

[ed?]     [ed?]    
  • n. 邊緣;優勢;邊;刀口
  • vt. 給 ... 加上邊;緩慢橫過;使鋒利
  • vi. 徐徐前進
edgeless edged edged edging edges



n. (名詞)
  1. 邊,邊緣
  2. 優勢,優越條件
  3. 尖銳,銳利
  4. 刀口,刀刃
  5. 棱,刃,端,鋒
  6. 敏銳
  7. 激烈,強烈
  8. 邊界,界限,界線,邊線
  9. 微醉狀態
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. =Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution,增強型數據速率GSM演進技術,常被稱作"E網"
v. (動詞)
  1. 使(刀、劍)鋒利,使銳利
  2. (使)漸進,漸漸移近,漸漸移動,徐徐移動,徐移,徐進,徐徐前進,緩緩移動,慢慢地向前移動
  3. 擠掉,擠進,擠過,側身擠過(人群),擠到旁邊
  4. 側著移動,沿邊移動,向邊緣移動,側身移動,側近,斜進,側著身子進
  5. (給)開刃,將(刀)開刃,使開刃,給...開刃
  6. (給...)鑲邊,給...加上邊,給...形成邊,給...飾邊,加邊于
  7. 滾邊
  8. 略為增加
  9. 逐漸將…排擠出
  10. 險勝(常與out連用)
  11. 使(雪板)斜滑


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]邊,棱,邊緣 the part along the end or side of sth
  2. [C]刀口〔刃〕 sharp cutting part of a blade, knife, or some other tool or weapon
  3. [C]優勢 superiority; dominant position
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 給…形成邊 form an edge on; make or serve as an edge or border for
  2. vt. 使銳利 cause to sharpen
  3. vi. 慢慢向前移動,側身移動 move slowly forward or along; move sideways little by little


  1. the boundary of a surface
  2. a line determining the limits of an area
  3. a sharp side formed by the intersection of two surfaces of an object;

    "he rounded the edges of the box"

  4. the attribute of urgency in tone of voice;

    "his voice had an edge to it"

  5. a slight competitive advantage;

    "he had an edge on the competition"

  6. the outside limit of an object or area or surface; a place farthest away from the center of something;

    "the edge of the leaf is wavy"
    "she sat on the edge of the bed"
    "the water's edge"

  1. advance slowly, as if by inches;

    "He edged towards the car"

  2. provide with a border or edge;

    "edge the tablecloth with embroidery"

  3. lie adjacent to another or share a boundary;

    "Canada adjoins the U.S."
    "England marches with Scotland"

  4. provide with an edge;

    "edge a blade"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Look out! You could fall off the edge here!
  2. New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the town.
  3. In the second half of the game, the home team got the edge on the visitors and kept it.
  4. Because of the high exchange rate, our products have lost their competitive edge.
    由于匯率很高, 我們的產品失去了競爭優勢。
  5. Don't bump the door with the edge ot the table.
  6. Please sharpen the edge of this axe.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. She lost a handkerchief edged with blue.
  2. We slowly edged our way towards the exit.
  3. You'll have to edge the knife, it's blunt.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. Unemployment will edge up, but not by much.


