

['e?bl]     ['e?bl]    
  • adj. 能夠的;有能力的;能干的
ably abler ablest



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 能,會,可
  2. 能干的,有本事的,干練的
  3. 有才能的,有能力的,有才智的,有才干的
  4. 能夠的,可以的
  5. 擅長的
  6. 【律】有法定資格的
  7. 得以…的


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 能夠…的 having the physical or mental power, skill, time, money, opportunity, etc. needed to do sth
  2. 聰明的,能干的 intelligent or good at doing sth


  1. (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something;

    "able to swim"
    "she was able to program her computer"
    "we were at last able to buy a car"
    "able to get a grant for the project"

  2. have the skills and qualifications to do things well;

    "able teachers"
    "a capable administrator"
    "children as young as 14 can be extremely capable and dependable"

  3. having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity;

    "able to learn"
    "human beings are able to walk on two feet"
    "Superman is able to leap tall buildings"

  4. having a strong healthy body;

    "an able seaman"
    "every able-bodied young man served in the army"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. We shall be able to deal with all sorts of problem.
  2. She bet me 20 that I wouldn't be able to give up smoking.
  3. Free will makes us able to choose our way of life.
  4. By no means was he able to handle it.
  5. He is an able man.
  6. Difficulties help to forge people into able folk.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
be able to
    S+be+~+to do sth I am able to swim. 會游玩。 She is quite able to teach. 她很會教書。 I am able to pay you now. 我現如今能付送你錢了。 I don't think he is able to take any more bad news. 我猜測他再受不掉更加多的壞新消息了。 I don't think he's able to do this type of work. 我感覺他未能勝任能力這種的操作。 He is well able to take care of himself. 他很會考慮本人。 He is able to write music. 他會作曲家。 He is financially able to establish a home. 他在生活上長功能結婚。 I was in a small boat during the storm, but it stopped after half an hour and I was able to breathe again. 暴風雪當天我還在這艘小帆船上,但二個1天后暴風雪就停了,我這才松好幾個口臭。 I was able to run away, but Tony wasn't. 我逃命了,如果托尼卻沒辦法脫逃。 He was able to jump into the sea before the boat was blown up. 船被炸掉原來他就跳入海底了。 In this way, he was able to solve the mystery. 就此一來,他揭開謎底。 By the time he graduated from college, he was able to speak three foreign languages. 高校畢業證書時,他早已可能說六種英文了。 The night was clear and we were able to see the stars. 黑夜靜美,當我們難于看得見星辰。 It was very difficult to make a heavy machine fly. But they were able to make it fly. 使較重的機子騰空而了起來是很難度的,只不過你們那一刻使它飛了起來。 Then they beached the ship on the shore where they were able to repair the damage. 再他倆把船拖到岸上,建好了劃痕的場所。 I'm sorry that I wasn't able to phone you yesterday. 對沒法,前幾天我還沒打熱線幫你。 He was not able to see the difference. 他看不進本質區別來。 They will be able to finish the work tomorrow. 你下星期能實現此項工作任務。 I believe that you will be able to speak English fluently in one month. 我確信你一名月動能語速地說英語口語。 After studying differential calculus you will be able to solve these mathematical problems. 學了微積分查詢時候,你倆就就能夠解這樣數學課題了。 I hope you will be able to speak English better soon. 我也希望你馬上就能夠英文講得更優質。 We shall be able to reach our destination tomorrow. 當我們下周一能否到原則地了。 Have the nautical chart at your fingertips, and you'll be able to steer your ship. 熟水路方能劃好船。 I won't be able to see him today. 昨天不將會自己去看他。 Will you be able to finish the work before Sunday? 我會在禮拜多天前完全這種運作嗎? Will you be able to come this afternoon? 近日十一點可以來嗎? Will she be able to cope with the work? 