

[w??]     [wɑ??]    
  • n. 洗;洗滌
  • v. 洗;洗滌;洗清
washed washed washing washes



n. (名詞)
  1. 沃什灣(靠英國英格蘭東部)
  2. <美>洗東西處
  3. 洗衣店
  4. 要洗的衣服,洗好的衣服
  5. 【地】(水流的)沖積物,沖積層,沙灘
  6. 洗滌劑
  7. 洗,洗滌,沖洗,沐浴
  8. 廢液,泔水
  9. 沼澤,泥塘,淺水灣,洼地
  10. <美>干河床
  11. 水的奔流,洶涌,水的撞擊,流水的拍打聲
  12. 味淡的液體食品,淡酒,淡飲料
  13. 【海】排出流
  14. 薄涂層,涂料
v. (動詞)
  1. 洗,洗滌,洗去
  2. <喻>洗刷
  3. 使濕,使浸透,使濕透
  4. (貓等)舔凈
  5. 鍍金屬薄層于
  6. 沖洗,弄濕(傷口等)
  7. (光)布滿,彌漫于
  8. 漫過,流過,(被浪花等)拍打,沖擊
  9. 沖擊,沖成,沖蝕
  10. 【化】洗滌
  11. 使打旋
  12. 洗澡,洗臉,洗手
  13. 耐洗
  14. 用作洗滌劑
  15. 粉刷,涂(漆、顏料)于
  16. <英口>(常用在疑問和否定句中)經得住考驗,論點站得住腳
  17. 【礦】洗(礦)
  18. 使人接受,令人相信
abbr. (縮略詞)
  1. 華盛頓=washington
adj. (形容詞)
  1. <美口>耐洗的
  2. (證券交易)沖銷性的,洗售的


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 洗; 洗滌 make clean with water or some other liquid
  2. vi. 耐洗,經洗 be able to be washed without spoiling; bear cleaning with liquid without damage
  3. vi. & vt. 沖走; 沖擊,拍打 carry with water; beat or strike with water
n. (名詞)
  1. [S] 洗; 洗滌 act of cleaning or being cleaned with water
  2. [S] 洗的衣物的數量 quantity of clothes, sheets, etc. (to be) washed


  1. a thin coat of water-base paint
  2. the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water)
  3. the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon)
  4. the erosive process of washing away soil or gravel by water (as from a roadway);

    "from the house they watched the washout of their newly seeded lawn by the water"

  5. the flow of air that is driven backwards by an aircraft propeller
  6. a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other
  7. garments or white goods that can be cleaned by laundering
  8. any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out;

    "at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash"

  1. clean with some chemical process
  2. cleanse (one's body) with soap and water
  3. cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water;

    "Wash the towels, please!"

  4. move by or as if by water;

    "The swollen river washed away the footbridge"

  5. be capable of being washed;

    "Does this material wash?"

  6. admit to testing or proof;

    "This silly excuse won't wash in traffic court"

  7. separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)
  8. apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to
  9. remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent;

    "he washed the dirt from his coat"
    "The nurse washed away the blood"
    "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?"
    "he managed to wash out the stains"

  10. form by erosion;

    "The river washed a ravine into the mountainside"

  11. make moist;

    "The dew moistened the meadows"

  12. wash or flow against;

    "the waves laved the shore"

  13. to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking;

    "The cat washes several times a day"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. This dress material shrinks in the wash.
  2. We'll toss a coin to see who does the wash.
  3. She has a large wash this week.
  4. Silk clothing should not use washing machines wash.
  5. Cheap clothes tend to fall apart when you wash them.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I must wash my hands before dinner.
  2. Cotton clothes will shrink if you wash them in hot water.
  3. I am afraid you must wash out this stain.


