

[swe?(r)]     [swer]    
  • v. 咒罵;發誓;宣誓
  • n. 誓言;咒罵;發誓
swearer swore sworn swearing swears



v. (動詞)
  1. 發誓,立誓,起誓,起誓說,誓稱
  2. 咒罵,詛咒,臭罵
  3. <口>斷言,斷定
  4. 鄭重申言,明確地表示
  5. 使宣誓
  6. 發牢騷
  7. 說粗話,罵臟話
  8. 起誓保證,保證說,鄭重承諾
  9. 使宣誓就任
  10. 宣誓對作證
  11. 宣誓要,表示決心要
n. (名詞)
  1. 誓言
  2. 宣誓,發誓
  3. 咒罵,詛咒
  4. 罵人話


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 咒罵 use obscene words to insult, or for emphasis
  2. vt. & vi. 發誓 say solemnly or emphatically; cause sb to take an oath


  1. utter obscenities or profanities;

    "The drunken men were cursing loudly in the street"

  2. to declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true;

    "Before God I swear I am innocent"

  3. promise solemnly; take an oath
  4. make a deposition; declare under oath
  5. have confidence or faith in;

    "We can trust in God"
    "Rely on your friends"
    "bank on your good education"
    "I swear by my grandmother's recipes"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Shut up! How dare you swear at me like that!
  2. You have no right to swear at me like that!
  3. I swear by Almighty God that I will tell the truth.
  4. They swore an oath to carry out their duties faithfully.
  5. I swear I won't tell anyone your secret.
  6. The witnesses must swear before speaking.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. Don't forget your swear for me.
  2. Say that again,but this time leave out the swear words.
  3. I can have swear ( that ) I saw a flying saucer over the sky !


用作動詞 (v.)
swear at (v.+prep.)
    咒罵(某人),詛咒(某事) speak curses to (sb or sth)
    swear at sb/v-ing His boss often swore at him, sometimes for no reason at all. 商家頻繁罵他,突然全無借口。 The foreman swore at his workers. 工頭咒罵勞務工。 Glen leant out of the car window and swore at another driver. 格倫將身體鉆出車門,咒罵另個個專用車司機。 He could hear them shouting and swearing at each other. 他聽聞許多人在驚叫大嚷,主動咒罵。 Why did you swear at missing the bus? 誤了了頭班車你罵個怎樣的? He resented being sworn at. 他仇恨用戶罵他。
swear by (v.+prep.)
    〈非正〉信賴〔擔保〕… have trust in, and tell others of the value of (a product)〔說明〕 swear by常不用于進行體。
swear for (v.+prep.)
    為…作保證 promise that (sth or someone) is trustworthy
    swear for sth His friends will swear for his integrity. 他的網友可以為他謙遜的品性作信用擔保。 All of us will swear for his honesty. 小編用戶 都想要保證擔保他是誠實的。 I could call many people to swear for this method. 我也可以請很多人這類具體方法信用擔保。
swear in (v.+adv.)
    (使)宣誓就職 cause (someone) to take a solemn promise to perform duties responsibly at the beginning of a period of office
    swear sb ? in At the inauguration, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court swore in the new President. 入職慶典剪彩儀式上,最低人民檢察院的頂尖審判員領導新總理的入職剪彩儀式。 He was sworn in shortly after the election. 普選后一兩天他便宣誓誓詞升職了。
swear off (v.+prep.)
    發誓戒除 state one's intention to stop (sth or doing sth)
    swear off sth/v-ing I've sworn off drugs. 我都已經戒毒了。 He swore off smoking when the doctor said it caused lung cancers. 當醫師問過他吸煙喝酒會受到肺腫瘤時,他起誓要戒煙。
swear on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    憑…發誓 make a solemn promise using (sth holy) as a sign of one's trustworthiness
    swear on〔upon〕 sth I swear on the head of my son here that I made no threat to the king. 我以我侄子的頭發長誓,我沒干過隱患君王的事。 The witness is asked to swear upon the Bible that he will tell the truth. 證人出庭作證被規范手撫《聖經》起誓,一段講出實情。
swear to (v.+prep.)
    使(某人)發誓保密 make sb promise to keep a secret
    swear to sth/v-ing I think it was him I saw, but I couldn't swear to it. 估計我見過的是他,但我也敢肯定會。 I couldn't swear to having seen him. 我就不能分辨見過他。 He swore to having seen that movie before. 女人說他己前顯然瀏覽過那一場影視劇。 swear sb to sth His friends swore him to integrity. 他的伙伴們保證擔保說他立身處世廉正。 swear sb to secrecy They swore him to secrecy. 用戶令他發誓保密安全。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • I should be forced to quit, if I did not swear. 出自: T. Hearne
  • They had sworn, by the sacred head of the emperor. 出自: Gibbon
  • And on the book..Miriam swore. 出自: Tennyson
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