

[w??k]     [w??rk]    
  • n. 工作;職業;工作內容;職責;活計;工作所需的材料;工作地點;努力;工作成果;行為結果;作品
  • v. 工作;做事;使工作;爭取;管理;運行;操作;奏效;產生…影響;造成;抽搐;逐漸移動
  • [復]works:工廠;修建;機器部件;全套物品
worked/wrought worked/wrought working works



n. (名詞)
  1. 工作,勞動
  2. 作品,著作
  3. 產品
  4. 職業
  5. 工廠
  6. 行為
  7. 作業,功課
  8. 業務
  9. 針線活
  10. 作用
  11. 工藝品
  12. (工作)成果
  13. 職責
  14. 工作內容
  15. 活計
v. (動詞)
  1. 工作,勞動,做體力工作,從事...工作,干活,精工細作
  2. 運轉,運行,(使)運作
  3. 造成,引起,產生
  4. 操作,經營
  5. 管理
  6. 起作用,影響,奏效
  7. 開動
  8. 發酵
  9. 受雇于,受雇用
  10. 使(賣力)干活,使工作
  11. 爭取,力爭,(通過)努力取得,靠做工取得
  12. (使)逐漸變動
  13. 算出,計算
  14. 產生預期的結果,產生...作用,產生效果,產生影響
  15. 活動
  16. 慢慢地前進,使緩慢前進
  17. 行得通
  18. 激起
  19. <口>安排
  20. 說服
  21. 辛勞,勞累
  22. 被揉


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)工作 (cause to) do an activity which uses effort, especially as employment
  2. vt. & vi. (使)運作,運轉 (cause to) act in a proper way
  3. vt. & vi. (使)產生效果 (cause to) produce (an effect)
n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 工作,勞動,作業 doing or making sth
  2. [U] 職業,職務,工作地點 the place where you have a job
  3. [U] 工作成果,產品 sth that you make or do
  4. [C] 著作,作品 a book, painting or piece of music
  5. [P] 工廠 a place where people make things with machines
  6. [U] 功,做功 force multiplied by distance


  1. activity directed toward making or doing something;

    "she checked several points needing further work"

  2. a product produced or accomplished through the effort or activity or agency of a person or thing;

    "it is not regarded as one of his more memorable works"
    "the symphony was hailed as an ingenious work"
    "he was indebted to the pioneering work of John Dewey"
    "the work of an active imagination"
    "erosion is the work of wind or water over time"

  3. the occupation for which you are paid;

    "he is looking for employment"
    "a lot of people are out of work"

  4. applying the mind to learning and understanding a subject (especially by reading);

    "mastering a second language requires a lot of work"
    "no schools offer graduate study in interior design"

  5. (physics) a manifestation of energy; the transfer of energy from one physical system to another expressed as the product of a force and the distance through which it moves a body in the direction of that force;

    "work equals force times distance"

  6. a place where work is done;

    "he arrived at work early today"

  7. the total output of a writer or artist (or a substantial part of it);

    "he studied the entire Wagnerian oeuvre"
    "Picasso's work can be divided into periods"

  1. exert oneself by doing mental or physical work for a purpose or out of necessity;

    "I will work hard to improve my grades"
    "she worked hard for better living conditions for the poor"

  2. be employed;

    "Is your husband working again?"
    "My wife never worked"
    "Do you want to work after the age of 60?"
    "She never did any work because she inherited a lot of money"
    "She works as a waitress to put herself through college"

  3. have an effect or outcome; often the one desired or expected;

    "The voting process doesn't work as well as people thought"
    "How does your idea work in practice?"
    "This method doesn't work"
    "The breaks of my new car act quickly"
    "The medicine works only if you take it with a lot of water"

  4. perform as expected when applied;

    "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"
    "Does this old car still run well?"
    "This old radio doesn't work anymore"

  5. shape, form, or improve a material;

    "work stone into tools"
    "process iron"
    "work the metal"

