

[l??n]     [l??rn]    
  • v. 學會;學習;得知
learnable learner learned/learnt learned/learnt learning learns



v. (動詞)
  1. 聽到,聽說
  2. 知道,得知,獲悉
  3. 學會
  4. 學,學到,習得,學習
  5. 記住,背熟,熟記
  6. 認識到,弄清楚 ,了解到
  7. 吸取教訓
  8. <幽>教訓
  9. 意識到
  10. 歷經挫折才懂得
  11. 獲得
  12. 養成


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 學習;學 gain knowledge or skill, by study, practice or being taught
  2. vt. 聞知;獲悉;聽說 be told or informed


  1. gain knowledge or skills;

    "She learned dancing from her sister"
    "I learned Sanskrit"
    "Children acquire language at an amazing rate"

  2. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally;

    "I learned that she has two grown-up children"
    "I see that you have been promoted"

  3. commit to memory; learn by heart;

    "Have you memorized your lines for the play yet?"

  4. be a student of a certain subject;

    "She is reading for the bar exam"

  5. impart skills or knowledge to;

    "I taught them French"
    "He instructed me in building a boat"

  6. find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort;

    "I want to see whether she speaks French"
    "See whether it works"
    "find out if he speaks Russian"
    "Check whether the train leaves on time"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Write out this word ten times so that you learn how to spell it.
  2. It's more useful to learn modern languages, such as English and German, than Latin.
  3. I'm trying to learn English.
  4. I learned this news from the newspaper.


用作動詞 (v.)
learn about( v.+prep. )
    得知有關…的消息 come to hear about;gain information about sth/sb
    learn about sth I have come here to learn about the factory's production. 我要掌握出產廠家的出產原因。 By reading newspapers you can learn about new development in science, art, literature and technology. 根據看報能夠得知地理學、視覺、文字和枝術部分的新發展。 learn sth about sth It's no use learning facts about a subject if you don't understand it. 只認知某一些各學科的只是而并不看待,是何在妙用的。 learn about sb/sth He learned about the matter before he came. 他來以往就了解這一事了。 I learned about his death only this morning. 這幾天清晨我有聽過他過世了。 How did you learn about our product? 你是如何掌握到企業的服務的? We only learned about your intended visit yesterday. 我國前幾天才都聽他們的準備接待。 Your own parents should not have to learn about your wedding from a newspaper report! 不可以我能的家里人從書刊雜志宣傳報道中才得以你辦喜事的提醒!
learn by( v.+prep. )
    從…學到 learn sth from sth
    learn by sth Wise men learn by other men's mistake;fools by their own. 聰明才智的人從有人的有誤學習,傻姑娘才從他的有誤學習。 learn sth by sb/sth Learn wisdom by the folly of others. 從競爭對手的無知實際行動初級中學到智能。
learn from( v.+prep. )
    向…學習;從…獲得〔吸取〕 gain knowledge from;come to know sth from sb
    learn from sb/sth We should learn from Lei Feng. 我門須得向雷鋒老同志借鑒。 A man who does not learn from others can't hope to achieve much. 有一個不向別個學校的人不許寄希望于有多少歲巨大成就。 Modern man can learn from the mistake of his ancestors. 當今人就能夠從其祖上的失誤小學到能力素質。 We all learn from our mistakes. 你們都因本人所犯的腳本錯誤而學得更智能。 Although Lu Hsun lived half a century ago, there is much that we can learn from his works today. 然而茅盾生活中在一個半新時代之前,但我們都下面仍需要從他的著述學校到一些東西。 Why don't you learn from my mistakes? 你為之類不從我的不正確的中汲取汲取教訓呢? If men could learn from history, what lessons it might teach us! 要是大眾學發展歷史長河會覺得更聰明話,發展歷史長河你給咱們的說教多達啊! learn sth from sb/sth She learned everything from me. 她些什么都在向我學的。 He had learned the song from his mother as a child. 當他是個嬰兒時就從他爸爸媽媽什么地方都了解了一首歌歌。 She learned English from an English teacher. 她跟那位用少兒英語生物老師學用少兒英語。 From him I learned that a good politician is marked to great extent by his sense of timing. 從他哪里我了解,1個能做的政治方面家在好大因素上重在順勢而為。 From her letter I learned that her elder son is now in the army. 從她信上我認知到,她的大自己兒子當下在通信兵里。 I have learned from bitter experience that it does not pay to be too hopeful. 難過的的經驗使我理解了空抱太大了的可能是沒辦法彌補的。 I learned from his roommate that he had been in hospital for over a week. 從他的室友哪里有,我直到他就已經 進醫院的多周了。 I've learned something from your eyes. 我往你的眼眸里要清楚了一方面情況。 Much can be learned from a good teacher. 從位好名師哪里能學會不少材料。
learn of( v.+prep. )
    聽說… come to hear about;gain information about sth/sb
    learn of sth I am sorry to learn of his illness. 仔細聽說他病了,非常難過。 I've just learned of his arrival. 我剛聽聞他走了。 She only learnt of her son's marriage long after the event. 孩子已婚的事過長時間她才問出。 He had learned of his father's death in Australia. 他在馬來西亞就有聽過了他父親的死訊。 When I came back, the wounded soldiers had been removed,I could not learn of their condition. 待我返回時,傷病員們以及轉讓,我沒法了解大家 的問題。
learn off( v.+adv. )
    記熟,背熟,記住 learn from memory, so as to be able to repeat them exactly
    learn sth ? off Can you learn off the part by the end of the week? 到假期,你可以記熟這檔分嗎? The actor has learned off his lines. 這個男演員都已經 把語錄背來了。
learn up( v.+adv. )
    學會 study;learn sth such as information thoroughly
    learn sth ? up She has learned up as much French as she could for the trip. 方便今天游玩,她時應地學一些德語。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Lena could first..learn how to do things. 出自: G. Stein
  • We learnt by bitter experience. 出自: B. Montgomery
  • Oh Jo, you're only a kid. Why don't you learn from my mistakes? 出自: S. Delaney
  • She had learned a lot and was very wise and provident now. 出自: R. P. Jhabvala
  • From my clumsy fall I learned to be more cautious. 出自: D. Wigoder
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