to lay them in for her little son. 她買大部分鮮蛋用茶水腌了上去,這是由于她想存上去給她的嬰女兒吃。 At the beginning of the winter supplies were laid in, in case heavy falls of snow should block the road. 為防范下炎熱賭塞市政道路,在冬日現代人就把日子必須品貯備了了。
lay into (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉攻擊 attack sb physically or verbally
    lay into sb He's frightened to stay out late in case his mother lays into him again. 他很怕在外面呆得太晚,唯恐爸爸又要把他痛打一次。 At the committee meeting the experts laid into each other fiercely. 在常務醫學會多媒體上,中醫專家們同時強烈評擊。 The senator laid into the opponents of his bill. 有位參議員批判不贊同他的方案的人。 In a speech of about twenty minutes he laid into the Opposition. 在共要四非常的鐘的講演稿中,他痛斥了堅決反對黨。 He laid into the defenders and scored a goal. 他攻入守區并踢進一球。
lay off1 (v.+adv.)
    暫時解雇 dismiss temporarily
    lay off The doctor told me to lay off for a week. 主任醫生讓我體息一星期。 The teacher told him to lay off a couple of days. 政治老師告訴你他倒班14天。 lay off I wish you would lay off! 倘若請別而且人家不之后。 lay sb ? off Bill has not lost his job. His firm laid him off for two weeks. 比爾并不失業者,他的大公司讓人停業十幾天。 In the economic depression the firm laid off some of their workmen. 社會經濟蕭索時,公司的臨場辭退好幾回些民工。 The factory had to lay some workers off when its orders decreased. 定貨抑制,那所廠商得解雇有一些作業人員。 The work force has been laid off. 施工人員們被辭退了。 Five hundred men were laid off when the factory closed after the fire. 爆紅前一天,這所公司關了,500名工作人員被解雇。 There has been nothing to do since I got laid off. 從我就解雇來,我就直沒活干。
lay off2 (v.+prep.)
    停止做某種不快的事 stop doing sth unpleasant
lay on1 (v.+adv.)
    組織,安排 organize;make arrangement for
    lay on The soldiers laid on with a will. 隊友們剛開始猛烈地地反攻。 Taking up a stick, he caught the boy and laid on vigorously. 他操起根棍子,捉住那小女孩猛打。 lay on They all moved into apartments with water and electricity laid on. 這些都搬入了放有水電工程的單元測試卷套間。 We have got a house with gas and water laid on. 當我們就有了放有煤氣灶和干凈的自來水的房產。 lay sth ? on The firm always lays on a special meal for the staff about Christmas. 元旦節節前前后后,這一家企業總為全體師生保安員生產商一下獨特的飯。 The telephone is laid on. 咨詢電話已裝提高了。 lay sth ? on They laid on two coats of paint. 他已涂了有兩層面漆。 She laid the paint on thickly. 她濃濃地抹半個層脂粉。 lay sth ? on The government has laid on a new tax. 政府機關已開征新稅。 The firm is laying on higher prices. 這工司未能直接加價。 lay sth ? on I'll lay on a car tomorrow and have you run down to London. 下周一我規劃幾部車將你送進舊金山市里。 I laid on a party for his birthday. 要為他的生日禮物確定其中一個慶典會。 Sightseeing tours were laid on for the distinguished visitors from China. 給我國的來的貴賓讓了親子旅游觀光旅游。
lay on2 (v.+prep.)
    強調,把…強加于某人 emphasize;stress
lay out (v.+adv.)
    準備殯葬 prepare a body for burial
lay to (v.+adv.)
    (使)停泊 (cause to) come to anchor
    lay to off sth The ship lays to off the coast. 這艘船停泊在海域且外邊。 lay sth to off sth He laid the ship to off the coast. 他把船停泊在海岸線山外。
lay up (v.+adv.)
    使(某人)呆在床上(或室內) cause sb to stay in bed or indoors
lay with (v.+prep.)
    用…鋪設 cover (a surface) with sth
    lay sth with sth The floor of the entire house was laid with carpet. 店鋪里地面上都鋪了地板革。 This road is laid with asphalt. 一條路路是用水泥鋪的。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • W. S. Gilbert's lay of the two Englishmen wrecked on a desert island. 出自: E. Huxley
  • One can never spontaneously burst into song, however doleful a lay. 出自: N. Frye
  • By venturing my life upon an even lay with him. 出自: Defoe
  • Particular attention must now be given to women, both lay and religious. 出自:New York Times
  • We check the fire by laying flat Each building in its path. 出自: Browning
  • Like flaws in summer laying lusty corn. 出自: Tennyson
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