

[w??m]     [w??rm]    
  • adj. 溫暖的;暖和的;熱情的
  • v. 變暖;使暖和
  • n. 溫暖的空氣
warmish warmly warmer warmest warmer warmed warmed warming warms



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 保暖的,溫暖的,暖和的
  2. 熱情的,熱心的
  3. 強烈的,熱烈的,激烈的,激昂的
  4. 暖色的
  5. 多情的,色情的
  6. 興奮的
  7. 易怒的
  8. 親熱的,親密的
  9. 有溫暖感覺的
  10. 濃艷的
  11. 挑撥性的
  12. 【獵】新鮮的
v. (動詞)
  1. 變暖,使暖,(使)加溫,被加熱,取暖
  2. 熱中,使感興趣
  3. (使)興奮,(使)激動
  4. (使)同情,(使)熱心
  5. 【體】使熱身,使做比賽前的準備活動
  6. 激發,鼓勵
  7. 占(座位)
  8. 鞭打,責打
  9. 產生好感
  10. 變得更可愛
  11. 變得更友好,使變溫和
  12. 使熱烈,使有生氣,使活躍(常與to連用)
  13. 使感到愉快和溫暖
  14. 愛好
  15. 感到舒適
  16. 使快活
  17. 使大怒
n. (名詞)
  1. 暖和(的地方),保暖(的東西)
  2. <口>加熱,加溫,取暖
  3. 暖爐,暖管
  4. 大氣的溫暖
  5. 英式軍用短大衣
adv. (副詞)
  1. 溫暖地,暖和地
  2. 友好地
  3. 熱烈地


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 暖和的,溫暖的 a little hot
  2. 熱情的,熱心的 friendly and kind
  3. 令人愉快的,親切的 giving a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness or friendliness
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使) 變暖; (使)變熱; 被加熱; 暖和起來 (cause to) become warm or warmer


  1. having or producing a comfortable and agreeable degree of heat or imparting or maintaining heat;

    "a warm body"
    "a warm room"
    "a warm climate"
    "a warm coat"

  2. psychologically warm; friendly and responsive;

    "a warm greeting"
    "a warm personality"
    "warm support"

  3. (color) inducing the impression of warmth; used especially of reds and oranges and yellows;

    "warm reds and yellows and orange"

  4. having or displaying warmth or affection;

    "affectionate children"
    "a fond embrace"
    "fond of his nephew"
    "a tender glance"
    "a warm embrace"

  5. freshly made or left;

    "a warm trail"
    "the scent is warm"

  6. easily aroused or excited;

    "a quick temper"
    "a warm temper"

  7. characterized by strong enthusiasm;

    "ardent revolutionaries"
    "warm support"

  8. characterized by liveliness or excitement or disagreement;

    "a warm debate"

  9. uncomfortable because of possible danger or trouble;

    "made things warm for the bookies"

  10. of a seeker; near to the object sought;

    "you're getting warm"
    "hot on the trail"

  1. in a warm manner;

    "warmly dressed"
    "warm-clad skiers"

  1. get warm or warmer;

    "The soup warmed slowly on the stove"

  2. make warm or warmer;

    "The blanket will warm you"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. It's a nice and warm today.
  2. Take your coat off. It's warm in the room.
  3. He was pleased with their warm welcome.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. The weather has warmed up.
  2. Your feet will soon warm up once you get indoors.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Come out of the cold street into the warm.


用作動詞 (v.)
warm over (v.+adv.)
    使復活,重新使用 revive; reuse
    warm sth ? over He's just warming over ideas he's heard from other people. 他不到是在相似從個別人那里發出聲音的態度了。 His illustrative examples are almost invariably warmed over from other writings. 他舉的好例子可以說是從其它專著中借租的。
warm to (v.+prep.)
    對…更加起勁 become more lively or enthusiastic about
    warm sb/sth to sth This running warmed me to a certain extent. 運動使我溫暖一點了。 It should first be warmed to 120℃. 先得把它升溫到120華氏攝氏度。 warm to sb/sth My heart warms to him. 我對他帶來了親密度。 At first he seemed a little strange, but recently I've been warming to him more. 最初,他仍然有點兒奇特,但對比近我對比習慣他了。 Sensing the interest of the audience, the speaker warmed to his topic. 主題演講者體會到聽者對他的題有感興趣,講得非常起勁了。 As he warmed to his subject, he infected his listeners with his own excitement. 他起勁頭勃勃地談及那叫一個話題了時,他氣憤的情感染上了聽友。
warm up (v.+adv.)
    修整,刷新 refurbish
    warm up The room is warming up now, but it was very cold at first. 房間內下面涼快的時候了,但本來這兒是很冷的。 The milk has warmed up. 鮮牛奶熱過。 This room takes a long time to warm up in the winter. 在冷天,的提升這位空間的溫差要花好長的周期。 How long should the engine warm up before we start? 剎車系統發起前,需要發動機預熱多長時間? You'll soon warm up when you've walked for a little way, 你走部分段路接下來挺快也就會舒服起床。 warm sb/sth ? up If you are feeling cold, have a hot drink to warm you up. 假如你喜歡冷,就喝些熱的產品暖暖身軀吧。 Please warm up this milk over the stove. 請把這甜品存放在蜂窩煤爐上熱一熱。 Let me warm up the soup for you, it won't take a minute. 我會替我把湯熱一下吧吧,用不好多久時期。 warm up He warmed up as he expounded his views. 他在說明自個兒的論點時著急在一起了。 They warmed up when I told them the good news. 你把重磅消息推送問過他倆時,他倆很亢奮。 warm sb/sth ? up A little wine would warm you up. 喝口兒餐會使你興奮感來。 Let's warm up this party with a little action! 讓人們搞點小生活使這款聚餐熱熱鬧鬧開來。 warm up Please get ready to warm up and take off. 的準備熱車和著陸。 Let's do some exercises to warm up a bit. 我們是先做點操熱一點身。 All the players spend some minutes warming up before the game. 活帶動要在賽前作許多鐘的需備移動。 The singers are warming up before the concert. 音樂鋼琴音樂會逐漸前合唱家們目前在做籌備。 Let's sing a few exercises first to warm up. 我們是還來唱幾支熟練曲做下備考吧。 I heard them singing in the next room. They were warming up. 仔細聽見兩人在對面辦公室唱,兩人就已在做準備工作了。 warm sb/sth ? up This is a good exercise for warming you up. 這些是做需備活動內容的問題特別好的聯系。 Have you all warmed up your instruments? 我們都開展獨奏的做準備了多少? A pitcher must always throw several practice balls in order to get warmed up before starting a game. 比賽開端前,投球手總得先投幾球作為一個提供小動作。 warm sth ? up They think that by warming up the old plan, everyone will think it's a new idea. 它們覺得把從前的解決方案煥然一新,大眾可能會表示它是個新計劃書。
warm up to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    對…變得較有好感,對…感到較易接受 become friendlier or more receptive to
    warm up to sth No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't warm up to that proposal. 無論是否他哪些拼命費盡心思樂于助人其他,他對那項預計這就是樂于助人我來。 When he finally warmed up to his subject, his lecture became very interesting. 然后他講得很起勁,他的演說開始變得尤其打動人。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 副詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+副詞+介詞
  • warm up to 對…變得較有好感,對…感到較易接受


  • A warm hollow in the sandhills where the wind did not come. 出自: D. H. Lawrence
  • The day, although early, was already warm. 出自: M. Hocking
  • She sat close to the window so that the morning sunlight would warm her. 出自: G. Vidal
  • Warming her bottom in front of the fire. 出自: M. Keane
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