

[st?mp]     [st?mp]    
  • n. 郵票;圖章;印;跺腳
  • v. 跺腳;蓋章
stamped stamped stamping stamps



n. (名詞)
  1. 特征
  2. 戳記,圖章,戳子,印(記)
  3. 痕跡
  4. 郵票,印花
  5. 標記,標志
  6. 搗擊機
  7. 跺腳
  8. 壓印機
  9. 驗訖的標簽
  10. 類型,種類
v. (動詞)
  1. 貼郵票于,貼印花于,在...上貼郵票
  2. 蓋章于,在...蓋戳,在...打圖章
  3. 壓印(于)
  4. 打上
  5. 銘刻,銘記(心中)
  6. (用腳)踩踏,踩,跺,跺腳,踏(腳),踏平
  7. 壓碎,踏碎,跺碎,搗碎
  8. 標出,表示
  9. 鎮壓
  10. 印刷
  11. 【摔角】擺把勢
  12. 拒絕
  13. 撲滅
  14. 毀掉
  15. 頓足
  16. 踐踏
  17. 噔噔地走


n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 郵票,印花 a small usually four sided piece of paper sold by post offices in various values for sticking on a letter, parcel, etc. to be posted
  2. [C] 印,圖章 an instrument or tool for pressing or printing onto a surface
  3. [C] 標志,印記 a mark or pattern made by this
  4. [C] 跺腳,頓足 an act of stamping, especially with the foot
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 頓足 put one's foot down with force
  2. vt. 踏平 flatten by putting (one's foot) down with force
  3. vt. 印…于…上 print design, lettering, the date, etc. on paper, cloth or other surface
  4. vt. 標出 mark out
  5. vt. 銘記 impress


  1. the distinctive form in which a thing is made;

    "pottery of this cast was found throughout the region"

  2. a type or class;

    "more men of his stamp are needed"

  3. a symbol that is the result of printing or engraving;

    "he put his stamp on the envelope"

  4. a small adhesive token stuck on a letter or package to indicate that that postal fees have been paid
  5. something that can be used as an official medium of payment
  6. a small piece of adhesive paper that is put on an object to show that a government tax has been paid
  7. machine consisting of a heavy bar that moves vertically for pounding or crushing ores
  8. a block or die used to imprint a mark or design
  9. a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents
  1. walk heavily;

    "The men stomped through the snow in their heavy boots"

  2. to mark, or produce an imprint in or on something;

    "a man whose name is permanently stamped on our maps"

  3. reveal clearly as having a certain character;

    "His playing stamps him as a Romantic"

  4. affix a stamp to;

    "Are the letters properly stamped?"

  5. treat or classify according to a mental stereotype;

    "I was stereotyped as a lazy Southern European"

  6. destroy or extinguish as if by stamping with the foot;

    "Stamp fascism into submission"
    "stamp out tyranny"

  7. form or cut out with a mold, form, or die;

    "stamp needles"

  8. crush or grind with a heavy instrument;

    "stamp fruit extract the juice"

  9. raise in a relief;

    "embossed stationery"



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. My husband is a stamp collector.
  2. He is looking for his rubber stamp.
  3. Please bring a photograph of yourself.We have to affix a stamp on the corner of it.
  4. His face bears the stamp of suffering.
  5. Your stamp of impatience won't give me a scare.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. She stamped on the insect and killed it.
  2. The immigration officer stamped my passport.


用作動詞 (v.)
stamp down( v.+adv. )
    踩扁 flatten by putting (one's foot) down with force
    stamp sb/sth ? down His horse stamped down some of the enemies. 他的馬把幾強敵踩倒在地。 He put the cardboard boxes in a heap and stamped them down. 他把瓦楞紙板箱疊成一個個,將什么和什么踩扁。
stamp on〔upon〕( v.+prep. )
    拒絕… discourage (sth such as an idea) firmly and actively
    stamp on〔upon〕 sth I am sorry I stamped on your foot. 對不易踩了你的腳。 He stamped on the spider. 我用勁踩那只壁虎。 Please stamp upon that insect for me! 請替我踩死那只飛蟲。 He stamped hard on the ground. 他猛然地跺了跺地。 stamp sth on〔upon〕 sth This machine stamps the date on the paper. 這產品應該把時間印在紙里。 His name was stamped on the case. 行李箱上印上他的自己名字。 stamp on〔upon〕 sth We told him our idea, but he just stamped on it. 我高速了他我的想方,但他冒然拒決了。 No teacher should stamp upon a child's idea without considering it fairly. 不予考量先前,一些老師們都不是要給娃兒的思考潑生水。 The students' suggestion must be stamped on before it becomes a threat. 在學習們的建議組合隱患前必須要進行杜絕。
stamp out( v.+adv. )
    沖壓成型 give shape to sth with a die or cutterThe machine can stamp out hundreds of components in an hour.這臺機器每小時可沖壓數百件機件。
stamp with( v.+prep. )
    在…上貼郵票 place postage stamps on (an envelope, parcel, etc.)用于 be ~ed 結構


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • You can see on the back of the canvas the stamp of the Berlin National Gallery. 出自: J. Archer
  • Imagine a boot stamping on a human face. 出自: G. Orwell
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