

[pres]     [pres]    
  • v. 按;壓;逼迫;強迫服役;征用
  • n. 新聞界;出版社;報刊;新聞輿論;壓;熨燙機;印刷機
pressed pressed pressing presses



v. (動詞)
  1. 壓,按,擠,撳,扳
  2. 強迫,迫切要求,逼迫
  3. 緊迫
  4. 榨出,壓榨,榨取,絞榨
  5. 催促,催逼
  6. 敦促,勸說
  7. 施加壓力,用模子壓制,熨平
  8. 堅持,堅決進行
  9. 壓破,壓碎
  10. 緊抱,緊握
  11. 強迫...服兵役
  12. 奮勇前進,突進,趕上前
  13. 迫使接受,把...強加于
  14. 擠向前,奮力前進
  15. 【舉重】推舉
  16. 【籃球】緊逼,做緊逼動作
  17. 【高爾夫】長揮擊球過猛
n. (名詞)
  1. 印刷機,印刷廠
  2. 報刊;報業,新聞界;出版社;通訊社;記者們
  3. 壓,按,撳,擠;熨平,壓平;緊握
  4. 壓榨機
  5. 新聞輿論,報刊評論
  6. 【史】強迫征募,抓壯丁
  7. 擁擠,蜂擁向前;緊迫;繁忙
  8. (壁櫥式的)衣柜,書柜
  9. 【舉重】推舉
  10. 【籃球】緊逼(動作)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 按,壓 push firmly and steadily against
  2. vi. 緊迫 make quick action or attention
  3. vt. 逼迫,強迫 force or compel
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]壓,按,擠 act of pushing steadily with sth held in the hand
  2. [C]印刷機 machine for printing
  3. [C]出版社,通訊社 business for printing books or periodicals
  4. [S]報刊,報界,新聞界 newspapers, periodicals and the news sections of radio and television


  1. the state of demanding notice or attention;

    "the insistence of their hunger"
    "the press of business matters"

  2. the print media responsible for gathering and publishing news in the form of newspapers or magazines
  3. a machine used for printing
  4. a dense crowd of people
  5. a tall piece of furniture that provides storage space for clothes; has a door and rails or hooks for hanging clothes
  6. clamp to prevent wooden rackets from warping when not in use
  7. any machine that exerts pressure to form or shape or cut materials or extract liquids or compress solids
  8. a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then smoothly lifted overhead
  9. the act of pressing; the exertion of pressure;

    "he gave the button a press"
    "he used pressure to stop the bleeding"
    "at the pressing of a button"

  1. exert pressure or force to or upon;

    "He pressed down on the boards"
    "press your thumb on this spot"

  2. force or impel in an indicated direction;

    "I urged him to finish his studies"

  3. to be oppressive or burdensome;

    "weigh heavily on the mind"
    "Something pressed on his mind"

  4. place between two surfaces and apply weight or pressure;

    "pressed flowers"

  5. squeeze or press together;

    "she compressed her lips"
    "the spasm contracted the muscle"

  6. crowd closely;

    "The crowds pressed along the street"

  7. create by pressing;

    "Press little holes into the soft clay"

  8. be urgent;

    "This is a pressing problem"

  9. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a certain cause or person; be an advocate for;

    "The liberal party pushed for reforms"
    "She is crusading for women's rights"
    "The Dean is pushing for his favorite candidate"

  10. press from a plastic;

    "press a record"

  11. make strenuous pushing movements during birth to expel the baby;

    "`Now push hard,' said the doctor to the woman"

  12. press and smooth with a heated iron;

    "press your shirts"
    "she stood there ironing"

  13. lift weights;

    "This guy can press 300 pounds"

  14. ask for or request earnestly;

    "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Please press the controller to turn the machine on.
  2. Press this button in case of fire.
  3. The book is crumpled and needs press.
  4. Press firmly on the wound to stop the bleeding.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He denied that he had leaked the news to the press.
  2. The press has given the show a tremendous build-up.
  3. This press publishes educational books.
  4. The press is ready to turn out a huge new edition.
  5. We read news in the daily press.
  6. This kind of newspaper is alternative press.
  7. The government's new policy received a good press.
  8. The book is crumpled and needs press.
  9. Every room in the hotel has an electric trouser press.
  10. The printing press was set up on the ground floor.
  11. We had a lot of bother in repairing the press machine.


