

[l?k]     [l?k]    
  • v. 舔;輕拍;擊敗;掠過
  • n. 舔;少許;打;<口>速度
licker licked licked licking licks



v. (動詞)
  1. <口>勝過,打敗,超越,輕松戰勝
  2. 輕拍,輕打,觸及,輕輕觸及某物
  3. 吞卷,吞沒
  4. 克服
  5. <口>使困惑
  6. 急速運動,高速行進
  7. 舐(吃),舔(吃),舔著喝
  8. (像舐東西一樣)蔓延
  9. (輕快地)掠過
  10. 贏得
  11. <口>(作為懲罰而)打,揍,鞭打
  12. 輕易對付
  13. 阿諛奉承
n. (名詞)
  1. 少量,一點兒,少許
  2. 舔,舐
  3. <口>速度,速力
  4. 野獸跑去舐鹽的鹽漬地
  5. 重打,痛毆,打
  6. 輪到的機會
  7. 爵士音樂裝飾樂句
  8. 小過門
  9. 迅速,快速,高速
  10. 一刷之量


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 舔 pass the tongue over or under
  2. vt. 打;打敗 beat; defeat
  3. vi. 〈俚〉走;匆忙 go; hurry
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]舔 an act of licking
  2. [S](油漆等)一刷之量 slight application


  1. a salt deposit that animals regularly lick
  2. touching with the tongue;

    "the dog's laps were warm and wet"

  3. (boxing) a blow with the fist;

    "I gave him a clout on his nose"

  1. beat thoroughly and conclusively in a competition or fight;

    "We licked the other team on Sunday!"

  2. pass the tongue over;

    "the dog licked her hand"

  3. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of;

    "did you solve the problem?"
    "Work out your problems with the boss"
    "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"
    "did you get it?"
    "Did you get my meaning?"
    "He could not work the math problem"

  4. take up with the tongue;

    "The cat lapped up the milk"
    "the cub licked the milk from its mother's breast"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He licked his fingers.
  2. The kitty licked up the milk.
  3. Waves lick the side of a boat.
  4. It was easy for our team to lick theirs.
  5. The flames licked up everything.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He gave the bowl a thorough lick.
  2. The boat would look better with a lick of paint.
  3. I cannot lick a fault out of him.
  4. The camp was delirious with hope, we had licked the Germans, and we were going to lick the Japanese.


用作動詞 (v.)
lick boots〔feet,shoes〕 (v.+n.)
    〈非正〉巴結,奉承 cringe before sb, abject or servile
    lick one's boots〔feet,shoes〕 She wanted her boyfriend to lick her feet all the time. 她想讓她的男同學往往是對她俯首帖耳。 He'll lick the shoes of anyone to get what he wants. 因為無法自身的訴求,他會溜須拍馬一些人。
lick the dust (v.+n.)
    被擊倒,被打敗〔死〕 fall to the ground; be defeated or killed
lick into shape (v.+prep.+n.)
    〈非正〉使…合格〔像樣〕 make presentable or efficient
    lick sb/sth into shape With a lot of training, we might be able to lick the team into shape in time for next year's games. 可以通過許多培養,咱們和可以將你這個隊適時培養好,做好準備2021的比賽英文。 With some more practice, we'll soon lick this piece of music into shape ready for the performance. 再多練練,自己飛快就能登臺演唱這支歌曲。 If you give me the rough draft of your article I'll lick it into shape for you. 若是你愿把原創文章的草稿就給我,我將為了你把它修飾得像樣點。
lick lips (v.+n.)
    〈非正〉垂涎;滿足 show eagerness or satisfaction
    lick one's lips The steak is so delicious that she's licking her lips. 肉排那么香,會讓她艷羨欲滴了。 Our team licked its lips because we had beaten the champions. 各位隊很得意忘形,擔心各位擊敗了榜首隊。
lick off1 (v.+adv.)
    用舌頭舔掉 remove (sth) by licking
    lick sth ? off The children have just licked the cream off and left the jelly. 自己幼兒剛巧舔掉鮮奶油,把水晶果凍剩下了。
lick off2 (v.+prep.)
    從…上用舌頭舔掉 remove (sth) from (sth) by licking
    lick sth off sth The boy licked the jam off his lips. 有個小女孩舔丟了唇上的草莓果醬。 He only licked the cream off the top. 他只不過舔掉上方的淡奶油。
lick up (v.+adv.)
    卷過,吞沒 stage a comeback; embezzle
lick one's wound(s)
    失敗后求復原,重整旗鼓 try to recover after a defeat


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Licks..can be placed in a manger for greedy feeders. 出自: D. Tuke
  • Morgan licked dribbling coffee from the side of his plastic mug. 出自: A. Chambers
  • Simon had licked the icing off one of the Christmas cupcakes. 出自: B. Byars
  • She watched one of the men licking cigarette papers and sticking them together. 出自: L. Cody
  • The goat..licked the plate dry. 出自: R. K. Narayan
  • Her face was chalky white, the lips dry and she licked them in her sleep. 出自: C. Hope
  • Two bad habits..are cleaning lenses in tap water and licking them clean. 出自:Living





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