

['ta?di]     ['ta?di]    
  • adj. 整齊的;整潔的;<口>相當大的
  • vt. 整理;使整潔
  • vi. 整理;收拾
tidily tidier tidiest tidiness tidies tidied tidied tidying tidies



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 整齊的
  2. 整潔的
  3. 愛整潔的,愛整齊的
  4. 可觀的,相當多的
  5. 井然有序的,井井有條的
  6. 高額的,相當大的(款項)
  7. 相當好的
  8. 健康的
  9. 端莊的
  10. 衣著講究的
  11. 清清楚楚的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 整齊地
n. (名詞)
  1. 盛零碎物品的容器
  2. 沙發
  3. 椅背
  4. <主美>扶手等的罩布,罩布,套子
  5. 椅子的背罩
v. (動詞)
  1. 收拾起來,拾掇起,收拾妥
  2. 整理好,弄整潔
  3. 使整潔,使整齊,使有條理
  4. 變整潔(常與up連用)


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 整潔的,整齊的 neat and orderly in appearance or habits
  2. [A]〈口〉(數量)相當大的,可觀的 (of amounts ) quite large; considerable
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 整理,收拾 put in good order; make neat


  1. receptacle that holds odds and ends (as sewing materials)
  1. marked by order and cleanliness in appearance or habits;

    "a tidy person"
    "a tidy house"
    "a tidy mind"

  2. (of hair) neat and tidy;

    "a nicely kempt beard"

  3. large in amount or extent or degree;

    "it cost a considerable amount"
    "a goodly amount"
    "received a hefty bonus"
    "a respectable sum"
    "a tidy sum of money"
    "a sizable fortune"

  1. put (things or places) in order;

    "Tidy up your room!"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. She keeps her house very tidy.
  2. They sat in her neat and tidy kitchen.
  3. He has a tidy mind.
  4. Her clothes were clean and tidy.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. His room is in a clutter so I have to tidy it up.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. You'd better tidy up before the guests arrive.
  2. Make your room as tidy as possible.
  3. Mother always keeps the house clean and tidy.


用作動詞 (v.)
tidy away (v.+adv.)
    把…收拾好 put away neatly in a proper place
    tidy sth ? away She tidied away the children's toys. 她把小孩們的兒童玩具珍藏起來了。 How many times have I asked you children to tidy your toys away at the end of a day? 我告誡過他們這種閨女大小回了,要在天黑在之前把小玩具歸置起來了? Do tidy your paper away; your desk looks in a terrible mess. 把這樣的紙收拾房間好; 你的木桌實話太亂掉。 Plates, cups, knives and forks had been tidied away. 盤、杯、刀叉已放置。
tidy out (v.+adv.)
    清理 clear (a room or container), leaving it neat
    tidy sth ? out I have tidied out the upstairs rooms. 我已把樓頂的房屋打掃得干清洗凈。 She tidied the room out while she was away . 走前時,她把房收拾房間得好你的。 It has taken the whole day to tidy out the garage and it still needs cleaning. 消除氣車庫花了我們都整整的一天到晚的時光,而且那還須得再消除。 The boys spend part of the last day of term tidying out their desks. 在第一學期的第四沒天,寶貝們總要花個部分時間段進行清潔自家的木桌。
tidy up (v.+adv.)
    收拾; 整理 make things tidy; put in proper order
    tidy up He tidied up after supper. 他午飯后收拾房間廚具。 I must just tidy up a bit. 我得一點為大家下。 She offered to tidy up after the party. 她拒絕提起在晚過后收納活動場地。 tidy sb/oneself/sth ? up I have to tidy myself up a bit. 我得歸納一些。 You'd better tidy up the room before the guests arrive. 賓客來前你是最好的把房間翻整一次。 Help me to tidy this room up before my parents arrive! 在我你來臨剛剛請替我把次臥歸類挺好。 He began to tidy up his desk and finish off the week's work. 他開使收納整理起他的辦公場所桌,煩請完結七天的事情。 We need to tidy the place up a bit. 我們大家得把你這個城市打掃一次。


用作動詞 (v.)


  • He had a tidy sum in the bank. 出自: G. Santayana
  • I..hurriedly tidied my hair in the looking-glass. 出自: W. Plomer
  • She busied herself tidying up and completing..household chores. 出自: B. Head
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