

[we?(r)]     [wer]    
  • v. 磨損;穿戴;使疲勞
  • n. 磨損;穿著;耐久性
wearer wore worn wearing wears



v. (動詞)
  1. 耐用,經用,耐磨,耐久,耐穿,經穿
  2. 使疲乏,使筋疲力盡(與on連用)
  3. 用壞,穿破
  4. 穿著,戴著,掛著,佩著,帶著
  5. 【海】轉向下風
  6. 留著,有著
  7. 損耗,磨破,磨損
  8. 變舊,穿舊
  9. 呈現
  10. 磨成,磨出
  11. 變光滑
  12. 磨薄
  13. 涂抹
  14. 面露,面帶, 面有...色
  15. 留成...的樣子,保持...的樣子
  16. 升,掛
  17. 打著
  18. 沖刷
  19. 逐漸消逝,逐漸流逝
  20. 保持某種狀態
  21. 逐漸變得
  22. 刺激
  23. 使煩躁
n. (名詞)
  1. 磨損,損耗,磨壞,消耗,耗損
  2. 服裝,穿著,衣服
  3. 耐用性,經久性,耐久性
  4. 穿戴的東西, 佩帶物
  5. 佩戴,戴
  6. 流行款式
  7. 穿舊, 穿壞
  8. 使用


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 穿著,戴著,佩戴著 wearing or being worn as clothing
  2. [U] 穿戴的衣物 things for wearing; clothing
  3. [U] 使用,用壞 (damage or loss of quality caused by) use
  4. [U] 耐用性 capacity for continuing to be used
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 穿著,戴著; 蓄,留,搽 be dressed habitually or on some occasion in
  2. vt. & vi. 呈現; 顯出 show in one's appearance; have a type of look
  3. vt. & vi. 磨損,變舊,用壞,穿舊 be reduced, weakened, or damaged by continued use, rubbing, etc.
  4. vt. 磨成,擦成; 因不斷使用而造成 produce by wear, use, rubbing, etc.
  5. vt. & vi. 保持某種狀態 last in the stated condition
  6. vt. 同意,接受 allow or find acceptable


  1. impairment resulting from long use;

    "the tires showed uneven wear"

  2. a covering designed to be worn on a person's body
  3. the act of having on your person as a covering or adornment;

    "she bought it for everyday wear"

  1. be dressed in;

    "She was wearing yellow that day"

  2. have on one's person;

    "He wore a red ribbon"
    "bear a scar"

  3. have in one's aspect; wear an expression of one's attitude or personality;

    "He always wears a smile"

  4. deteriorate through use or stress;

    "The constant friction wore out the cloth"

  5. have or show an appearance of;

    "wear one's hair in a certain way"

  6. last and be usable;

    "This dress wore well for almost ten years"

  7. go to pieces;

    "The lawn mower finally broke"
    "The gears wore out"
    "The old chair finally fell apart completely"

  8. exhaust or get tired through overuse or great strain or stress;

    "We wore ourselves out on this hike"

  9. put clothing on one's body;

    "What should I wear today?"
    "He put on his best suit for the wedding"
    "The princess donned a long blue dress"
    "The queen assumed the stately robes"
    "He got into his jeans"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The inscription on the stone had worn away.
  2. Machines soon wear out under rough usage.
    機器如果使用不仔細, 很快就會磨損。
  3. It was a freak of mine to wear pink pajamas.
  4. All visitors to the site must wear safety helmet.
  5. She never wears green.
  6. She was worn down by overwork.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear.
  2. The carpet will stand any amount of wear.
  3. Nowadays sportswear isn't only for the gym, it has become popular as informal weekend wear.
  4. The carpet will stand any amount of wear.


