

['a??n]     ['a??rn]    
  • n. 熨斗;鐵;剛強
  • (復)irons: 鐐銬.
  • v. 熨;燙
  • adj. 鐵的;剛強的
ironed ironed ironing irons



n. (名詞)
  1. 熨斗
  2. 鐵,鐵質;烙鐵
  3. 鐐銬,手銬
  4. 剛強;毅力
  5. 鐵制的工具,鐵制品,鐵器
  6. 【高爾夫】鐵頭球桿
  7. 手槍
  8. 小刀,尖刀
  9. 烙印
  10. 馬鐙
v. (動詞)
  1. 用鐵包,用鐵鑄成
  2. 熨衣;燙平
  3. 給...上腳鐐手銬
  4. 給...裝鐵具, 用鐵裝備
  5. 解決影響…的問題
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 鐵的,鐵制的 ;鐵似的
  2. 殘酷的,冷酷無情的,冷若冰霜的
  3. 堅強的,頑強的,頑固的,堅韌不拔的
  4. 嚴格的
  5. 剛強的,強硬堅定的
  6. 鐵腕的,鐵拳頭的


n. (名詞)
  1. [U]鐵 common hard silver white metallic element capable of being magnetized and used in various forms
  2. [C]熨斗 a heavy object with a flat bottom and a handle on top, shaped in a point at the front, which is heated, usually electrically, and used for making cloth and clothes smooth
  3. [U]堅強,剛強; 冷酷 physical strength or moral firmness or harshness
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 熨平 make clothing smooth and flat with a hot iron; smooth or press clothing with a hot iron


  1. a heavy ductile magnetic metallic element; is silver-white in pure form but readily rusts; used in construction and tools and armament; plays a role in the transport of oxygen by the blood
  2. a golf club that has a relatively narrow metal head
  3. implement used to brand live stock
  4. home appliance consisting of a flat metal base that is heated and used to smooth cloth
  1. extremely robust;

    "an iron constitution"

  1. press and smooth with a heated iron;

    "press your shirts"
    "she stood there ironing"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The iron hissed as it pressed the wet cloth.
  2. They analyzed the ore and found iron in it.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Tom didn't iron his shirt yesterday.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. How can I remove the rust from the iron door?


用作名詞 (n.)
have several irons in the fire
    同時有好幾件事情要做 be involved in several activities at once
iron hand in a velvet glove
    外柔內剛; 口蜜腹劍地 ruthlessness that is disguised by an outward appearance of gentleness
man of iron
    性格剛強的人 sb with great strength of character
rule with a rod of iron
    嚴加管理; 控制得很嚴 govern (sth such as a group) in a very severe way
    rule sb/sth with a rod of iron She rules her husband with a rod of iron. 她責罵列管她的仗夫。 He ruled the country with a rod of iron. 他對一個國家推行鐵腕政權。 The dean ruled his department with a rod of iron. 系副主任對本系的管理制度越來越嚴苛。 John is ruled by his wife with a rod of iron . 阿奇博爾德被他的女方嚴加管制約束。 A small kingdom ruled by herself with a rod of iron was what she liked. 她所鐘愛的不是個由她各自具體實施鐵腕主宰的小李國。
strike while the iron is hot
    趁熱打鐵 take an opportunity while it presents itself
with an iron hand
    嚴厲地 ruthlessly
用作動詞 (v.)
iron out (v.+adv.)
    解決,處理; 消除 remove or find an answer to sth; eliminate
    iron sth ? out She ironed out all the creases in the shirt. 她熨平了寸衫上的所以折皺。 I shall have to iron out the creases in this dress. 我得把這款連長裙上的皺痕熨平。 I always iron out the folds in new sheets, so that they are more comfortable to sleep in. 我都是把新被子的褶子熨平,這么躺上面就更舒服些了。 He offered to iron out the wrinkles in her dress. 他提出來,要替她熨平服飾上的折皺。 She tried hard to iron out the wrinkles over her blouse. 她費了相當大的時間和力氣才把上衣外套上的抬頭紋熨平。 iron out sth It didnt take long to iron out the difficulties. 沒有多久,吃力滿足了。 The directors are trying to iron out the difficulties connected with the new contract. 監事們在盡可能處理好新合同說明有的這種很難。 The House and Senate ironed out the differences between their two tax bills. 眾議院和參議院解決了她們兩種多種的稅款議案中的予盾。 They are experts at ironing out the problems that arise at international gatherings. 用戶專門針對加工國.際性集會議主持稿顯現的問題。 工廠和作業人員解除了關羽工時和酬金的問題上的類別。 大公司和作業人員徹底消除了管于工時和酬勞狀況上的產生分歧。 The purpose of this conference is to iron out the misunderstandings between the two sides. 這件會議內容的的是消減兩者兩者之間的隔閡。 It's time we ironed out the causes of the disagreement once and for all. 當下是你們撤底消去造成我們公司之間不和的緣由的時會了。 The problem should have been ironed out months ago. 幾十一個月前,這些一些問題就該改善了。 Their misunderstandings were ironed out after a long talk. 經過長耗時的對話,大家兩者之間的隔閡早已經清除。 There are no difficulties that cannot be ironed out if both parties are determined to reach an agreement. 只有當事人都下決心完成合同范本,任何很難完全可以解決處理。 I thought most of our problems were ironed out. 我認定,我的基本上數疑問早己處理好。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)


  • Meddle you must, that's certain, or forswear to wear iron about you. 出自:Twelfth Night , Shakespeare
  • What if Trade..thatch with towns the prairie broad With railways ironed o'er. 出自: R. W. Emerson
  • We had to take our clogs to be 'ironed'. 出自:Lancashire Life
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