  6. give a workout to;

    "Some parents exercise their infants"
    "My personal trainer works me hard"
    "work one's muscles"
    "this puzzle will exercise your mind"

  7. proceed along a path;

    "work one's way through the crowd"
    "make one's way into the forest"

  8. operate in a certain place, area, or specialty;

    "She works the night clubs"
    "The salesman works the Midwest"
    "This artist works mostly in acrylics"

  9. proceed towards a goal or along a path or through an activity;

    "work your way through every problem or task"
    "She was working on her second martini when the guests arrived"
    "Start from the bottom and work towards the top"

  10. move in an agitated manner;

    "His fingers worked with tension"

  11. cause to happen or to occur as a consequence;

    "I cannot work a miracle"
    "wreak havoc"
    "bring comments"
    "play a joke"
    "The rain brought relief to the drought-stricken area"

  12. cause to work;

    "he is working his servants hard"

  13. prepare for crops;

    "Work the soil"
    "cultivate the land"

  14. behave in a certain way when handled;

    "This dough does not work easily"
    "The soft metal works well"

  15. have and exert influence or effect;

    "The artist's work influenced the young painter"
    "She worked on her friends to support the political candidate"

  16. operate in or through;

    "Work the phones"

  17. cause to operate or function;

    "This pilot works the controls"
    "Can you work an electric drill?"

  18. provoke or excite;

    "The rock musician worked the crowd of young girls into a frenzy"

  19. gratify and charm, usually in order to influence;

    "the political candidate worked the crowds"

  20. make something, usually for a specific function;

    "She molded the rice balls carefully"
    "Form cylinders from the dough"
    "shape a figure"
    "Work the metal into a sword"

  21. move into or onto;

    "work the raisins into the dough"
    "the student worked a few jokes into his presentation"
    "work the body onto the flatbed truck"

  22. make uniform;

    "knead dough"
    "work the clay until it is soft"

  23. use or manipulate to one's advantage;

    "He exploit the new taxation system"
    "She knows how to work the system"
    "he works his parents for sympathy"

  24. find the solution to (a problem or question) or understand the meaning of;

    "did you solve the problem?"
    "Work out your problems with the boss"
    "this unpleasant situation isn't going to work itself out"
    "did you get it?"
    "Did you get my meaning?"
    "He could not work the math problem"

  25. cause to undergo fermentation;

    "We ferment the grapes for a very long time to achieve high alcohol content"
    "The vintner worked the wine in big oak vats"

  26. go sour or spoil;

    "The milk has soured"
    "The wine worked"
    "The cream has turned--we have to throw it out"

  27. arrive at a certain condition through repeated motion;

    "The stitches of the hem worked loose after she wore the skirt many times"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. She had been out of work for a year.
  2. It's difficult to find work in present economic climate.
  3. My line of work pays pretty well.
  4. Tell me something about your daily work.
  5. Police work involves so much paperwork these days.
  6. There is plenty of work to be done in the garden.
  7. She often brings work (eg files, documents) home with her from the office.
  8. Living near work is very convenient.
  9. It takes hard work to achieve success.
  10. It was a terrible piece of work you turned in the other day.
  11. The damage is clearly the work of vandals.
  12. Roth says official misconduct cannot be dismissed as the work of a few bad apples.
  13. He has read many of Hemingway's works.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She works for an engineering company.
  2. He has worked in the factory since last year.
  3. He is working on a new novel.
  4. She worked herself to a frazzle.
  5. We must work for equal rights for everyone.
  6. He works a large area(= selling a company's goods, etc.).
  7. Your car radio works very well.
  8. Do you know how to work the coffee machine?
  9. The medicine worked.
  10. Your age can work against you in this job.
  11. The solidity of the evidence worked in his favor.
  12. Her exercise programme has worked miracles for her.
  13. Her face worked as she stared at him in terror.
  14. Rain has worked in through the roof.
  15. It will take a while for the drug to work out of your system.