用作名詞 (n.)
wear and tear
    勞累,勞頓 tiredHe came out all that wear and tear.他的身體垮了。
用作動詞 (v.)
wear away( v.+adv. )
    消逝; 衰退 (time, etc.) pass; (vigour, etc.) fade away
    wear away This staircase is so old that some of the steps have almost worn away. 這室內樓梯動用時期甚久,三四個級階段已近乎磨平了。 The hand of the door is wearing away. 這門的門柄已磨壞了。 The stonework has worn away in places. 這石制作品已經有很多處有損壞了。 The grass has worn away from the path near the house. 那棟住房付近小道上的草已被踏光了。 wear sth ? away The feet of thousands of visitors have worn away the steps. 成千上百萬中國游客的步伐一直創新有損壞了新臺階。 Over the centuries, the sea has worn away the rocks. 途經了很多很多新世紀,的海水就已經 把片麻巖磨光了。 Water can wear away rocks after a long time, even though the rock is harder. 經途需要不斷堅持的準確時間水還可以浸蝕巖體,一直以來這巖體很堅硬無比。 The letters on this gravestone have been worn away with time. 因年深成疾,墳墓銘文就已經被磨壞。 wear away The year is wearing away. 年 快曾經了。 Time wore away. 時來給你曾經。 The long winter night was wearing away. 悠久的冬夜正在逐步過往了。 So the evening wore away, and he went to bed. 下班的事件由于的話上前,他上床趴著睡趴著睡了。 She is slowly wearing away; she can't last long. 她的氣力尚未緩慢的哀竭,她挨打不開多長了。 He could feel the pain again as the medicine wore away. 藥效痊愈后,他又備感酸痛了。 My patience has been worn away. 我已妥協不停了。
wear down( v.+adv. )
    駁倒 defeat (sb or an argument) in speaking
    wear down The heels of my shoes have worn down. 我的鞋跟磨薄了。 My shoes have worn down a lot since I started walking so much. 自主就開始許多徒步來,我的鞋磨得很系強。 These rubbers won't wear down easily. 他們硅膠很經磨。 It is a wonder that our teeth are so durable; they never seem to wear down. 你們的牙齒護理該如何會都是這樣壯實,我們類似不懂磨短。 wear sth ? down I have worn down the point of the pencil. 我已磨短了碳素筆尖。 The constant rubbing wore down the surface of the stone. 致使定期不停的耐摩擦,寶石的表面上都已經 被磨薄。 Wind and rain have worn the monument down. 驟雨受到磨損了紀念版碑。 The soles of my shoes are already worn down. 我的鞋底子磨穿了。 My shoes are badly worn down at the heels. 我的鞋后跟破損得很歷害。 You must buy a new tyre, this one has been worn right down. 你得買一只貓新的車胎了,這只車胎己經完成磨平了。 The steps have been worn down over the years by all those passing feet. 年深時間久了,樓梯平臺已他人們的腳偏磨。 wear down His will is wearing down under the pressure. 在工作壓力下他的信念改動了。 His defences will wear down after a few weeks in prison. 我就在勞教所蹲上幾一周,他的扛住便會下降。 wear sb/sth ? down Months of illness wore her down. 病了幾三個月使她精力極大程度上改版了。 The hectic rush of my daily work is wearing me down. 一陣兒激動忙于的臺賬的工作快就將我搞垮了。 Looking after high-spirited children can soon wear a person down. 考慮緊張的幼兒們能越快耗用人的氣血。 Our endless gunfire will soon wear the enemies down, so that they will yield. 小編反復頻頻的炮擊非常快的會把敵機打垮,使顧客塑性變形。 His constant talking wears me down. 他滔滔不斷的講話稿使我想到厭倦。 He returned from the tropics and was worn down by fever. 他從熱帶地區回到被熱病搞垮了。 She was worn down by overwork. 她因過分疲勞過度而垮掉了了。 Overworked, he was worn down by the time he reached 40. 因無限疲勞無限,他年方40就心血器官衰竭。 His strength has been worn down by illness. 考慮到有病,他的休力大削了。 wear sb/sth ? down She knew if she put some pressure on her boyfriend, she would soon wear him down. 她得知如果對她的男伙伴冷靜分析各種壓力,就能沒多久便來說服他。 After reasoning with him all afternoon, we finally wore down his opposition. 大家跟老爺子說啟示再說短短一家的下午,最終他才標識不違抗了。 He was sure he would eventually wear down her objections to marrying him. 他確信他結果英文必定會來給你勸服她,使她說好嫁給你。 He was finally worn down and let her have the book. 他第四最終被吸引,把書給了她。 wear sb/sth ? down Our speaker will soon wear the other speaker down, never fear. 讓我們的演講主題稿者將非常快的碾壓另外位演講主題稿者,并非擔憂。 We wore down their opposition after several hours' argument. 經由幾塊分鐘的論戰,大家把這些 巴勒斯坦建國的個人意見壓起來了。
wear off( v.+adv. )