用作動詞 (v.)
wash away (v.+adv.)
    消除 remove the effect of guilt〔說明〕 wash away作此解時通常不用于進行體。
    wash away Their social and cultural identity washed away after some centuries. 這幾個世紀經典時候,他另一個的世界和技術 特殊性消失了。 wash sth ? away She washed away the stains. 她洗到了污跡。 In the next ten years, the stream will wash away the base of this huge rock, which will roll down the slope. 在未來發展的十二年里,一條小溪流將沖倒這個巨龍的基石,巨龍會順坡滾下去了。 The empty boat was washed away by the tide. 空船被潮汛沖倒。 Last year's flood was the worst I had ever seen; every house in the village was washed away. 昨年的洪澇是所經力過最明顯的一場,村內的買房子全被沖倒了。 The base of the cliff is being gradually washed away by the sea. 山崖的低部正處于開始被海面沖蝕。 The river banks have been washed away by the flood; the villagers must be warned of the danger! 河堤已被山洪沖垮,需向農戶該報告事故發生! wash away That machine washes away without you having to do anything. 那臺機械不須要人去照管就能不斷地全自動實行洗滌劑。 wash sth ? away Nothing can ever wash away my feeling of responsibility for his death. 什么東西都祛除不好我對他的死的負疚感。
wash down (v.+adv.)
    (使)流下 bring or come down in streams
    wash sth ? down He washed the car down with a hose. 我用暖氣管刷車。 I need some help to wash the walls down before painting. 圖畫前,我需求有幫人把壁洗清干凈徹底。 wash sth ? down Put the pill on your tongue, and drink a big mouthful of water to wash it down. 把藥上放至舍頭上,喝重要 口水把它沖發展壯大。 She washed the cake down with a cup of coffee. 她就著來一杯奶茶把餅吃去了了。 We didn't have much money for lunch, so we ate bread and washed it down with cold water. 我們公司沒數量錢吃中飯,當不成喝著生水吃些面包類。 wash down Most of the soil in the river bed has washed down over the years from the mountains. 堤壩的大部位泥巴都要二十多年來從山里水蝕完成的。 wash sth ? down The floods have washed most of the soil down from the river banks. 山洪已把河堤的大部門沙子水蝕碰掉。 The soil has been washed down into the valley. 泥沙被倒入了深谷。
wash off (v.+adv.)
    (使)清除掉,清洗掉 (cause to) be removed by cleaning, as with water
    wash off No, thick black ink like that won't wash off easily. 不好,那種的黑黑墨水不極易易洗掉。 wash sth ? off I let some lemonade fall on my clothes, and I'm not sure if I can wash it off. 我要檸檬水灑在衣服褲子進了,茫然不了解到底能不能把它洗掉。
wash out (v.+adv.)
    (使)褪色 drain off colour in laundering; fade
    wash sth ? out I could not wash out the grease spots in the pan until I tried this detergent. 我這樣的洗潔劑劑才洗全掉鍋里的油垢。 Don't just rinse the bottles.Wash them out carefully. 別只涮涮罐子,要非常仔細洗洗里邊兒。 All the glasses should be washed out and sterilized. 一切的陶瓷杯子都都應該洗無殘留另外清潔。 wash out The colour has washed out and looks faded. 顏色搭配已被洗得褪了。 Don't worry about the stain on your coat; it will easily wash out. 別讓你襯衫上的污跡著急,那很輕松洗掉。 wash sth ? out I can't seem to wash out that ink that got onto the tablecloth. 看變得,我洗不掉灑在臺布上的油墨。 Don't trouble about those coffee stains; we can soon wash them out. 別為某些咖啡服務漬焦躁惶恐,公司行更慢將這句話洗掉的。 If you get some greasy dirt on your clothes, you can wash it out with this washing powder. 倘若你的襯衫蘸上污漬,需要用本身洗鞋粉洗掉。 At last the dirty mark was washed out of my shirt. 我襯衣上的污跡就此給洗全掉。 wash out The bridge has washed out. 橋已被沖垮。 wash sth ? out Heavy rain washed out three important roads overnight. 中雨在一夜相互之間相互之間沖毀了兩條要道。 The embankment was washed out by the storm. 堤岸被暴驟雨擊毀了。 