用作動詞 (v.)
work among (v.+prep.)
    在…之中工作 have a job in a group
    work among sb For the first year of his training, he had to work among the poor in his hometown. 在他接手訓練方法的首要年,他須要在家鄉特色的貧民里面做特權援助工作中。
work around〔round〕 to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    改變觀點 change one's standpointI think the chairman is working around to our point of view after all.我認為主席最后會同意我們的觀點。
work as (v.+prep.)
    任…工作,當… perform the duties of
    work as sb/sth It must be a hard life, working as a nurse in the Far North. 在遠的北部地區當從業于金融的工作者護士長,的生活肯定是艱苦環境的。 Before making a success of his writing, he worked as a taxi driver, a newspaper seller, a miner, and a railway man. 他在創作要先拿到巨大成就以后,曾當過招租車子車、賣報人、挖礦和鐵路局民工。
work at (v.+prep.)
    從事于,致力于 be engaged or employed inYou will have to work at the weak points in your English if you want to pass the examination.假如你想通過考試,就必須把精力放在你英語學習的薄弱環節上。
work away (v.+adv.)
    繼續工作 work continuously
    work away The professor was found working away till the small hours of the morning. 大家出現 那個碩士生導師嘔心瀝血地不停做工作到夜里。 I found him working away in his office. 察覺到他時不時在企業信訪室里不間斷地業務。 work away v-ing Even on Sundays the workshops would have many of the young workers coming in and working away mastering their machines. 哪怕在個禮拜天,藥廠車間里也往往是有不低成年運營人員來堅持事業,學習培訓運營器機。
work by (v.+prep.)
    以…為動力運轉 go by; run by; use sth as its power for working
    work by sth The child thought the toy car worked by magic, but in fact it worked by electricity. 這小孩來說手里的玩具汽車汽車是靠魔力開車的,可真相上是靠電力工程。
work down (v.+adv.)
    逐步地減少; 逐漸降低 reduce gradually
    work down The metal has become working down over the years. 在這一幾年度,此類輕金屬非常越很少的了。 If you can get onto the branch below you, you could work down from there. 若果你能夠踩到上邊的一根樹根,就能從那里慢慢地去了了。
work for (v.+prep.)
    為…而工作 do a job so as to gain sthThe politician declares his willingness to work for the good of the people.那位政治家宣稱他愿為公眾的利益而盡力。
work in (v.+adv.)
    摻和 mixThe worker worked in a little copper with the alloy.工人在合金里攙了一點銅。
work in with (v.+adv.+prep.)
    與…合拍; 與…協調 cooperate with
    work in with sb/sth But will he be able to work in with our existing team? 可他并能跟我們大家目前擁有的英超球隊共建嗎? I'll try to make my timetable work in with yours. 我將要使我的日期表同你的日期表相不符。
work into (v.+prep.)
    (使)進入,穿入,嵌入 (cause to) get into; insert
    work into sth The mark will have worked right into the wood, we shall never get it out. 此標志將壓根添加木材,小編很難取不用它了。 work sb/oneself/sth into sth Have you ever seen him work himself into a temper? 你曾見過他發暴脾氣嗎? The speaker worked the crowd into a fever of excitement. 那個演說者使收聽達到了了破壞者的系數。 I shall need someone to help me work this board into place, it's a tight fit. 我得幫別人給我把這款板式嵌進到,過緊了。
work it
    〈非正〉干成,辦到 succeed in sth/doing sth
work off (v.+adv.)
    使假冒,使人對…得到錯誤印象 pass off
