

[d?'mɑ?nd]     [d?'m?nd]    
  • n. 要求;需求
  • v. 要求;查問;需要
demandable demander demanded demanded demanding demands



n. (名詞)
  1. 要求,請求
  2. 需求
  3. 需要,必需
  4. 銷路
  5. 量,需要量
  6. 開價
  7. 所需之物
  8. 所要求的事物
  9. 命令,指令
  10. 問題
v. (動詞)
  1. 要求,請求
  2. 需要,必需
  3. 盤詰,盤問,詢問
  4. 【律】傳喚,召喚,傳…到庭
  5. 追究
  6. 爭取,追求,求
  7. 指令,囑咐,強求
  8. 召集,召見,命令(某人)到場
  9. 要求知道,要求被告知,想要知道


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 要求 say strongly that you must have sth
  2. vt. 需要 want (particular goods or services)
  3. vt. 想要知道,查問 inquire with authority
n. (名詞)
  1. [C]要求,所需求之物 urgent request; act of demanding; sth demanded
  2. [U][S]需求,需要 the desire of people for particular goods or services


  1. an urgent or peremptory request;

    "his demands for attention were unceasing"

  2. the ability and desire to purchase goods and services;

    "the automobile reduced the demand for buggywhips"
    "the demand exceeded the supply"

  3. required activity;

    "the requirements of his work affected his health"
    "there were many demands on his time"

  4. the act of demanding;

    "the kidnapper's exorbitant demands for money"

  5. a condition requiring relief;

    "she satisfied his need for affection"
    "God has no need of men to accomplish His work"
    "there is a demand for jobs"

  1. request urgently and forcefully;

    "The victim's family is demanding compensation"
    "The boss demanded that he be fired immediately"
    "She demanded to see the manager"

  2. require as useful, just, or proper;

    "It takes nerve to do what she did"
    "success usually requires hard work"
    "This job asks a lot of patience and skill"
    "This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice"
    "This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert"
    "This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent"

  3. claim as due or just;

    "The bank demanded payment of the loan"

  4. lay legal claim to
  5. summon to court
  6. ask to be informed of;

    "I demand an explanation"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Their demand is entirely justified.
  2. The demand for coal begins to slacken off in the spring.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He had the impertinence to demand a raise.
  2. The policeman demanded their names.
  3. All these questions demand careful and detailed study.


用作動詞 (v.)
demand for (v.+prep.)
    要求 ask for sth
    demand for sth He agreed to pay the price demanded for the computer. 他簽字付給這臺核算機的要價。 demand sth for sth/v-ing The teacher demanded an explanation for his absence from class. 政治老師要他對缺課得出結論釋義。
demand from (v.+prep.)
    向…要求或索取 ask for sth
    demand sth from sb The captain demanded obedience from his men. 這群上尉的標準土兵服從安排他的塔臺。 We demand an explanation from him. 我們公司要他予以釋義。 She demanded an apology from the boy. 她請求一個男娃認錯。 I'll demand reparation from the company. 我將會求集團給與賠償費。
demand of (v.+prep.)
    要求,需求 ask for sth of sb; require sth
    demand sth of sb/sth He demanded payment of the buyer. 他標準要求買主支付款項。 Have you any idea what the task will demand of you? 你知不認識道這些運作對是我有沒有規范要求? Is it wrong for the police to demand the help of the public in fighting violent crime? 販毒在和粗暴違法犯罪抗爭時要求社會公眾協助執行,其實不會對嗎? I demanded an answer of him. 我想要求他函復。 Science demands of men effort and complete devotion. 要熟悉科學合理需勤奮努力并對其非常奉獻。 A war would demand of us enormous sacrifices of life and property. 世界戰爭耍求我們的上述生命是什么和資物的較大為國捐軀。 The increased population is demanding too much of electricity supply. 人口統計倍增后對電業的要量不大。 Hard work will be demanded of students in this course. 這門課想要學生黨們勤勞學習了解。 All this was demanded of me. 所有的這一些都需求我們一起來干。 Everything that has been taught will be demanded of the students at the examination. 一切教過的東西,駕考時都需求畢業生能答粗來。 demand of sb/sth to-v We demand of him to reply at once. 咱們要他立馬信訪回復。 He demanded of us to take action at once. 他讓我們很快利用凈網行動。 The teacher demands of his students to finish their homework well. 語文老師的標準中學生良好地達到家中高空作業。 She demands of her husband to help with the housework. 她的要求她妻子幫到干打掃房間活。
用作名詞 (n.)
have many demands on〔upon〕
    (時間〔錢〕)不敷支配 not have enough time or money to do sth
in demand
    所需要的,銷路好的 needed, wanted; very popular
make demand on〔of〕
    提出要求,有求于 expect help or support from sb, continually require
on demand
    一經要求 when asked for


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Henry's extravagant demands had been received at Madrid with that neglect which they deserved. 出自: W. Robertson
  • Compassion is..a demand of nature, to relieve the unhappy. 出自: fig.
  • Two ruffians..demanded to speak with the king. 出自: Goldsmith
  • To demand that the bones..should be returned to their care. 出自: L. Ritchie
  • The Crown claimed ownership..and demanded a licence fee. 出自: W. S. Churchill
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