Seeds and seedlings were all washed out of the fields. 種子bt和秧苗都從田里沖跑了。 The bridge was washed out by a sudden flood. 那座橋被一出突彼以來的洪水災害沖坍了。 You can't use the bridge any more; it's been washed out in the floods. 你們之間再不許用那座橋了,它已被大水沖垮。 wash sb ? out She is washed out after her recent illness. 過程在最近這一段時間這次叛亂病,她健康疲倦可真。 You seem all washed out, what's the matter? 你瞧起來疲憊不堪不堪,你怎么樣啦? Those children need more sleep; they look washed out. 哪幾個小兒須得大量的睡眠質量,他倆顯小是疲累。 I feel completely washed out after an ordinary day at the office. 在會議室室做工作1天后,我常常覺得筋疲力盡。 wash sth ? out I'm afraid this rain will wash out our garden party again. 看來這一場雨又要使我國的游園會告吹了。 Heavy rain that afternoon washed out our basketball match. 那一天的下午兩場瓢潑大雨把握們的足球比賽泡湯了。 Two cricket matches were washed out this afternoon. 下面上午十場板球賽被取消了。 Today's football match has been washed out by a sudden downpour. 現在的足球比賽賽因這場陡然從天而降的中雨而移除了。 wash sth ? out This fabric is washed out. 這個針織物洗得氧化了。
wash over (v.+prep.)
    進入…的思想 pass into the mind of sb
    wash over sth The waves washed over the sea embankment with a loud crashing noise. 波濤拍痧著海堤產生極大的的碰撞聲。 wash over sb He was so buried in his work that the noise outside the window just washed over him. 他腳踏實地工做,毫不貪求窗邊的喧鬧聲所動。 He is so used to receiving complaints that they just wash over him nowadays. 他對自已的說了逐漸習總覺得常,這些接下來只把植物的根當成耳朵風。 wash over sb The thought washed over me that I might never see them again. 我腦中飛過也許 永遠永遠就不會再見到她們的打算。
wash up (v.+adv.)
    耗盡; 結束,毀掉 exhaust; finish; ruin
    wash up We all washed up after dinner. 吃完飯后半小時他們各位在一起洗碗。 My little daughter often helps me wash up. 我的小二女兒時常給我洗餐盤。 You can listen to some music while you are washing up. 你啊以方面 聽歌英文方面 洗炊具。 wash sth ? up I have washed up the dinner things. 我已把炊具洗完了。 Have the dishes been washed up yet? 碗碟還未有喜好嗎? wash up It's a good habit to wash up before a meal. 飯前冼手洗漱是好良習慣養成。 wash sth ? up The waves washed the oil up onto the sand. 大海把油注入海水浴場。 Last night's tide washed up some quite beautiful shells. 咋天的退潮沖進來有一些等于美觀的珍珠貝。 A lot of rubbish was washed up by the high tide. 上升的漲潮把許許多多垃級注入了岸。 Big logs are washed up every day on the west coast. 定期波濤將大量大木板材沖過西岸上。 wash sb/sth ? up Their marriage was washed up long ago. 兩人的無性婚姻直接關系都已結速了。 They were engaged to be married, but I hear they're washed up. 用戶本來訂了婚,然而,想聽說用戶的婚禮已吹了。 wash sb ? up I feel all washed up. 我備感疲憊不堪了。 After an ordinary day at the office I feel completely washed up. 在辦公裝修室運行一月后,我常常變得筋疲力盡。 After that performance,John is all washed up as a singer. 在那一場演藝后,阿奇博爾德成為演唱家是徹底清除完蛋了。
用作名詞 (n.)
come out in the wash
    洗掉; 結果令人滿意 wash off; solve (a problem completely)
in the wash
    正在洗 being washed


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • She never failed to enjoy her wash at the baths. 出自: E. Blair
  • I'll just wash your jersey through. 出自: N. Streatfeild
  • Wash the spinach with the red roots attached. 出自:Cook's Magazine
  • When the water drained away, the street was washed..clean. 出自: B. Okri
  • She..goes to the sink to wash the glasses. 出自: E. O




  • washing n. 正在洗或待洗的衣服‖washable adj. 可洗的; 耐洗的; (織物上的油漆、墨水等)可洗掉的


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