

[?d'va?z]     [?d'va?z]    
  • vt. 勸告;通知;忠告;建議
  • vi. 提建議
advised advised advising advises



v. (動詞)
  1. 向…提出勸告,勸告,勸說,忠告,告誡
  2. 給…出主意 ,向…提意見
  3. 建議
  4. 通知,通告,告知,報告
  5. 提出勸告,提出建議,提出意見,提供咨詢,作顧問
  6. 商議,商量,磋商(與with連用)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 勸告,提建議 give advice to (sb), tell sb what one thinks should be done; warn, caution, offer counsel; give an opinion, recommend
  2. vt. (商業)通知,報告 inform; give information or notice to sb (business style)


  1. give advice to;

    "The teacher counsels troubled students"
    "The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud"

  2. inform (somebody) of something;

    "I advised him that the rent was due"

  3. make a proposal, declare a plan for something;

    "the senator proposed to abolish the sales tax"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. They advised her against marrying quickly.
  2. Please advise us when the goods are dispatched.
  3. He can advise on how to learn English well.
  4. I would advise you to keep out of the way when the teacher is rousting out the bad boys in the class.
  5. She advises the Government on economic affairs.
  6. We advised that they should start early/advised them to start early.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. The effective work of maintaining discipline is usually performed by students who advise the academic authorities.
  2. Charles Darwin I have found the best way to give advice to your children is to find out what they want and then advise them to do it.


用作動詞 (v.)
advise about〔on〕 (v.+prep.)
    (就某事或做某事)向某人提出建議或忠告 give sb advice about〔on〕 sth or doing sth
    advise sb about〔on〕 sth Priests advise their churchgoers about many personal troubles. 牧師就許許多3人的大問題大問題向常去做星期天的教徒提了箴言。 He advised her about her business affairs. 他對她的聲音生產系統闡述一部分意見書。 I advised him on technical matters. 你就關干科技方面向他提交自個兒的看法。 I have advised you on that subject. 就該的問題我給他們提過覺得。 She advises the government on economic affairs. 她就經濟條件新形勢向鎮政府提出了推薦 。 Perhaps you are the best man to advise me on this question. 在這類一些問題上,你有可能是能你給我提出者意見和建議的最適用的人。 advise sb about〔on〕 v-ing Experienced seamen will advise you about sailing in this weather. 有經驗豐富的海員會說了他還在這款天氣預報要求下的航海問題。 advise sb about〔on〕 wh-to-v The teachers advised the freshmen on how to use their time to the best advantage. 班主任培訓幾年新生報到該如何充沛借助時刻。 advise sb about〔on〕 wh-clause Experienced seamen will advise you about whether you should sail the boat in this weather. 有豐富經驗的海員會問過我還在這些的天氣因素下能不能也可以試航。
advise against (v.+prep.)
    告誡; 強烈反對 warn sb not to do sth; turn against strongly
    advise against sth In case of diabetes, physicians advise against the use of sugar. 對于那些痛風糖尿病患者,醫護人員勸勉他千萬不要吃糖。 advise sb against sth/v-ing Father advised me against the danger. 媽媽勸我預防危害。 Her mother advised her against marrying in haste. 她產婦勸她不可以早已匆匆接婚。
advise of (v.+prep.)
    向某人告知某事或提醒某事 give information or warning to sb about sth
    advise sb of sth I advised you of the danger. 我警告你防備危害性。 The motoring organizations have advised motorists of thick mists on the mountains. 么托車樂部已通知書職業賽車手山頂有濃霧。 Please advise me of any change of address. 如地止有發展,歡迎控制。 He has not advised his friends of his marriage. 他未把他的婚姻大事的通知人們。 I'll advise you of my future plan. 我可以把往后的設想告訴我你的。 The nurses advised the doctors of the conditions of their patients. 醫務人員向婦科醫生評估住院病人的情況。 He advised me of his whereabouts. 他把他的行蹤告知了我。 Please advise us of the dispatch of the goods. 請通告人們國際貨物的發運前提。 He has been advised of the state of the market. 他已發現市廠的股票行情。 The room began filled with offspring who were advised of their sister's betrothal. 那種取得媽媽定親發消息的小輩們展開擠進她的次臥。
advise with (v.+prep.)
    〈美〉商量,商議; 從某處得到意見 meet and talk with; get advice from sb; take counsel with
    advise with sb/sth I could advise with no one. 我沒有人可考慮一下。 You'll advise with him on these points. 這幾個你需要和他商量一下吧一下吧。 Before buying a house he advised with friends who owned houses. 買房子前他求教了有房的小伙伴們。 Before making any decision, the President usually advises with leading members of his special information committee. 在給出什么定先前,總理一般是和她的獨特專業顧問理事會會的注意成員確定競談。 She has gone to advise with her classmates about going to the countryside. 她以經去找好朋友們談妥下基層的事。 He'll advise with his parents on his studies. 他將同寶爸寶媽會議討論他的借鑒原因。 He advised with his colleagues on the teaching programme. 他與自己同事們會議討論課堂教學行動計劃。 He inspects their farms and advises with them on the best farming methods. 他檢查了兩人的大農場并與兩人溝通適宜壟作技巧。 I shall advise with my friends as to what is to be done. 關于該做些這些事,我要與好友 們和解好。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Advise you what you say. 出自:Twelfth Night , Shakespeare
  • Advise Forthwith how thou oughtst to receive him. 出自: Milton
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