

[b?ks]     [bɑ?ks]    
  • n. 盒子;箱子;包廂;專席;<口>電視機
  • n. 一拳;巴掌;耳光
  • n. 黃楊;黃楊木
  • vt. 把…裝箱;使局限于狹小空間;擋住
  • v. 拳擊;打耳光
box boxed boxed boxing boxes



n. (名詞)
  1. 黃楊木,黃楊屬植物
  2. 包廂,專席,分隔式雅座
  3. 箱,盒,匣
  4. 信箱
  5. <英>公用電話亭
  6. 信號員亭,哨亭
  7. <口>電視機
  8. 一掌,一拳
  9. 陪審席
  10. 方框
  11. <英>證人席
  12. 巴掌
  13. 鄉間小屋,野外小棚屋
  14. 匣子是前蘇聯制造的A-20轟炸機
v. (動詞)
  1. 打,擊
  2. 斗拳,參加拳擊比賽,與...斗拳,與…進行拳擊比賽,從事拳擊運動
  3. 使分隔
  4. 使局限于狹小空間
  5. 把...裝箱,把...裝盒 ,給...裝上罩殼
  6. 打某人耳光
  7. 圍困,包圍 ,攔擋
  8. 把...做成箱形
  9. 使(船)搶風轉向
  10. <澳口>弄亂,搞亂


n. (名詞)
  1. [C]盒,匣,箱 a container for solid objects or substances, usually with stiff straight sides and often with a lid
  2. [C]一盒之量 the amount a box will hold
  3. [C]電話亭 telephone booth
  4. [U]包廂 a small room or enclosed space; a small enclosed space with seats in a theatre, separate from the main seating area
  5. [S]電視機 television
  6. [C]郵政信箱 a PO Box
  7. [U]困境 difficult position
  8. [C]巴掌,耳光 hitting on the ears
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 把…裝入盒中 put in a box or boxes
  2. vt. & vi. 拳擊 fight sb with the closed hands/fists, usually with thick gloves for sport


  1. a (usually rectangular) container; may have a lid;

    "he rummaged through a box of spare parts"

  2. private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance;

    "the royal box was empty"

  3. the quantity contained in a box;

    "he gave her a box of chocolates"

  4. a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible;

    "his lying got him into a tight corner"

  5. a rectangular drawing;

    "the flowchart contained many boxes"

  6. evergreen shrubs or small trees
  7. any one of several designated areas on a ball field where the batter or catcher or coaches are positioned;

    "the umpire warned the batter to stay in the batter's box"

  8. the driver's seat on a coach;

    "an armed guard sat in the box with the driver"

  9. separate partitioned area in a public place for a few people;

    "the sentry stayed in his box to avoid the cold"

  10. a blow with the hand (usually on the ear);

    "I gave him a good box on the ear"

  1. put into a box;

    "box the gift, please"

  2. hit with the fist;

    "I'll box your ears!"

  3. engage in a boxing match



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He has eaten a whole box of chocolates.
  2. It's quite an effort to lift this heavy box.
  3. They have reserved a box for us in the theatre.
  4. The jurors filed into court one by one and took their places in the jury box.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I gave him a good box on the ear.
  2. She gave him a box on his ears.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Buy a Chinese little leaf Box decoration, a good tour souvenir, and happiness and luck are always with you.
  2. This spoon is made by box wood.
  3. This spoon is made by box wood.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. The oranges were boxed and sent off quickly.
  2. They were boxed up in a small shed during the flood.
  3. One of the runners got boxed in on the final bend.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Paul will box his opponent tomorrow evening.
  2. I'll box your ears if you say that again.


用作動詞 (v.)
box in (v.+adv.)
    包住,圍住,限制 enclose with a box or sth like a box; limit the movement of sb/sth
    box sb/sth ? in Some fool parked his car too close to mine and boxed me in. 哪幾個笨蛋把車緊挨著我的車慢下來,把握困在內出沒來了。 They boxed the garden in with fences. 這些 立起籬笆把園藝圍住。 The American is running on the outside of the track after being cleverly boxed in by his opponents earlier in the race. 團體賽已經開始時,那個歐美人被他的隊友們有效地夾在中間商,目前他已經在操場跑道的彎處跳躍。 The whole army was boxed in by the enemy and had no hope of escape. 全軍被敵機她的手所包圍著,還沒有逃出密室的還望。 The bathroom would look much nicer if the pipes were boxed in. 假如把這樣的管置入墻內,衛生間就想難看得多了。
box off (v.+adv.)
    分隔 separate sth
    box sth ? off You could box off the area under the stairs to make a cupboard. 你會以把行走樓梯下那塊地兒隔排成只小櫥。 The police boxed off the area into smaller parts for better control. 要用于經營,人民警察把這里辯別隔成多個一塊塊。 They have boxed the area off into separate sections. 這些人已經把這一個部位分類成專門的長方形區。 We are each boxed off in our own little offices. 我們的每個人分隔在我的小接待室室里。
box out (v.+adv.)
    通過拳擊分勝負 success or failure by hitting
    box sth ? out They wanted to box it out. 她們想要拳面區分個贏輸。
box up (v.+adv.)
    用木板封閉 close (a space) with boards of wood


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞


  • My landlady..took the opportunity of my absence to search my boxes. 出自: S. Johnson
  • Who, seeing the house shuttered, would have dropped a letter in at the box? 出自: E. Bowen
  • She was so furious she..rushed at Polly and boxed her ears. 出自: N. Mitford
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