    work off The nut has worked off. 螺絲就已經脫軌了。 work sth ? off I can't work off the lid of this bottle, can you help me? 你不可以將這樣蓋子擰過來,你能夠快幫我嗎? work off Paying close attention to her diet, she felt the pain in her stomach gradually work off. 她很需要注意食用,而備感她的胃疼通病不知不覺快好了。 work sth ? off If anything upset him he worked his annoyance off on the rest of the family. 但如果些什么意思惹煩了他,他就找我家人排氣。 On that occasion there was no one on whom his temper could be worked off. 在那些的場合,是沒有一位人是他的吸氣筒。 work sth ? off Fifty pounds of the loan is still outstanding, but I shall have worked that off by the end of the year.50 人民幣的借款不存在有緩解,但到在年底我將制作償清。 work sth ? off He tried to work off his surplus fat by doing exercises everyday. 他每日運轉,想與此出掉一個富余的皮下脂肪。 You should find time to work off your arrears of correspondence. 你可以找用時把欠付成功的函件發消息掉。 Beer works off impurities in fermenting. 純生啤酒在發醇時候中避免掉雜物。 work sth ? off About 100,000 copies of the book have been worked off. 這書現已出售近十五萬冊。 work sth ? off The contract is worked off. 委托合同早已經實行正在。 work sth ? off He tried to work off the poem as his own. 他想冒稱這首詞詩是他寫的。 They can't work off that tale on us. 你們那套鬼話騙不能我。
work on1 (v.+adv.)
    輕輕地安裝好 fix on by gentle steady action
    work on They'll work on till sunset. 這些人將依然工作任務,陪你到落日。 work sth ? on He managed to work the screw on. 他采取行動把小螺絲裝很久。
work on2〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    努力影響,努力說服 strive to influence or persuadeWe will work on those who have erred and help them do right.我們將對犯了錯誤的人做工作,并幫助他們改正。
work oneself into
    使自己慣于某項工作 get used to a job
work out (v.+adv.)
    脫出 make its way out
    work out This problem will not work out. 這一原因防止不上。 work sth ? out I haven't worked out these algebra problems. 我個人不會有解出哪些代數題。 Can you work this puzzle out? 你解這種謎嗎? The area can easily be worked out if you know the length and the breadth. 但如果你掌握時長與凈寬,建筑面積很簡單計算得出來得出來。 work out wh-clause Can you work out on the map where we are now? 你能夠在衛星地圖上尋到我門現時是什么的地址嗎? work out wh-to-v I can't work out how to do it. 你不能理解咋樣做它。 work out at sth The total works out at fifty-five yuan. 數量統計算放進去是55元。 work out I am glad that things are working out so well for them. 局面轉型得對我們是這樣的有幫助,我感覺到喜悅。 He hopes this plan will work out. 他機會此項工作方案將是著力行得通的。 At that time, complete emancipation of women had not worked out in actual practice. 當是,老年婦女的全面一汽解放在應用上還做找不到。 work out These athletes work out at the gym for two hours every day. 這一些自行車運班師一天到晚都可以在體育文化館鍛練二個小時左右。 work sth ? out It wasn't too long before we had worked out a plan acceptable to all. 沒幾久各位就建立出某個朋友都能容忍的計劃表。 We have worked out a scheme which should save the company several thousand pounds a year. 他們設汁出一款 年可以為裝修公司避免浪費一萬多人民幣的項目。 The plan has already been worked out, and could be put into operation at a moment's notice. 構思已是構思下來并可立馬付諸開展。 work sb/sth ? out He never seems to be worked out. 他看起來不可能不易困倦相似。 work sb ? out I can't work him out, he's very strange. 他這自己的很怪,我摸不透他。 You are funny,I shall never work you out. 你這人真滑稽表情,我真是弄不懂得客戶需求,從用戶角度出發。 work out Jimmy worked out when he was only ten. 吉米在十二歲時就離住的去當雇工了。 work out of sth The splinter eventually worked out of her arm. 扎入她胳臂的刺早就取了出去。 The screw has worked out of the joint. 螺絲帽從黏結處滑脫來咯。
work over (v.+adv.)
    徹底改變 alter radically or systematicallyThe frontier has worked him over inside.邊疆生活已使他的思想起了很大變化。
work through (v.+prep.)
    闖過; 通過; 沖過 advance through sth
