

[p?'swe?d]     [p?r'swe?d]    
  • vt. 說服;勸說
persuadable persuader persuaded persuaded persuading persuades



v. (動詞)
  1. 說服
  2. 被說服
  3. 勸服
  4. 使某人相信
  5. 勸導
  6. 轉托
  7. 勸告
  8. 使信服
  9. 說服(某人)做某事,尤指勸說
  10. 引誘
  11. 懇求
  12. 催促
  13. 勸說


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 說服,勸告 make sb believe or do sth by talking to him


  1. win approval or support for;

    "Carry all before one"
    "His speech did not sway the voters"

  2. cause somebody to adopt a certain position, belief, or course of action; twist somebody's arm;

    "You can't persuade me to buy this ugly vase!"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. How can I persuade you of my sincerity?
  2. We are persuaded of the justice of her case.
  3. I am not fully persuaded by the evidence.
  4. You try and persuade her (to come out with us).
  5. He is easily persuaded.


用作動詞 (v.)
persuade into (v.+prep.)
    勸某人做某事 cause sb to do sth; convince sb to do sth
    persuade sb into v-ing You try and persuade her into coming with us. 你要我勸她跟公司來。 He couldn't persuade me into accepting his terms. 他沒辦法勸服我承受他的條件。 Who persuaded you into writing that letter? 誰勸你寫那封信的? I have persuaded him into doing it. 我就已經 說動他去做一件事。 He persuaded her into going to the dinner party. 跟我說服了她去參與婚禮宴席。 Her mother persuaded her into staying at home for a whole day. 她父親母親勸她在家里呆半個一個勁。 He is the sort of man that could be persuaded into doing everything. 他是那款可被吸引做所有的事要的人。 She was persuaded into doing it against her will. 她違反了我的利益,最好我同意做這種事了。
persuade (of) (v.+prep.)
    使某人確信 cause sb to convince
    persuade sb/oneself of sth How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我要怎樣都可以使你我請相信的誠心? They couldn't persuade him of their sincerity. 其尚未使他相信我其的誠摯。 We had to persuade them of the need to evacuate their house. .我只可以使這些人確信這些人有用不著充分利用房源。 We persuaded him of its importance. 我國使他深信它的首要性。 I have persuaded him of its truth. 我使他想信了中僅的事實真相。 Tom can't persuade himself of my sincerity. 湯姆不斷始終無法吸引我想來我的心意。 I'm firmly persuaded of the man's innocence. 我確信人的清正。 I'm thoroughly persuaded of his loyalty. 我徹底深信他的忠實。 That man was almost persuaded of her honesty. 那么人可以說想必她是誠實的。 persuade sb/oneself that-clause At last I persuaded him that he was wrong. 我終究說動他認弄錯了。 They persuaded him that this medicine was excellent for his colds. 他使他相信我這一種藥治發燒尤其靈。 She wanted to buy the orange dress, but we persuaded her that the blue one was much fitter. 她想要買那套黃色連褲裙,但我使她希望淡藍色的更適合的。 He persuaded her that he was honest. 他使她信任他是誠實的。 We could not persuade him that she was telling the truth. 我不可使他深信不疑她講的是真心話。 How can I persuade you that I am grateful to you? 我怎么樣的功能使你我想我對你特別關心呢? I could not persuade myself that this exciting moment would ever come. 我尚未使自個兒確信這款緊張得人心的時時刻刻會過去了。 I could not persuade myself that it was good for the health. 我是無法使自個兒信賴這對建康有福利。 I persuaded myself that I could make contributions to the motherland. 我堅信我想為我國給出影響力。 He persuaded himself that he could finish the business. 他堅信他能達成任何釣魚任務。 They were persuaded that we would accept the invitation. 大家 確信公司會進行邀請。 I'm almost persuaded that he is honest. 我近乎說實話他是誠實的。 How can I be persuaded that you are sincere? 我應該如何才能我相信你是真心真心的呢? It was easily persuaded that he must be a very good man. 很簡易 令人說實話他不是個善人。
persuade out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    勸某人放棄做某事 prevent sb from a course by talking to sb
    persuade sb out of sth/v-ing He persuaded me out of the idea of discontinuing the experiment. 他勸我選擇放棄出現異常實驗報告的見解。 We persuaded him out of lending his money to that untrustworthy man. 我國打動了他,他未把錢出借當時難以喜愛的人。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Be persuaded into being respectable. 出自: Dickens
  • I've been trying to persuade Izzy down to the city for the last five years. 出自: M. Shadbolt
  • Nothing would persuade many..important publishers to disclose their turnover figures. 出自: S. Unwin
導航 附則 查詞的歷史