

[a?'dent?fa?]     [a?'dent?fa?]    
  • vt. 鑒定;識別,辨認出,認出;認明;把…看成一樣
  • vi. 認同;感同身受
identifiable identifiably identifier identified identified identifying identifies



v. (動詞)
  1. 辨認,識別,認出,鑒定,確認,驗明
  2. 與某人產生共鳴,感同身受,同情
  3. 諒解
  4. 把某人視為,認為某事物等同于,使等同于,使成為一致
  5. 與…有密切關聯
  6. 把...鑒定為同一人
  7. 發現,發覺,找到
  8. 使參與,使合作
  9. 說明身份
  10. 變成一致
  11. 認同,認為同一


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 認出,識別 select, notice, recognize or specify
  2. vi. & vt. 等同于; 有關聯 associate with; equate with; align with; involve with
  3. vt. 支持,同情 sympathize with


  1. recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something;

    "She identified the man on the 'wanted' poster"

  2. give the name or identifying characteristics of; refer to by name or some other identifying characteristic property;

    "Many senators were named in connection with the scandal"
    "The almanac identifies the auspicious months"

  3. consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else;

    "He identified with the refugees"

  4. conceive of as united or associated;

    "Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus"

  5. identify as in botany or biology, for example
  6. consider to be equal or the same;

    "He identified his brother as one of the fugitives"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. Identify how the incident occurred.
  2. The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child.
  3. The markings are so blurred that it is difficult to identify.
  4. Please identify the registered trademark.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. I found it hard to identify with any of the characters in the film.
  2. I identified with the heroine of the novel.


用作動詞 (v.)
identify by (v.+prep.)
    根據〔憑借〕…辨認出 discover who or what is by means of sth
    identify sb/sth by sth Can you identify the man by his picture? 你可以依照這每個人的圖片辨明出他嗎? The police are hoping to identify the body by the gold fillings in the teeth. 警方們正今后使用潔白的牙齒中的金質活性炭過濾器來判別這具身體。 Haas identified the suspect by the scar on his face. 哈斯依據那誰臉有的傷痕認定書了自我對他的責怪。 He was identified by his watch. 不同他的石英表,才認得是他。 The porters may be identified by their red caps. 從他倆戴的紅頭盔就能否確定,他倆是飛機行李打包工。 The child was identified by his clothing. 從同學的著裝區分出了這是同學。
identify oneself
    說出〔證明〕自己的身份 give or improve one's name
identify through (v.+prep.)
    通過…辨認出 recognize (sth) through
    identify sb/sth through sth It's a device which identifies its owner through his finger-print pattern. 是屬于實現指紋識別樣式來詢問其物主的平衡裝置。
identify with (v.+prep.)
    同情(某人); 和…有同感 feel sympathy for (sb) or feel that one shares (sth)
    identify sth with sth One cannot identify happiness with wealth. 我們的不把幸福作文與財富符合在一起。 Don't identify opinions with facts. 切記不必把想法和事實上混為一談。 He identifies beauty with goodness. 他我認為長相美與自身美就是一致的。 We identify sportsmanship with good character. 我們公司因為田徑什么是道德與正常產品就是致的。 He identifies her happiness with his own. 他把她的幸福作文英文比做自個的幸福作文英文。 identify sb/oneself with sb/sth I knew that if I protested he would at once identify me with his father. 我都知道,如何我爭辯語句,他隨時就是讓我和他的老爹連系在我們一起。 The world identifies Lincoln with emancipation. 全游戲把林肯與徹底解決黑奴電話聯系在一并。 They are capable of identifying themselves with the masses. 這些 也可以和客戶弄排成片。 He refused to identify himself with such a policy. 他不想支持系統本身條例。 The children identify themselves with their parents. 同學們支撐顧客的雙親。 He has been identified with tea trade for years. 許多年來他向來主要從事荼葉貿易方面。 He has been identified with Harvard as teacher since 1970. 自1970年十一屆三中他經常在哈弗大學專業執教。 Einstein is identified with high mathematics. 人不時把愛因斯坦和高等學校數學課去聯系在一并。 He had always been closely identified with the Liberal Party. 他長期與自由權黨相互影響密切聯系。 That politician is closely identified with the former government. 是誰政治經濟家與前區政府蘊含著緊密的相互影響。 identify with sb She always identifies with the underdog. 她一個勁悲憫受害的者。 People long in association tend to identify with one another. 繼續社交的人常常共同參與之間都有著多種共同參與地方。 Reading this book, we can identify with the main character. 讀這那本書的情況,我國會對家人公有震音。 The play was so gripping that the audience quickly identified with the actors. 那出戲是這樣的扣得人心弦,而能于群眾越來越快地與影視演員融為分立式。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Osiris, whom he identifies with Serapis. 出自: Gibbon
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