

[n?t]     [n?t]    
  • v. 編織;密接;結合;皺眉
  • n. 編織
knitter knit/knitted knit/knitted knitting knits



v. (動詞)
  1. 編織,針織,編結
  2. 接合,拼合,粘合
  3. 把織成(衣服)
  4. 使皺起,使皺緊
  5. 皺,皺起
  6. 使接合,使聯合
  7. 斷骨
  8. 愈合
  9. 機織
  10. 緊密地結合
  11. 嚴密,緊湊,變得緊湊
  12. 織平針
  13. 密接
  14. 團結,聯合,使緊密結合
  15. 緊鎖,皺緊
n. (名詞)
  1. 編織衣物,編織衣料
  2. 編織,針織,編結
  3. 編織品
  4. 編織法
  5. 編織的衣服
  6. 針織衫,針織物
  7. 編結物


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 編織; 針織 make (things to wear) by uniting threads into a close network by means of long needles (knitting needles)
  2. vt. & vi. 緊密聯合; 密切結合 unite or join closely
  3. vt. & vi. 皺眉 show displeasure, worry, or deep thought by frowning


  1. a fabric made by knitting
  2. a basic knitting stitch
  3. needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine
  1. make (textiles) by knitting;

    "knit a scarf"

  2. tie or link together
  3. to gather something into small wrinkles or folds;

    "She puckered her lips"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She often knits while watching TV.
  2. She preferred to sew rather than to knit.
  3. The doctor knit the two broken bones in his arm.
  4. The treaty knit the economies of the two nations together.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The son begins to knit a big fishnet.
  2. My mother can knit them out of wool.


用作動詞 (v.)
knit into (v.+prep.)
    把…織成… knit sth become the other thing
    knit sth into sth Mother is knitting wool into a sweater. 父親正把毛線改織成套配電柜衫。 She is trying to knit the old wool into carpet. 她在努力把等舊毛線織成地墊。
knit together (v.+adv.)
    牢牢地連在一起,使團結 join firmly together
    knit sth ? together If you knit two thicknesses of the wool together, the garment will be very warm and you will finish it quickly. 倘若把你四塊厚毛料縫在一齊,那予以的羽絨服就極其溫暖另一方面迅速就可以完活兒。 knit together The doctor says that Mother won't be able to walk until the bones of her leg have knitted together. 咨詢師說,自己在腿上的腳骨長牢以往走接受路。 knit sb/sth ? together Their dependence on one another knit them together. 自己的相互間依賴癥使自己凝成了了個相輔相成的團隊。 Love knitted the family together. 愛使一家子人優勢互補地團結互助在在一塊。 Mortar is used to knit bricks together. 灰泥是能夠滿足砌磚塊的。 The treaty knitted the economics of the two nations together. 此同盟條約使這5個一個國家的區域經濟緊湊結合實際在一同。 Our two nations are knit together by common concerns. 共同的關愛的一些問題使我們都中國俄羅斯友善在不能在一起。
knit up (v.+adv.)
    恢復,修復 repair or make (sth) good again
    knit sth ? up How long will it take you to knit up this pattern? 你織完這一樣式要多久時? I am going to knit up this scarf tomorrow. 打了算昨日把這段圍脖織好。 I can knit up a baby's coat in a week. 我就能夠在一一周內織完一個孩子 裝。 She knitted up her remarks briefly. 她草草坪都結束了了她語錄。 knit up This wool knits up well. 類似這些毛線很比較適合編。 This nylon doesn't knit up as well as pure wool. 這一尼龍繩不會像純羊毛絨各樣適合編織線。 knit up A broken bone soon knits up again. 斷骨能較快街上。 knit sth ? up Our letters enabled us to knit up our old friendship. 溝通往來賬使你們重修舊好。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Whip up..day dress in low-cost knit. 出自:New York Post
  • Coco Chanel..seized upon the freedom of knit as early as 1913. 出自:Daily Telegraph
  • Knit one slip one knit two together Pass the slipstitch over. 出自: Dylan Thomas
  • You couldn't have knitted a tea-cosy out of that wool. 出自: P. Mortimer
  • Lotte would be waiting..knitting placidly at the fireside. 出自: M. West
  • Her russet knit sweater has ridden up from the waist of her slacks. 出自: J. Updike
  • She knit his socks in cable stitch. 出自: E. O





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