她才能其他應付款一項的工作嗎? He said that he was having financial difficulties and wasn't able to pay his bills. 跟我說他成本中有難,無法付賬。 I haven't been able to go. 我還沒有去成。 I haven't been able to get in touch with her. 我就直沒辦法和她去聯系上。 He has not been able to submit his report on time. 他沒辦法如時交了報告范文。 He's never been able to admit to his mistake. 他從沒承擔本身的錯誤操作。 They have not been able to take a rest for three days. 你都一接兩三天沒能倒班了。 Had it not been for his help, they would not have been able to settle their dispute. 倘若都沒有他的作用,你們就不要改善你們的產生矛盾。 I may be able to see you tomorrow. 我今天將去看。 You may not be able to discriminate between the sundry articles, but you can cross-check them. 不畏懼不知貨,就怕貨比貨。 You might be able to persuade him. 肯定你就能夠來說服他。 If you give a blow, you must be able to take one. 比如你打架一巴掌,就得能承受經得住一擊。 I used to be able to swim like a fish. 之前我能夠像魚正常沖浪。 The other planets may not be able to support life, but it isn't easy on this one either. 另一個星球或者無從提升生命的意義,都是在這款星球上也不會更易。 He seemed able to put complicated thoughts in simple words. 說不定他能帶簡短的語文把冗雜的觀念把你想表達出了出了。 I don't feel able to go on with reading it. 我察覺不是立即看起來了。 I hope to be able to do the work. 我但愿能做得了某項運行。 I regret not being able to help her. 我很遺憾作文沒能鼓勵她。 I love the house — it's wonderful being able to see the sea from my window. 我喜歡這新房——從我的窗口最大化能夠看清楚海洋,太行了。 Paul isn't able to come to the party because he is ill. 保羅不許來列席聚餐,由于他病了。 Mary's more able to help you than I am. 瑪麗比我更就能的幫助你。 Granny is still able to read without glasses. 老一還就能不戴老花鏡去看書呢。 My wife is able to sing and dance. 我老婆能歌善舞。 The young man is able to do great things. 什么青年人做政治事件。 The workers are able to improve the machine. 建筑工人們能改進措施這臺機器人。 Most children are able to walk before they are able to talk. 大部分兒童在說點話前就要走路姿勢了。 The patient was soon able to sit up. 住院病人迅速就能坐起來了了。 One day man will be able to control some unknown factors of weather. 總是兩天人工可把握時候的有的未命名條件。 Birds are able to fly. 小鳥兒會飛。 The dog is able to count. 哪一條狗能數數。 Is the electronic computer able to think? 光學求算機是可以思想嗎? The satellites are able to observe the changes of climate on earth by means of remote sensors. 人工合成通訊衛星也可以憑借遙觀感測星球上的城市氣候轉化。 The answering machine is able to store messages that are up to two minutes in length. 語音電話是可以錄存過去了兩種鐘的問題。 Heat is able to cure breast tumours in some animals. 常溫能夠 手術治療或者甲殼動物的乳頭良性腫瘤。 The rage of a wild boar is able to spoil more than one wood. 野豬生氣毀樹多。 Once you've had some sleep you'll feel better able to cope. 只需睡一會兒,你就可能總覺更能適應了。 David is more able to deal with this problem than I am. 大衛比我更有工作能力操作這一個的問題。 He was able to be heard. 他能自己說到。 A good auditorium will assure that the sound is able to be heard from every seat. 好的大禮堂得切實保障每項位子的受眾都聽有響聲。 The difficulties were able to be overcome by the students of our class. 我們都班的人夠排解等問題。 S+be+~+to be+ n\u002e/adj\u002e He was able to be cold about her now. It was wartime. They were enemies. 這時,他難于對她特征冷酷無情,真是由于真是戰時,它們會是敵人。
be able to cut
    S+be+~+to cut sth He's not able to cut his responsibilities like we thought. 他并不象我們大家想想的各樣能有效地履行主要職責個人的主要職責。 Do you think you're able to cut it? 想想看這種事你干得是嗎?
be able to take
    S+be+~+to take sth I don't think he is able to take any more bad news. 我在想他很難經住不好壞小道消息了。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
動詞+~ ~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+動詞不定式 ~+介詞


  • The Hands are the most habil members of the body. 出自: T. Betterton
  • And life, by this death abled, shall controule Death. 出自: Donne
分類目錄 緒論 查詞時代