

[we?]     [we?]    
  • v. 衡量;稱(重量);重達 ...
weigher weighed weighed weighing weighs



v. (動詞)
  1. 考慮
  2. 加過重負擔于
  3. 稱起來
  4. 量,衡量
  5. 掂估
  6. 量體重
  7. 估量優劣
  8. 比較考察
  9. 可重視
  10. 重要
  11. 壓,壓下
  12. 有分量
  13. 有影響
  14. 重壓,把…壓彎
  15. 【海】起錨,啟航
  16. 掂估…的分量
  17. 有…重量
  18. 有分量,有重要性,有影響
  19. 仔細考慮,權衡,斟酌
n. (名詞)
  1. 稱量
  2. 衡量
  3. 過秤
  4. 重多少
  5. 估量
  6. 道路
  7. 重量


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 稱…的重量,估量 measure (by means of a scale) how heavy sth is
  2. vi. 重達(多少) show a certain measure when put on a scale, etc.
  3. vt. 權衡; 考慮 compare the importance, value, etc. of (one thing and another)


  1. have a certain weight
  2. show consideration for; take into account;

    "You must consider her age"
    "The judge considered the offender's youth and was lenient"

  3. determine the weight of;

    "The butcher weighed the chicken"

  4. have weight; have import, carry weight;

    "It does not matter much"

  5. to be oppressive or burdensome;

    "weigh heavily on the mind"
    "Something pressed on his mind"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. He weighed the ideas in his mind.
  2. It's been weighing on my mind for days whether to tell her or not.
  3. The branches of the trees were weighed down by snow.
  4. He weighed in at several pounds below the limit.
  5. Some of the stones weigh twenty-six tons!
  6. A full-grown elephant can weigh over 6,000 kilograms.


用作動詞 (v.)
weigh against (v.+prep.)
    成為對某人不利的證據 be recorded as unfavourable to sb
    weigh sth against sth We must weigh one fact against the next to arrive at an answer. 小編一定把此事實真相與另此事實真相比較較來斷定一種正確答案。 The quality of the product must be weighed against its cost. 成品的質理與價格必須要均衡性考慮的。 weigh against sb His testimony will weigh heavily against you. 他的證詞早已對你較為有害。 His frequent lateness will weigh against him when the new appointments are being decided. 他通常早到,在取決于新的任職時,這一絲對他很影響。
weigh down (v.+adv.)
    使某人難過 make sb very sadHis years weigh him down.年歲使他衰頹。
weigh in (v.+adv.)
    發表見解 add an opinion, as to help decide an argument
    weigh in They weighed in before the fight. 他倆在拳擊對局前稱了孕婦體重。 The boxer weighed in at 150 pounds. 這一位拳擊手在賽前所稱的體重增加為150磅。 weigh sb/sth ? in Who is responsible for weighing the two men in? 誰開展稱那二個體的孕婦體重? Have all the suitcases been weighed in?The plane will take off in half an hour. 飛機航班將在四十分鐘內后升空,一切的出游箱都稱過完嗎? weigh in to sth George weighed in to stop the fight. 約翰而來抵制團戰型。 weigh in with sth At last she weighed in with an argument against the proposal. 最后一步她成功創業地要求打了個項堅決反對那樣意見的依據。 We would have won if you hadn't tried to weigh in with your silly ideas. 要不是找不到你這里的愚昧無知的主見,意識里我們的已打不贏。
weigh on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    (使)某人焦慮 cause worry to sb or sb's mind
    weigh on〔upon〕 sb/sth I can see that his new responsibilities are weighing heavily on the young father. 給我看求出這一位非常年輕的老爹無法為擔負著新的總責而感到擔憂。 The girl refused to say a word after her meeting with the lawyer.Her silence began to weigh on her parents. 這女生見過法律事務所后一計不發。她雙親開端對她的不說話了焦慮。 Everyone can see that the death of his wife weighs on him heavily. 天下人都看起出,他兒媳婦的去世了使他的心情好非常的無力。 Don't bother your father with so many questions.He already has too many weighing on his mind. 別提如此多問題吵到你自己的爸爸。他腦筋里已裝了不要的問題了。 The news weighed on her mind. 這短信息使她心理狀態很大。 The matter weighed upon his conscience. 這一件事成為了他真心上的的壓力。
weigh out (v.+adv.)
    稱出,量出 measure or portion out on a pair of scales
    weigh sth ? out He weighed out a pound of tomatoes. 他稱1磅番茄。 He weighed out five kilos of rice for each one of them, telling them that it should last two weeks. 他給每人每天稱了五多公斤稻米,得知孩子 這一些米要吃兩大個禮拜。 Flour, sugar, milk, bananas and eggs should be carefully weighed out for making a banana cake. 做小米蕉小蛋糕用的秘制調料、糖、奶、小米蕉和雞蛋殼都有認真仔細稱重。
weigh up (v.+adv.)
    考慮之后再決定 consider sth before deciding
    weigh sth ? up Weigh up the sugar in jin packages. 把糖拆下專業分包稱取,每包二斤。 She weighed up flour, sugar, and cream for a cake. 她量出做一條市場的低筋面粉、糖和鮮奶油的凈重。 Cotton was picked and weighed up. 把棉料摘出來了,被稱作承重。 weigh sb/sth ? up They carefully weighed up the consequence of such an action. 你精心采取了如此一來的凈網行動的害處。 The children all looked up their new teacher silently, weighing him up. 孩紙們都悄悄地看向顧客的新老款師,旁敲側擊他是個甚么樣的人。 weigh up wh-to-v I've been weighing up whether to go to college or to go to work. 我就直在考慮到是鉆個學還是要去做工作。 He was weighing up whether to stay with us or not. 他在細致決定是不是存留來和我們大家在在一塊。 A number of countries are still weighing up whether to vote against the motion or to abstain. 有一些部委仍在顧慮是投不贊同票仍然棄權票。 weigh up wh-clause Parents may weigh up whether their child should go home or to stay for the summer camp. 親人們是可以考慮到,是他會們的幼兒出遠門還留在來繳納夏令營。
weigh with (v.+prep.)
    對…有說服力,對…有影響 have power to convince; have influence on
    weigh with sb His remarks does not weigh with me at all. 他話語對俺絲毫也沒有核心。 Her opinion always weighs a lot with me because she is a close friend of mine. 就讓向越重視她的個人意見,而且她是俺的密友。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Hoisted his sail, his anchor weigh'd. 出自: Sir W. Scott
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