

['sent?(r)]     ['sent?r]    
  • n. 中心;集中點
  • v. 居中;使集中
  • =center<美>
  • adj. 中心的;中央的



n. (名詞)
  1. 中心;圓心;中心點;正中
  2. 中央,中樞
  3. 中間派,中間黨
  4. 中心區
  5. 人口集中的地區
  6. 商業中心區,文化中心區
  7. 活動中心
  8. 居領先地位的中心
  9. 聚集點
  10. 【體】中鋒
  11. 核心
  12. 中心人物
v. (動詞)
  1. 把…放在中央,把…當作中心
  2. 成為中心
  3. 使活動等集中于…
  4. 居中,集中
  5. 把...集中,使聚集于一點,使集中
  6. 有中心
  7. 做中鋒
  8. 定...的中心
  9. 矯正中心
  10. center的主英拼法
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 中心的
  2. 中點的
  3. 中央的
  4. 位在正中的
  1. <英>=center


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]中心點,中心,中央 point that is equally distant from all sides of sth; middle point or part of sth
  2. [C]使人感興趣的集中點 point towards which people's interest is directed
  3. [C]中樞 place from which administration is organized
  4. [C]活動集中的地方 place that certain activities or facilities are concentrated
  5. [S]中間立場,中間黨派 moderate political position or party
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 置于中央 place in centre; pass to the centre
  2. vt. & vi. 集中 focus; fix


  1. a low-lying region in central France
  2. an area that is approximately central within some larger region;

    "it is in the center of town"
    "they ran forward into the heart of the struggle"
    "they were in the eye of the storm"

  3. a point equidistant from the ends of a line or the extremities of a figure
  4. a place where some particular activity is concentrated;

    "they received messages from several centers"

  5. the sweet central portion of a piece of candy that is enclosed in chocolate or some other covering
  6. the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience;

    "the gist of the prosecutor's argument"
    "the heart and soul of the Republican Party"
    "the nub of the story"

  7. the object upon which interest and attention focuses;

    "his stories made him the center of the party"

  8. a cluster of nerve cells governing a specific bodily process;

    "in most people the speech center is in the left hemisphere"

  9. a building dedicated to a particular activity;

    "they were raising money to build a new center for research"

  1. move into the center;

    "That vase in the picture is not centered"

  2. direct one's attention on something;

    "Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. That new shopping centre is a real eyesore.
  2. The new library was built in the centre of the campus.
  3. Children like to be the centre of attention.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Please centre the subheads.
  2. All our hopes centre on you now.
  3. Our thoughts centre upon one idea.
  4. Our thoughts centre upon this important problem.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. Pupils are the centre parts of one's eyes.
  2. The building stands cheek by jowl with the centre square.
  3. Only centre government has the power to mobilize the country's economic resources.


用作名詞 (n.)
around the centre
    圍繞…的中心 circling the centre
at the centre
    在中心 in the middle of sth
centre of attention
    惹眼的人; 注意力中心 sb/sth that holds most attention
front and centre
    〈美俚〉快去吧 used as a command to a person to go to sb who wants him
in the centre of
    在…的過程中 during the course of sth
off centre
    偏離中心 not exactly in the middle
用作動詞 (v.)
centre in( v.+prep. )
    集中于…,集中在…上 have (sth) as its main point of interest and concern
    centre in sth/v-ing This novel centres in crime. 這不小說,電影以刑事犯罪行為為之主要題。 For some time all my interest has centred in their methods of agriculture. 全是段南北朝時期,我的所有的愛好集合在鉆研用戶的種植農作物辦法上。 His life's work centred in the search for a cure for the terrible disease. 他花了終其一生的體力來實驗有效控制這樣好恐怖的病。 All our interest centres in our family. 我們都各種的濃厚興趣都集中授課在家庭環境上。 His chief joy centred in carrying for the children. 他主要是的快樂作文聚集在調教子女們上。 centre sth in sb/sth His whole mind, his whole being, was centred in revolution. 他的整一個心身都放到了革命斗爭上。
centre on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    重點在于…; 主要與…有關 have sth as most important point; be concerned with sth
    centre on〔upon〕 sb/sth The village centred on its market square. 村里中間是大集購物廣場。 centre sth on〔upon〕 sth We centred the mirror on the wall. 讓我們把大鏡子掛在墻的中央軍事。 centre on〔upon〕 sth The searchlights centred upon the enemy planes. 探照燈匯集對看怪物的無人機。 Our thoughts centres upon one idea. 他們的見解多在是一個學術觀點上。 His current work centres upon the study of methodology in teaching. 現如今他的做工作收集在理論研究授課法上。 The conversation centred on the radical changes taking place in Russia. 溝通聚焦在蘇聯未能發生的的激增發展上。 centre sth on〔upon〕 sth He centred his attention on the problem. 他把主要力集中授課在整個一些問題上。 His whole mind was centred on the problem at hand. 他全神貫注在當今的現象上。 The action of the play is centred on the struggle between the two women. 那出戲的最主要楊志的故事是這兩個男人愛彼此的爭權奪利。
centre out( v.+adv. )
    把(某人)挑出來 choose (sb) among others, usually for punishment or special treatment
    centre sb ? out The teacher scolded the child for bad behaviour, but the child then complained that she had been centred out. 導師責難那么寶貝行為表現不端,但那么寶貝接下來就自以為是說她是替罪羊。
centre round〔around〕( v.+prep. )
    集中于; 包圍,圍繞 have sth as most important point; surround (sb/sth)
    centre round〔around〕 sth The children always centre round the teacher at story time. 講典故的之后小小朋友怎是圍在的老師的附進。 The action of the story centred around the French Revolution. 的故事的人物性格重點圍繞著瑞士大紅色革命擴展。 The discussion centres round the most important question. 研討集合在最重要要的的問題上。 In November their work centred round levelling fields. 用戶13月份的運行基本是不平土地資源。 The discussion centred round the problem whether they should carry on their experiment at the moment. 研討會一起在兩人目前為止是否是要立即參與疲勞試驗你這個大問題上。 centre sth round〔around〕 sth Do women centre their lives around the home now? 女人們今天還跟著的家庭轉嗎?


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • This bed thy center is, these wals thy spheare. 出自: fig.
  • In reverie centred. 出自: Goldsmith
  • The necessity of well centring the object glass of a large telescope. 出自: C. Hutton
  • A plot of..grass centred by a basin. 出自: K. Little
  • My universe was still centred in my mother's fragrant person. 出自: R. Church
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