    逐漸減弱,逐漸消失 diminish gradually in effect
    wear off The brightness of the paint has worn off a little. 油漆物料染的凹凸感很多磨損情況了。 I bought those new plates cheaply, and the pretty rose pattern has worn off already! 幫我買的那先新陶瓷盤子倒是實惠,僅僅那美妙的玫瑰鮮花花波浪紋早就磨拉掉! wear sth ? off These rough roads soon wear the tread of motorcycle tyres off. 某些險峻起鼓的路更快把摩車胎面磨平了。 The dishwasher has worn the glaze off the china. 這類瓷器不時用洗碗機除垢,有光澤度都蒸發了。 The nap of the coat has been worn off. 外包裝上的毛絨以經磨拉掉。 wear off The effects of the drug began to wear off. 藥物準備下降了。 Now that you have taken a pill your headache will soon wear off. 既然如此你已然服了片藥,你的頭脹痛非常快的也會退下去的。 He could feel the wound aching again as the effect of the medicine wore off. 不斷地藥力悄悄消退,他又到達傷疤隱約作痛。 The pain is wearing off. 酸疼正在慢慢褪去。 The smell of the new paint will wear off in about a week. 新油漆物料染味是一個個禮拜后便散開了。 His displeasure wore off. 他的不開心快樂感受越來越消失了了。 As she got to know people better her shyness wore off. 當她逐漸開始與員工感興趣上來,她不能那 出很害羞了。 The affection between them has worn off, leaving only a sad memory of endless quarrels. 你們期間的一往情深已甚囂塵上,不留的只不過那充滿著無止盡的鬧別扭的絕望記意。
wear on1( v.+adv. )
    使惱火,使緊張,使疲倦 make irritate, rub, fray, tire
    wear on Time wears on more slowly when you are not interested. 只有你有沒趣時,時候過得慢點。 The hours wore on; night came. 時間一點一點地從前,夜晚到來了。 As the afternoon wore on,I found it more and more difficult to keep awake. 上午過得特慢,我會感到愈來愈越難過。 Winter wore on slowly as she waited for his return. 她在等待他的歸來小說,初冬聽上去是非常無可避免。 As October wore on, the garden lost its fresh colors, and birds quieted down.10 月不知不覺曾經了,花園小區失來了鮮艷奪目的特色,鳥類也沉靜了。 As the evening wore on, she became more and more nervous. 第一晚的事件過得緩慢,她越發越密集了。 It will probably get warmer as the day wears on. 當日晝緩慢到來,季節大慨會炎熱些許。 As the years wore on, the man in prison grew old. 年復三年在過已過,獄中的人也老了了。 wear sth ? on The meeting wore on all afternoon. 例會慢慢吞吞地只開一位下午四點。 wear on The battle wore on through the night. 戰場持續性打了個徹夜。 wear sb ? on The noise was wearing on him. 喧嘩聲使他有心煩意亂。
wear on2〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    穿〔戴、佩戴〕于… have sth such as a garment or ornament placed on or fixed to
    wear sth on〔upon〕 sth Why do you wear all those gold things on your arms? 你為任何要把看看那些金玩意兒兒都戴在手肘上? She wore a tall hat on her head. 她在頭頂上戴好幾個頂高帽孑。 He was wearing a nameplate upon his left breast. 他左下巴下面戴上著四張胸卡。 The badge is worn on the breast. 這徵章戴在胸部。 The ring is worn on the middle finger. 這戒戴在手指上。 An engagement ring should be worn on the right hand. 訂親寶石戒指應戴在左手指。
wear out( v.+adv. )
    不再受歡迎 not be welcome to go to (a place) too many times or too long
    wear out The machine will soon wear out. 這設備即將用壞。 Children's clothes wear out quickly. 女兒們的外套容易腐爛穿。 Woolen coats look elegant, but they wear out easily. 毛運動外套瞧往上面很雅質,但它是很不經穿。 Those thin shoes will wear out quickly. 那么薄的鞋鞋好快馬上會穿破。 This sort of cloth will never wear out. 此種料子永生永世也穿不破。 wear sth ? out The child needs new shoes, he has worn out his present pair. 這男孩需新鞋,他目前的這雙就已穿極了。 I have worn my shirt out,I must get another. 我的T恤穿破了,我得再買一間。 Constant use will wear out any machine. 其余機械設備停不住地選用也會用壞的。 I have already worn these shoes out. 這鞋我就穿破了。 My shoes are worn out. 我的鞋穿頭壞。 If you treat your coat so roughly, it will be worn out soon. 你如果那么糟蹋你的風衣外套,它很容易就可以穿了。 The stockings are so worn out that they can't be mended. 長襪受損得太最猛,沒有辦法織補了。 The machinery is worn out and will have to be replaced. 系統早已經徹底報廢,就必須要更換的。 wear out It is better to wear out than rust out. 各自懶死,步入累死。 wear sb/oneself ? out You wore him out living and now you are wearing him out dead. 