

['welk?m]     ['welk?m]    
  • vt. 歡迎
  • adj. 受歡迎的
  • n. 歡迎
  • int. 歡迎(客人來訪或新成員的加入)
welcomely welcomeness welcomed welcomed welcoming welcomes



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 受歡迎的
  2. 令人愉快(或感激)的
  3. 被允許的
  4. 不受限制的,可隨意的
n. (名詞)
  1. 歡迎,(以特定方式)迎接,欣然接受
  2. 歡迎的話,歡迎辭
int. (感嘆詞)
  1. 歡迎!
v. (動詞)
  1. 歡迎,款待,愉快地接受
  2. (以特定方式)迎接


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 歡迎,迎接 receive with kindness or pleasure
  2. vt. 樂于接受,希望有 be glad to accept; wish to have
adj. (形容詞)
  1. 受歡迎的,令人愉快的 received with or giving pleasure
  2. [P] 可隨便占有的,可隨便做的 freely permitted to take sth or to do sth
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] [U] 歡迎,迎接 greeting given to sb when they arrive
int. (感嘆詞)
  1. 歡迎 an expression of greeting to a guest or sb who has just arrived or returned


  1. the state of being welcome;

    "don't outstay your welcome"

  2. a greeting or reception;

    "the proposal got a warm welcome"

  1. giving pleasure or satisfaction or received with pleasure or freely granted;

    "a welcome relief"
    "a welcome guest"
    "made the children feel welcome"
    "you are welcome to join us"

  1. accept gladly;

    "I welcome your proposals"

  2. bid welcome to; greet upon arrival
  3. receive someone, as into one's house



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. I don't welcome intrusions into my privacy.
  2. When I came into the office, the principal rose to welcome me.
用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. You are always welcome to our house.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Her suggestion received a rather unenthusiastic welcome.
用作感嘆詞 (int.)
  1. Welcome to China!


用作動詞 (v.)
welcome back (v.+adv.)
    高興地看到…回歸 be glad to see the return of sb/sth; greet sb on return with pleasure
    welcome sb/sth ? back If you decide to return to me,I will welcome you back. 假設你所決定回我下面來,我將祝賀你。 She welcomed him back into the household with passionate embrace. 她濃烈親吻他,歡迎語他出遠門來。 All the relatives gathered at the airport to welcome back the people who had been freed from the terrorists. 整個的親人均聚在機楊上,歡迎辭一些避免了嚇人原子核控制的人體。 He was warmly welcomed back to Beijing. 人民熱情高漲迎接他換回杭州。
welcome in (v.+adv.)
    歡迎(某人)進入 be pleased to have sb enter a building, group, etc.
    welcome sb ? in I like to stand at the door to welcome the children in when they come home from school. 胎兒們放假到家時,只愿意說站在入戶玄關喜迎這些人。 We are pleased to welcome in several new members this year. 他們開心快樂地歡迎詞如今的幾個新年費會員。
welcome to (v.+prep.)
    歡迎… take pleasure in admitting sb to a place
    welcome sb to sth I'm so pleased to have the chance at last to welcome you both to my home. 就這樣有機的會邀請你倆回家來,我更加快樂。 I would like you to welcome six new members to the club. 我愿大家采納六名新會員引入酒吧。 The workers welcomed us to their factory. 操作人員們歡迎會各位到其生產廠家去。
welcome with (v.+prep.)
    以…歡迎 greet sb with pleasure by giving sth or show a quality
    welcome sb/sth with sth He welcomed her with a nod. 他向她同意表達出來感謝。 The audience welcomed her with applause. 粉絲鼓鼓掌喜歡她。 They welcomed me with flowers. 孩子們用鮮花玫瑰歡迎語我。 Newcomers to the town are welcomed with baskets of fruit by the local shopkeepers. 淘寶店主們把一筐筐的水果水果送給初到該地的現代人以示祝賀。 Reduction in income tax will be welcomed with open arms. 減輕應納稅所得額稅將面臨濃烈熱情歡迎。
用作形容詞 (adj.)
as welcome as the flowers in May
    非常歡迎 very welcome
You are welcome
    〈美〉不要客氣 Not at all
用作名詞 (n.)
outstay one's welcome
    因呆得太久而不再受歡迎 remain too long
wear out one's welcome
    拜訪某人過于頻繁或停留時間過久而使人討厭 visit a person too often or too long


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+動詞不定式 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Welcome back to the land of the living. 出自: J. Burchill
  • That he was..beloved by Everard, was sufficient to insure him a welcome. 出自: A. Marsh
  • The welcome of the townsmen made up..for the ill-will. 出自: J. R. Green
  • Their landlord, who called to welcome them to Barton. 出自: J. Austen
  • The..loyalty with which Charles had been welcomed back to Dover. 出自: Ld Macaulay
  • Not too proud to admit that he..would welcome any help. 出自: Conan Doyle
  • Lizzie, baby in her arms, beaming and welcoming her in. 出自: M. Forster
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