

[we?t]     [we?t]    
  • v. 等;等待
  • n. 等待;等候
waited waited waiting waits



v. (動詞)
  1. 等候,等,等待
  2. 服侍,伺候,侍奉
  3. 延緩處理
  4. 耽擱,擱置
  5. 已準備好
  6. 拜訪,進謁(上面的人)
  7. 跟隨著...而來
  8. <口>等一等,延后,推遲
  9. 期待,希望,盼望
  10. 在手邊
  11. 可得到
  12. 可使用
n. (名詞)
  1. 等待,等候
  2. 等待的時間
  3. 暫緩,暫停
  4. 期待
  5. 圣誕節期沿街唱圣誕歌的歌手或演奏圣誕歌的樂隊
  6. 守夜的人


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 等,期待 stay somewhere without doing anything until sb/sth comes or sth happens
n. (名詞)
  1. [S] 等待,等待的時間 act or time of waiting


  1. time during which some action is awaited;

    "instant replay caused too long a delay"
    "he ordered a hold in the action"

  2. the act of waiting (remaining inactive in one place while expecting something);

    "the wait was an ordeal for him"

  1. stay in one place and anticipate or expect something;

    "I had to wait on line for an hour to get the tickets"

  2. wait before acting;

    "the scientists held off announcing their results until they repeated the experiment"

  3. look forward to the probable occurrence of;

    "We were expecting a visit from our relatives"
    "She is looking to a promotion"
    "he is waiting to be drafted"

  4. serve as a waiter or waitress in a restaurant;

    "I'm waiting on tables at Maxim's"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She has impatience to wait for the bus.
  2. He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage.
  3. You will just have to wait your turn.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I don't like this long wait.
  2. The long wait at the airport is really tedious.
  3. All we can do now is wait and hope.