他在世的之后你叫他失去了心血,他犧牲你也不是放了他。 Climbing stairs wears me out. 爬行走樓梯爬得我筋疲力盡。 Hardship and penury wore him out before his time. 受窮受苦受難使他未老先衰。 Don't wear yourself out by playing too hard! 就不要玩得太感到疲倦了! If you don't stop working, you'll wear yourself out. 若果你再不立即停止事業來說,大家會吃不消的。 She keeps wearing herself out for other people. 她老是為其他人累得筋疲力盡。 It wore me out to cultivate such a big piece of land. 開墾了如此大一顆地給我累壞掉了。 It wears her out to look after small children for a whole day. 一那怕是一天照看孩紙使她疲憊不堪。 I am worn out with the long walk. 我因短途奔走之所以常疲乏。 She had not slept all night and was completely worn out. 她整宿未睡,現已疲乏不堪了。 His work was so exacting that by the end of the day he was worn out. 他的工作上很很累,到有一天過完的之前他都已經筋疲力盡了。 They were worn out after a long day spent working in the fields. 在田里干過一一個勁之前,可把兩人累極了。 I am worn out with domestic worry. 把我人里的麻煩事弄得疲累不堪。 Why do I feel worn out after an ordinary day's work at the office? 在辦工室干同一天定期事情后,我替啥會感到高興筋疲力盡呢? wear out These stains will wear out in the course of time. 期限長了,這樣的污跡逐漸會退去的。 After about an hour, my patience began to wear out. 一般在一小時未來,我便妥協不停了。 wear sb/sth ? out This group of tourists wore me out with complaints about food, hotels and weather. 這批參觀者指責吃的、住的,有季節,我煩透了。 I have worn out my patience. 我的忍耐力已到極限。 wear out Winter wears out more slowly every year. 春天一個月比一個月不好過。 wear sth ? out How can we wear out this dull afternoon? 小編怎們才能挨過這太無聊了的到下午呢? I hate to think of him wearing out his youth in prison. 想些他要在戒毒所苦度年華,我心靈不得勁。 wear out The creases in the jacket will wear out. 襯衣上的折皺穿搭回會沒了。 There are a few creases in the jacket, where it has been folded up in a suitcase, but they will wear out. 短短袖上衣有塊些皺痕,那都是擔心疊在手拿箱體的因素,穿一穿后該消失不見的。 wear sth ? out I'm just wearing this old coat out so that I can have a new one sooner. 我穿這種事情舊風衣外套只但是想盡早地穿壞它,好買件新的。 wear sb ? out Let me get at him,I'll soon wear him out! 我來對待他,一段時間兒便把他打趴下! wear sth ? out on sb “Sit up you fool”, she said,“before I wear this out on you.” “坐好,你這蠢貨,”他說,“以防用我這種地方來好你批評你。” If you don't obey,I'll wear this whip out on you. 你不溫順,如果你用每根鞭子把狠抽一頓。 wear sth ? out This writer usually uses phrases that were worn out fifty years ago. 這一名劇作家定期采用50過年前就被淘汰的句子。 wear out one's welcome He stayed too late and wore out his welcome. 他呆得太晚,開始不會受受歡迎。 Why doesn't she learn that she has already worn out her welcome? 她為一些 沒事搞清楚她已不會熱門語了呢? The hot weather has worn out its welcome with all of us. 熱天較長了,我們的很多人都深感厭煩。
wear through( v.+adv. )
    將(衣物)穿破; 磨出洞 wear a hole in sth; wear sth into a hole
    wear through The bottom of the bucket has worn through after all this time. 經歷過如此長用時,這只桶的底端我己磨穿了。 wear sth ? through I've worn through the elbow of this old coat at last. 還有被我這款舊風衣外套的肘部磨出了小洞。 The knees of these trousers have been completely worn through! 這么多褲的膝蓋開始磨破了!
wear up( v.+adv. )
    〈非正〉盡量穿 wear (a garment) so as to get full use from it, save better garments and have a reason for buying new ones
    wear sth ? up I do have other coats, but I'm wearing this one up so that I can finish with it and get a new one. 我不容置疑還別的的長外套,但我當下要要盡可能的穿這一,盡量穿破它此后再買件新的。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+名詞 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+形容詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I want to discourage the..wear to school of tracksuits. 出自:Daily Express
  • He wore the frock coat and striped trousers of an earlier time. 出自: G. Vidal
  • I never wear scent. 出自:New Yorker
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