用作動詞 (v.)
press about〔around,round〕 (v.+prep.)
    擁護在…周圍 crowd around sb
    press about〔around,round〕 sb The children pressed about her and made a ring. 學生們在她外圍她的手地圍新一個圈。 Crowds pressed around her trying to get her autograph. 用戶把她團團圍住,爭著請她手寫簽名。 The fans pressed round the rock band. 歌迷們把搖滾樂爵士樂隊團團圍住。
press against (v.+prep.)
    使貼著 push or thrust against
    press oneself/sth against sth The animal pressed itself against a tree trunk. 什么部分動物將全身緊跟在樹桿上。 She pressed her face against the glass. 她把臉緊跟在安全玻璃上。 The boy pressed his ear against the door. 那女該把鼻子貼緊門。
press back (v.+adv.)
    往后按; 迫使向后退 push sth back; force sb go back
    press sb/sth ? back He pressed my arm back. 他把你的左胳膊往后面按。 The police pressed the crowd back behind the barriers. 警員強迫類人退到路障末尾。
press down (v.+adv.)
    把…按下去 push sth down
    press sth ? down Facer pressed down the lid. 費塞把蓋子按了放下去。 He pressed down the accelerator pedal of his car. 他踩下小汽車的油門。 The grass had been pressed down in place where people had been lying. 現代人躺過的部位,草都被壓平了。
press for (v.+prep.)
    缺少 have barely enough of sth
    press for sth The workers formed a union to press for higher wages. 操作人員們建立起半個個企業工會以急切規范增強很大打工族薪資。 We are in the process of reform.Many problems are pressing for solution. 我們都也正在改善進度中,大多大問題迫切所需所需解決方法。 They agreed to press for the conference to deal with the problem. 顧客答應督促大時會辦理一個故障。 They are pressing for a decision to be made. 許多人堅持下去要提出影響。 press sb for sth The student got up, stood there, and said nothing.The teacher pressed him for an answer. 那一個的學生起,說站在什么地方,別說上句話。教練催他提大問題大問題。 I don't know whether to accept this new job, and the firm is pressing me for a decision. 我確定能不能使用那份新運行,而單位正催促我決定了決定了。 No one really knew what had happened except the office boy.Everyone pressed him for more details. 除開此勤雜工之間,沒得人知究竟時有發生了這些事。大伙兒都標準他講出很多的詳細完整的情況。 I am pressed for a reply. 讓我催著具體行政行為函復。 press sb for sth At that time we were pressed for money. 時候讓我們手里拮據。
press in1 (v.+adv.)
    逼近 advance steadily
    press sth ? in I had to press my way in through the crowd. 我不得不擠出眾群。 press in Night was already pressing in as we reached the little town. 如果我們的傳達那一小鎮的時會,夜幕已是來臨了。
press in2〔into〕 (v.+prep.)
    把…壓進 push a lot of (things or people) in a mass or into sth
    press sb/sth in〔into〕 sth I tried to press more clothes in the case, but there was not enough room. 我能力往衣箱里塞很多的羽絨服衣服,只不過部位不過了。 She pressed a coin into the little girl's hand. 她把一個紙幣塞到小菇涼的手中。 Too many people were pressed into the room, and I could hardly breathe. 那房屋里擠得水泄無法接通,我近乎都喘不被淘汰來。
press on1 (v.+adv.)
    奮力前進; 堅持 make one's way with effort; insist on
    press on Shall we stop here or press on to the next town? 讓我也是在這一里慢下來還是要趕快奔赴下一款鄉鎮呢? press on with sth Let's press on with our work. 大家仍然本職工作。 The police pressed on with the investigation. 逃犯漠不關心難度,隨時來進行查看。
press on2 (v.+prep.)
    使(某人)負重 cause sb to be weighed or oppressed
    press on sb/sth The driver must have pressed on the accelerator. 網約車司機一些是踩了油門。 The sleeping child was pressing on me and making me uncomfortably. 睡著的寶寶壓在我的身邊,使我感到高興很不好受。 press sb/sth on sb She pressed the baby on her husband. 她把孩子塞給她妻子。 press sth on sb He tried to press another drink on me. 他企圖硬叫我再喝瓶茶酒。 The hostess pressed fish on her guests. 女一人催促的客人吃魚。 Don't press your opinions on her. 不需要逼她容忍你的意見建議。 His aunts were pressing on him cups of tea and chocolate cookies. 他的那方面姑母一個勁地硬要他品茗,吃巧克力蛋糕曲奇。 press on sb Steadily rising prices press mostly on the poor and the old people with fixed incomes. 迅速回升的商品價格使窮光蛋和工資統一的老年人負擔過重加深。
press out (v.+adv.)
    把…擠熨平 force sth out by pushing or holding tightly; iron usually clothes
    press sth ? out I pressed out the rest of shampoo by force. 我就用力把其他的洗頭水抽出來。 Shall I press out the shirt for you? 我幫我吧襯衫熨平好不? The juice of the grapes was pressed out. 常見葡萄品種汁被壓出了。
press to (v.+prep.)
    使緊靠 cause to keep sb/sth close to one or a part of one's body
    press to sb/sth The children pressed close to their mother. 嬰兒們輕輕地地依偎著自己的媽。 press sb/oneself/sth to sb/sth She pressed the little girl to her chest. 她把小女生繃得摟在身下。 He pressed himself to the ground. 他緊伏在地表。 The little boy pressed his hand to his chest. 那家小小姑娘門柄按在前胸。 He pressed his ear to the instrument. 他把耳郭貼在檢測儀器上聽。
press together (v.+adv.)
    使彼此靠 cause to be tightly held to each other
    press together The crowd pressed together so tightly that we could hardly breathe. 群眾擠在一并,你們基本上喘不被封殺來。 press sth ? together She pressed her palms together. 她把雙掌緊緊地地合在一塊。
press with (v.+prep.)
    使(某人)受…所困擾 cause sb to be puzzled with
    press sb with sth The policeman pressed him with questions. 法警連續不斷向他提故障 題。 He was pressed with hunger. 他為饑餓迫不得已。 She is pressed with sorrows. 她愁腸百結。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~


  • In the cattle-market she shrank from the press of men. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • So crowded that..two had fallen because of the press and been killed. 出自: M. M. Kaye
  • The press of vehicles in Central London caused considerable confusion on the streets. 出自: K. Warren
  • An English army..was levied by a general press throughout the kingdom. 出自: D. Hume
  • The Wind being on our broad side, prest her down very much. 出自: W. Dampier
  • He pressed his brow against the cold window pane. 出自: H. Roth
  • He pressed into her hand a packet of birth-control pills. 出自: M. Flanagan
  • The Constables and Churchwardens came to press you for a soldier. 出自: J. Wesley
  • He had been pressed out of an American ship. 出自: F. Marryat




  • pressed adj. 緊缺的,缺少的‖pressing adj. 緊迫的;迫切的;再三要求的,懇切要求的


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