

[sl??]     [slo?]    
  • adj. 慢的
  • adv. 慢慢地
  • v. 放慢;減速
slowly slower slowest slowness slowed slowed slowing slows



adj. (形容詞)
  1. 遲鈍的,遲緩的;不活潑的
  2. 慢的,緩慢的; 慢性的
  3. 笨的,理解力差的
  4. (經營等)清淡的, 不景氣的
  5. 耗時的
  6. 乏味的
  7. 不輕易的
  8. 【攝】曝光慢的
  9. 火力不旺的
  10. 不很樂意的
  11. 遲遲不…的
adv. (副詞)
  1. 緩慢地,慢慢地,慢了地,慢速地
  2. 遲遲地
  3. 熱情減退
v. (動詞)
  1. 減緩,變慢,放慢,減速;使減速,使慢,開慢,慢起來
  2. 變蕭條
  3. 拖延使呆滯
  4. 緩和,緩行
  5. 降低
  6. 松勁
  7. 阻礙,妨礙
n. (名詞)
  1. 阻化
  2. 慢化
  3. 滯后


adj. (形容詞)
  1. 慢的 a person or thing that is slow; does not move or do sth quickly
  2. 遲鈍的,不靈巧的 not good or quick in understanding; dull in mind
  3. (營業等)清淡的,不忙碌的 not very active; dull
adv. (副詞)
  1. 慢慢地 slowly
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)緩行,(使)減速 go at a slower speed


  1. not moving quickly; taking a comparatively long time;

    "a slow walker"
    "the slow lane of traffic"
    "her steps were slow"
    "he was slow in reacting to the news"
    "slow but steady growth"

  2. at a slow tempo;

    "the band played a slow waltz"

  3. slow to learn or understand; lacking intellectual acuity;

    "so dense he never understands anything I say to him"
    "never met anyone quite so dim"
    "although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick"
    "dumb officials make some really dumb decisions"
    "he was either normally stupid or being deliberately obtuse"
    "worked with the slow students"

  4. (used of timepieces) indicating a time earlier than the correct time;

    "the clock is slow"

  5. so lacking in interest as to cause mental weariness;

    "a boring evening with uninteresting people"
    "the deadening effect of some routine tasks"
    "a dull play"
    "his competent but dull performance"
    "a ho-hum speaker who couldn't capture their attention"
    "what an irksome task the writing of long letters is"
    "tedious days on the train"
    "the tiresome chirping of a cricket"
    "other people's dreams are dreadfully wearisome"

  6. (of business) not active or brisk;

    "business is dull (or slow)"
    "a sluggish market"

  1. without speed (`slow' is sometimes used informally for `slowly');

    "he spoke slowly"
    "go easy here--the road is slippery"
    "glaciers move tardily"
    "please go slow so I can see the sights"

  2. of timepieces;

    "the clock is almost an hour slow"
    "my watch is running behind"

  1. lose velocity; move more slowly;

    "The car decelerated"

  2. become slow or slower;

    "Production slowed"

  3. cause to proceed more slowly;

    "The illness slowed him down"



用作形容詞 (adj.)
  1. Creeping is a slow method of progression.
  2. The slow computer bogged us down.
用作副詞 (adv.)
  1. Business is going slow these days.
  2. My watch is five minutes slow.
用作動詞 (v.)
  1. You have to slow down your car at the crossing.
    在十字路口, 你得放慢速度。
  2. Slow up while the car is over the bridge.
  3. Why Google toolbar slow down my browser?
  4. One wants to slow but time does not await him.


用作形容詞 (adj.)
slow at
    對(某事)遲鈍的 be slow in; reacting slowly
slow in
    遲慢的 tardy
slow of
    不靈的 be ineffective
用作副詞 (adv.)
go slow
    減少活動 be less active than usualYou ought to go slow until you feel really well again.你應該減少活動,要到真正康復以后再說。
用作動詞 (v.)
slow down〔up〕 (v.+adv.)
    生產緩慢,變得遲鈍 make slow produce; become slow witted
    slow down The car slowed down. 新汽車慢來了。 Slow down before you reach the crossing. 車即將要到十字街口時就得降速。 The road is slippery, you'd better slow down. 路滑,你好加速運動。 Slow down, will you?There's a police car ahead. 減慢加速度,可以嗎?以前有長輛警車。 slow sb/sth ? down〔up〕 You have to slow down your car at the crossing. 在十字路口處,你得快放運行速度。 The severe snowstorm has slowed the vehicles down. 兇猛的超級雷暴使行駛調慢了線速度。 Can't you slow this machine down? 你難道說沒有使這臺系統減慢速度? She slowed down the car when she came to the mountain slope. 她停到小山坡處的時會讓最高車速慢了來。 She's quite fit, but her bad leg slows her down when we're out for a walk. 她很健康保健,可在讓我們去跑步時她那塊殘腿減慢了她跑步的轉速。 The cold weather slowed down the construction of the bridge. 非常寒冷的天氣預報使建橋項目發展相對比較緩慢。 Their objections are slowing down the progress of the negotiations. 大家 的否認使談判策略系統進程快放下面。 slow down〔up〕 Business slows down in summer. 夏天開店清淡點的。 Business slows down at this time of year. 每次這一段精力做生意淡點。 Business slowed down at the stores after Christmas. 聖誕節以后雜貨店的生意難做就好那樣而火。 He's over sixty, but he shows no signs of slowing down. 他年逾60歲,但全無任何遲緩的形跡。 He has slowed down a lot since his heart attack. 自心病患上之初,他的工作遲頓多了。 You really ought to slow down, all these late nights are doing you no good. 你真該不累半點了,這類天老開夜車對你的機體沒福利。 The doctor advised Jim to slow up for a time to give his heart a chance. 大夫勸慰吉姆過一小段不累的時日,那我的左心以痊愈的幾率。 slow sb/sth ? down〔up〕 If I could find some way of slowing my father down, he's taking on far too much work. 倘若我會遇到啥小妙招使我的他父親更快幾個就行了,他干的運行更多了。 The factory has had to slow down production since the workers refused to do their best. 一轉眼工人們怠工至今,這個車間允許不鋼材漲價。


用作形容詞 (adj.)
~+名詞 名詞+~ ~+動詞不定式 ~+介詞
用作副詞 (adv.)
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞


  • I must be slow, for only then did I realize that Stahr was..Smith. 出自: Scott Fitzgerald
  • My breathing slowed and I grew calmer. 出自: J. M. Coetzee
  • Traffic..slowed to a honking..crawl. 出自: J. Updike
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