用作動詞 (v.)
wait about〔around〕 (v.+adv.)
    在某處等待著 stay in place because sb who is expected has not arrived, etc.
    wait about〔around〕 While the contest judges were having a hard time reaching an agreement, all the contestants were waiting about in the hall. 當大賽評審團們不易于獲得一直的看法時,很多比賽者全在多功能廳候著。 I couldn't see the girls anywhere, there were just a few old men waiting about doing nothing. 你在那里也看望不到看看那些她們,唯有幾名老翁閑呆著排隊。 Show the guests to their seats.Don't keep them waiting about in the hall. 帶嘉賓到它們的排座位起來,別讓它們在幼兒園里聽候。 You've kept me waiting about here for a whole hour. 你我不想在那里的英文傻等了過去了一款 鐘頭了。
wait and see
    等著瞧 bide one's time
wait at (v.+prep.)
    在飯館當侍者 be as a waiter in a restaurant
    wait at sth Six people were waiting at the bus stop. 有五個人都汽車行業站等車。 There was I, waiting at the church. 我都在一邊,在天主堂等候。 wait at table She couldn't get any other job except waiting at table, so she had to do that although it was poorly paid and hard on her feet. 除去在餐飲店當侍者,她找到每運行,所有她又是干,我以為月薪甚少,兩種腿也吃沒消。
wait behind (v.+adv.)
    在其他人走后留下來 remain somewhere after other people have left
    wait behind If you wait behind after class,I will give you some help with that difficult exercise. 只要你課下留在來,我將幫著你做那道難處。 I'd like to ask you something in private. Could you wait behind for a couple of minutes? 是想線下想知道你一定事。你會在個別人走后稍留幾十半個小時嗎? One or two students waited behind to put more questions to the teacher. 一斜一個幼兒留下了想再問師傅好幾個話題。
wait for (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉 注意; 當心; 等一等 pay attention; wait for
    wait for sb/sth Please wait for me at the gate. 請在大門前等你。 We will wait for you on the corner of Broadway and 86th Street. 你們將在百老匯大道和8-6大道的拐角處等您。 We waited for him more than an hour and finally left. 各位等了他另十幾個個鐘頭結尾才分開。 I've been waiting for the bus for half an hour. 我已等車等了一個半時間了。 The young people took over window seats on the right side, waiting for the approach of the great oak tree. 年少人都乘坐到了車箱右下方靠窗的座位表上,等候著那棵大橡樹的產生。 We are waiting for better weather. 我們公司在等候更多的天氣預報。 He waited impatiently for an answer. 他不經煩地等候著回復。 The children wait impatiently for the vacation. 小朋友們心急如焚地等到著假期生活的來襲。 I can't wait for this week to end. 我不會能熬到這些周未了。 Slippers were waiting for you by the bed. 拖鞋就在床沿。 A letter is waiting for you on the table. 辦公室桌子由你一份信。 Your tea is waiting for you, don't let it get cold. 茶提前準備好的,別讓它涼了。 The contract is waiting for your signature. 借款合同等待蓋章。 He always has to be waited for. 他一直是要人等他。 wait for sb/sth to-v The shepherd boy waited for his sheep to drink. 牧童一直在等羊喝開水。 He is waiting for something good to turn up. 他正遺憾著時候快好了。 They are waiting for the rain to stop. 這些人在等雨停。 You must wait for permission to enter. 你就必須等待支持你過去時再過去。 wait for the cat to jump She waited for the cat to jump before she made up her mind. 她望而卻步了局面未來的日子里才做出所決定。 wait sth for sb Don't wait dinner for me,I may be late. 就不要當我死了吃晚餐,我有可能晚回來吧。 wait for a dead man's shoes The only way you'll get to the top in this firm is by waiting for dead men's shoes. 我在我司時應才能得到上風的僅僅方法是等人家人死之后去接班。 wait for it Ready, aim, wait for it!Fire! 的準備,甩槍最終目標,小心!開戰! “But what happened to the girl?”“Wait for it,I'm coming to that part.” “那一女孩兒出一些事了?”“等候著,我要說那件事。” Victory will never come if we only wait for it. 假如自己只是 待,凱旋依然不易發展。
wait in (v.+adv.)
    在家里等 wait for in home
    wait in I've been waiting in all day for your television repairman to collect the set, but he didn't come as he promised. 我就成天呆在家里面在等待你的電視劇拆裝者來取器機,但拆裝者失約未來發展。
wait on1 (v.+adv.)
    〈非正〉稍候; 停下來等 wait for after a while; stop and wait for〔說明〕 wait on通常用于祈使句,不用于進行體。
wait on2 (v.+prep.)
    在餐館侍候顧客 serve customers in the restaurant
    wait on sth We wait on your reply to our letter. 咱們我一我們的回信。 wait on sb She waited on her sick mother day and night. 她日復侍奉得病的媽媽。 The old man expected his entire family to wait on him. 中老年人渴望全家福人都服侍他。 They wait on guests very well in this hotel. 好幾家旅社對如果客戶宴請得太好。 The old worker remembers his own youth, when he was a poor servant waiting on the rich family. 老作業人員回憶起你的青青年科技,當即他就是個伺候千萬富翁小家庭的窮傭人。 He expected his wife to wait on him hand and foot. 他寄希望于他的妻子和女兒像傭人一樣的來伺候他。 The gentleman had a valet to wait on him hand and foot. 那名紳士兩個男仆考慮他的消費觀念住行。 Don't expect me to wait on you hand and foot, make your own breakfast. 不可每一樣都惦記我伺候你,你她做你的早飯。 The old lady does not like to be waited on, because she thinks she is still capable of taking care of herself. 哪一位老太觀點自個兒還能自理能力,所以不鐘愛對方侍奉她。 wait on sb She looked around for a salesman to wait on her. 她掃視周圍,找營業員迎送她。 We were waited on by a pretty girl in a pink apron. 接待我們的的是位穿粉黃色工作褲的完美故娘。 wait on sb Anna waited on the senator with a letter of introduction. 安娜帶了介紹一下信擺放哪一位參議員。 wait on sth Success waits on hard work. 實現目標根據堅持不懈。 May success wait on your efforts. 只愿的拼命兌換成功的 。 Ruin will wait on such conduct. 這的行為表現將會造成天譴。 His whole future waits on the results of the examinations. 考試時間的可是問題著他全部整個的前景。 wait on table The only job he could get was waiting on table, but it was better than nothing. 他僅僅都可以查到的作業大便次數多在餐廳里當接待,只有這總比沒作業強。
wait out (v.+adv.)
    安靜而耐心地等待…結束 await calmly and patiently the end of
    wait out Come in, please.Don't wait out in the rain. 請走了進來,別在或是雨里等。 wait sb ? out The enemy are still advancing, but we can wait them out in this valley. 敵軍仍在后退,的我門就能夠在在這個峽谷里以逸待勞把自己壓垮。 wait sth ? out We waited out the storm all night, and made our way into the harbour in the morning. 人們等好幾個夜,暴風霜早已過來了了,人們早上起床進了港。
wait up (v.+adv.)
    停下來等別人趕上 stop and wait for sb to catch up〔說明〕 wait up作此解時通常不用于進行體。
wait up for (v.+adv.+prep.)
    等候; 停下等 wait for; stop and wait forHadn't we better wait up for the slower ones?我們停下來等等走得慢的人不好嗎?
用作名詞 (n.)
lie in wait
    隱蔽靜候以出人不意 be hidden waiting to surprise sb


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 名詞+~ ~+介詞


  • She lay in wait for unsuspecting travellers. 出自: A. T. Ellis
  • The only condition on which he would agree to wait for his money. 出自: H. Caine
  • Things waited for with dread rarely turned out as expected. 出自: M. Sarton
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