用作名詞 (n.)
have the edge on〔over〕
    略微勝過,比…稍強 be slightly better than or have a slight advantage over
on edge
    緊張不安,煩躁 nervous
set sb's teeth/nerves on edge
    使某人心煩意亂〔不舒服〕 make sb upset or uncomfortable
take the edge off
    使…減弱 lessen the force of
用作動詞 (v.)
edge away (v.+adv.)
    慢慢啟航 sail slowly away
    edge away Seeing the sick child had fallen asleep, the doctor edged away. 見病倒的寶寶逐漸睡覺了,醫生專家便輕輕地滾開了。 edge away from sb He edged away from the thug. 他悄悄地地躲要開那一暴徒。 edge away The little boat edged away quietly, while no one was looking. 趁不敢準備,帆船輕輕地離岸而去。 edge away from sth The shop edged away from the shore. 船慢慢離岸。
edge down (v.+adv.)
    慢慢駛近 sail slowly near to (sth)
    edge down from sth The climber edged slowly down from the summit of the mountain. 那名攀巖運作員緩慢地從山巔向山腳下挪動。 edge down upon sth A small boat edged down upon the big steamer. 三只小艇慢慢駛近那艘大客輪。
edge in (v.+adv.)
    逐漸移動 move gradually (towards sb)
    edge sth ? in He edged in a word. 他同時插人兩句話。 The noise at the party was so loud that I was hardly able to edge in a remark at all. 同學聚會上原音嘈雜聲,我近乎連兩句話也插不進。 edge in Though it was crowded, he managed to edge in. 一般人一些,他或是擠進來了。 edge sth ? in There's a small crowd round the speaker, but try to edge your way in. 演講題目者相鄰己經上了一部分人,僅僅你居然得奮發努力擠搬家進去。 edge in on sb I tried to edge in on the singer to speak to him, but he was surrounded by other questioners. 我猜測湊近那為歌星和男說你說話,都是他卻被另外的怎么提問者團團圍住。
edge into (v.+prep.)
    慢慢取得 gain (sb's belief, love, etc.) slowly
edge off1 (v.+adv.)
    慢慢啟航 sail slowly away
    edge off The steamer edged off. 汽船慢慢離去。
edge off2 (v.+prep.)
    把(某人)擠出… put (sb) out of place
    edge sb off sth He edged me off the road. 他就將我熔融擠出了人行路。
edge on (v.+adv.)
    慫恿,煽動 instigate
    edge sb ? on The fight would probably never have begun if one of the boys had not been edged on by a couple of bystanders. 要沒有這之中有一個娃兒受四個旁聽者者的挑唆,那一場架當你根本點就打不上來。
edge out (v.+adv.)
    排擠; 取代勝過 put (sb/sth) out of place
    edge sb/sth ? out He's been running the company for years, but they're trying to edge him out. 他經營的好幾家大公司另一個常年,但用戶正采取行動把他不待見回來。 Ade was winning the race until the thin boy edged him out. 接力賽跑中艾德即將取得成功了,是那為瘦瘦的老太子卻超過了了他。 Kennedy edged out Nixon in the 1960 presidential election. 肯尼迪在1960年特朗普總統大拖動戰勝了尼克松。 The home team edged out the visitors. 主隊小勝客隊。 Home-made goods are edging out imported foreign goods. 國產貨貨正越來越大轉變德國貸物。
edge through (v.+prep.)
    慢慢擠〔通〕過… move gradually through some place
    edge oneself/sth through sb/sth He edged himself through the crowd. 他從群眾中擠過。 They edged the piano through the door. 用戶把長笛漸漸地抬過門去。
edge toward (v.+prep.)
    朝…方向慢慢移動 move slowly toward
    edge toward sb/sth Toward the end of the speech some members of the audience began to edge toward the door. 相似講演完美收官時,一部電影分足球迷開始小心向門口的裝飾上活動。
edge up (v.+adv.)
    慢慢向上邊靠攏 rise upward slowly
    edge up Prices have been stable for a while, but they are beginning to edge up again now. 日本物價曾一次安全,但現階段又開端一天天飛漲了。
edge with (v.+prep.)
    給…鑲邊 supply (an object) with a border
    edge sth with sth My old grandmother always used to edge her table-cloth with lace. 我的老祖母常常陋習把桌布鑲上花邊。 She edged the sleeve with lace. 她給衣袖鑲上花邊。 The old man edged the path with trees. 那名長輩在羊腸小道邊種去了景觀樹。 The beautiful garden was edged with flowering trees. 有個漂亮的園藝四周圍圍有結果實的樹木種類。 The main street was edged on both sides with dirty decaying buildings. 那一條核心社區的兩頭是些骯臟、破敗的房間。 His voice was edged with menace. 他的時候里含帶的威脅的風味。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • He carried a curved scimitar, so that in his fencing he relied on the edge and neglected the point. 出自: A. Duggan
  • Thy sure divinity shall..edge thy sword to reap the glorious field. 出自: Pope
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