

[k?s]     [k?s]    
  • n. 吻;輕觸
  • v. 吻;輕觸
kissable kissed kissed kissing kisses



n. (名詞)
  1. 吻,接吻(表示鐘愛、欲望、祝賀等的行為)
  2. 輕觸,輕拂,輕撫
  3. 小糖果
  4. 【撞球】球與球的接觸
  5. 蛋白小甜餅, 甜酥糕(蛋白制的松酥甜點心)
  6. (奶、茶等上面浮著的)泡泡
  7. 貌似有利卻肯定會在別處導致失利的事物,表面有利實則有害的事物
  8. 人工呼吸(口對口)
v. (動詞)
  1. 吻,接吻,親吻
  2. 輕拂,輕觸,輕撫
  3. 【撞球】接觸
  4. 擁抱
  5. 泄露與名人的私情
  6. 諂媚巴結某人,拍某人馬屁,奉承某人
  7. 以吻消除疼痛,以吻消除
  8. 任其失去,放棄某事物,承認對某事無能為力


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 吻 touch with the lips as a sign of affection or as a greeting
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]吻 touch or caress given with the lips


  1. the act of caressing with the lips (or an instance thereof)
  2. a cookie made of egg whites and sugar
  3. any of several bite-sized candies
  4. a light glancing touch;

    "there was a brief kiss of their hands in passing"

  1. touch with the lips or press the lips (against someone's mouth or other body part) as an expression of love, greeting, etc.;

    "The newly married couple kissed"
    "She kissed her grandfather on the forehead when she entered the room"

  2. touch lightly or gently;

    "the blossoms were kissed by the soft rain"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Look like he's going to haul off and kiss the girl.
  2. How do you steal a kiss from a girl like that?
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. How do you steal a kiss from a girl like that?
  2. He gave her a kiss that betokened his affection.


用作動詞 (v.)
kiss away( v.+adv. )
    吻掉; 由于放蕩而揮霍掉 get rid of (sth) by kissing
    kiss away Those two have been kissing away in that room for hours! 那三四個自己躲在屋子里親嘴以經有三四個個每小時了。 kiss sth ? away Let me kiss away your tears. 我就吻掉你的淚花。 Alan walked into the house with a thousand worries written across his face, his wife helped him off with coat and tried to kiss the anxiety away. 艾倫滿臉蹙眉地走入房子,他的小淫幫他脫下來打底衫,以后吻他,使他忘不掉憂心。 He kissed away a large fortune. 他尋花問柳,花掉大筆身家。
kiss off( v.+adv. )
    舍棄,解雇 dismiss; regard (sth) as lost or gone
    kiss sth ? off Mind you don't kiss all my face powder off! 警惕點,別讓我臉上長的香粉都吻碰掉。 kiss sb/sth ? off This means we can kiss off the coming school year. 這表明著我們都也許會得不到下個學年。 You can kiss off the problem, now. 現今,你是否以不會乎你這個故障了。 The boss kissed the other performers off as mere amateurs. 小販覺得別的的表演者只要有業余組的水平,以至把其打發淡奶油離開。
kiss on( v.+prep. )
    在…上吻 kiss sb on one's face or other place
    kiss sb on sth The mother kissed her child on the forehead. 媽媽在兒童的前額上吻打了個下。 She kissed the baby on the cheek. 她在你這個嬰兒的臉頰上吻好幾回下。
用作名詞 (n.)
the kiss of death
    貌似有利卻導致失敗的行動 apparently favourable action that makes failure certain


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • I never could endure the embrace or kiss of my own sex. 出自: C. S. Lewis
  • He..pressed upon her anxious lips a warm, passionate, husbandly kiss. 出自: J. C. Oates
  • She leaned forward and kissed him, with a slow, luxurious kiss, lingering on the mouth. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • She did not like being kissed. 出自: L. Cody
  • He kissed her averted cheek and left the room. 出自: G. Vidal
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