    work through sth The rain is working through the roof. 房檐在漏雨。 work sth through sth It was difficult to work the needle through the stiff cloth. 把針蓋過一些硬棉麻布料也不簡單的。 work through sth I'm still working through this pile of papers. 我仍在辦理這堆zip文件。 We must work through the difficulties until we find an answer. 我要擺脫這有難度有一天找尋英語答案。 work one's way through sth It takes years to work your way through the examination system until you gain a degree. 在得到學歷已經,你必須要花一兩年細節功夫用每一項考試時間。 She paid for her own education by working her way through college. 她是靠自已的工作爭錢念完大學考研的。
work to (v.+prep.)
    強迫…勞累過度 force sb or an animal to work too hard and become very tired
    work to sth See that you are careful with money and work to a budget. 主意不需要亂錢花,錢花要擁有決算。 Some writers are at their best when working to a plan. 許多作者按行動計劃合作時能起到其極高級別。 work to sth Do you like working to music? 你歡迎一半工作的一半聽自身嗎? work sb/sth to death The company expects hard work, but refuses to work its employees to death. 哪幾個集團公司渴求職員全力以赴操作,但不希望使我們工作適度適度。
work together (v.+adv.)
    和…在同一處工作 work with sb at the same place
    work together Some people think that husband and wife should never work together. 很多人表示婦妻一人并非大概在同一條處做工作。
work towards (v.+prep.)
    達到或獲得 strive to reach or achieve
    work towards sth/v-ing Representatives of many nations at the peace talks are working towards agreement. 參加和平友好會面的不少政府的帶表正處于為制定目標合同范本而工做。 They are working towards having all countries sign a peace agreement. 這些 正為使因此部委簽署合同書項復興合同書而運轉。
work under (v.+prep.)
    在(某人的)領導下工作 have sb as one's director in one's jobMany men still don't like working under a woman, and would rather have a male director.許多男人仍不愿在女人手下工作,而愿意讓男性當自己的上司。
work up (v.+adv.)
    增加,加強 increase in numbers or strength; improve in efficiencyShe worked up her typing speed to seventy words a minute.她把打字速度提高到每分鐘70個字。
work up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    逐步升職至 advance gradually toHe works up to the position of vice-governor.他逐步升到副總督之職。
work with (v.+prep.)
    從事…工作 go in for; be engaged in
    work with sb I find it so refreshing to work with young people in this department. 剛顯示和一項崗位的青年黨員一同工作上另人思想振奮。 work with sth He has always liked working with machinery. 他總歡迎搞機誡。 I would rather work with the bigger brush, it's faster. 我寧可用大點的軟毛刷工作,如此一來干得快些。 work sth with sth He likes working the clay with his hands. 他希望手摸捏黏土。
用作名詞 (n.)
at work
    工作中 do sth, especially work
at work on
    從事 going in for
change one's work
    換工作 exchange the work
get on with the work
    好好干活 do work hard
go to work
    開始行動 start doing sth
in work
    就業 having a job
saddle work on〔upon〕
    〈非正〉強迫(某人)接受 force acceptance of work or sb unwanted on〔upon〕 sb
set about one's work
    開始做某事 begin to do sth
shoot the works
    不遺余力,孤注一擲 risk everything on one attempt
speed up one's work
    (使)加速干活 (cause to) increase the speed of work


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Another Work of Charity upon my hands..to reform an extravagant Husband. 出自: R. Boyle
  • The works performed by Jesus..were beyond the unassisted powers of man. 出自: R. Whately
  • The special work..and the rich ability with which he wrought it. 出自:English Historical Review




  • working adj. (涉及)工作的; (人)有工作的,勞動的; 勞力的; (時間)用于工作上的; (想法等)可作為基礎的; 有效用的,起作用的


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