

[sli?p]     [sli?p]    
  • v. 睡覺
  • n. 睡眠;睡覺
slept slept sleeping sleeps



v. (動詞)
  1. 睡(覺),睡眠,睡著,入睡
  2. 歇夜
  3. 用睡眠消除,以睡眠度過
  4. 被埋葬著
  5. <婉>長眠,安息
  6. 麻痹,發麻
  7. 發生性關系,與...上床,到處跟人睡覺,亂搞男女關系
  8. 靜止下來, 保持寂靜
  9. 可供...住宿,可供…睡覺
  10. 不要沒事找事
  11. 沉睡,酣睡,睡個好覺
  12. 為…提供床位
  13. 處于類似睡眠的靜止狀態
  14. 夜間閉合
  15. 休止
  16. 推遲作出決定(on)
n. (名詞)
  1. 睡眠,一覺,睡覺
  2. 麻木,麻痹
  3. 【動】冬眠,蟄伏
  4. 長眠,永逝
  5. 靜止(狀態),靜寂
  6. 昏迷
  7. <婉>死亡
  8. 一夜的行程
  9. 【植】夜間閉合
  10. 眼屎


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 睡(眠) the natural resting state of unconsciousness of the body
v. (動詞)
  1. vi. 睡眠 rest in sleep
  2. vt. 為…提供床位 have enough beds for a number of people


  1. a natural and periodic state of rest during which consciousness of the world is suspended;

    "he didn't get enough sleep last night"
    "calm as a child in dreamless slumber"

  2. a torpid state resembling deep sleep
  3. a period of time spent sleeping;

    "he felt better after a little sleep"
    "there wasn't time for a nap"

  4. euphemisms for death (based on an analogy between lying in a bed and in a tomb);

    "she was laid to rest beside her husband"
    "they had to put their family pet to sleep"

  1. be asleep
  2. be able to accommodate for sleeping;

    "This tent sleeps six people"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. I didn't sleep well last night.
  2. He have to sleep by day and work by night.
  3. He'd been sleeping rough for a week, in ditches and haystacks.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. I haven't had enough sleep lately.
  2. A growing child needs plenty of sleep.
  3. Lack of sleep is detrimental to one's health.
  4. She stirred now and again in her sleep.
  5. A good sleep may help you pick up flesh.


用作名詞 (n.)
have one's sleep out
    睡足而自行醒來 continue sleeping until one wakes up naturally
get off to sleep
    入睡 fall asleep
get to sleep
    睡著,入睡,設法睡著 manage to fall asleep , succeed in passing into the condition of sleep
go to sleep
    (肢體)麻木 both sb's hands and feet have gone numbI've been sitting on the floor and my foot's gone to sleep.我一直坐在地板上,腳都麻木了。
put to sleep
    (人)由于憐憫而殺死動物 kill a suffering animal deliberatelyStray dogs are usually put to sleep.迷路的狗如果沒有人認領,常被殺掉。
用作動詞 (v.)
sleep around (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉和很多人有性關系 have sexual relations with a lot of different people
    sleep around Her friends don't approve of her since she started sleeping around. 當她哪里都跟陌生人睡眠,她的家人就不和她好好。 She finally got married and stopped sleeping around. 她總算成婚了,不用與男方亂交了。 sleep sb ? around She slept around with a lot of people before she got married. 她在結婚證前和有很多人得過兩性的關系的關系。
sleep away (v.+adv.)
    以睡眠擺脫(煩惱) get rid of (sth such as trouble) by sleeping
    sleep away When I last looked in the bedroom, he was still sleeping away. 我非常后以此進客廳來看時,他還有睡覺休息。 sleep sth ? away Are you going to sleep the whole morning away? 你設想把整體的12點睡以往嗎? Tom often sleeps away the hours. 湯姆常以休息來消磨時光時刻。 sleep sth ? away Go and have a good rest, you might be able to sleep your troubles away. 去做好調理說一下,你或許能以睡眼除去困擾。
sleep in (v.+adv.)
    〈口〉住宿在工作的地方 sleep in the place where you workThey have two maids who sleep in.他們有兩個住在他們家里的女仆。
sleep off (v.+adv.)
    用睡覺消除 get rid of a bad feeling or emotion by sleeping
    sleep sth ? off He slept off the effects of all the drink he had at the party the previous night. 他睡沒事覺,把前一日夜里在相聚上酒后后攜帶來的不溫和體會都消去了。 George had too much drinks last night and is now sleeping off the effects. 凱文咋天渴酒優化,當前也在睡午覺醒酒。 You'd better sleep off your fatigue after working. 你最好的用晚上睡覺來驅除崗位的疲勞過度。 She is in bed sleeping off the effects of the party. 她躺在穿上睡大覺,去除聯歡會的身體疲勞。 I have a slight infection, but I think I'll manage to sleep it off. 有一一丟丟不舒適感,我認為睡一段時間兒我一要好的。
sleep on (v.+adv.)
    先睡一晚上再對…作出決定 have a night's sleep before making a decision about
    sleep on it We asked Judy if she would join our club and she answered that she would sleep on it. 我們大家公司問朱迪需不需要情愿融入我們大家公司的組織,她答復說要顧慮一個再直接決定。
sleep out (v.+adv.)
    以睡眠打發(日子); 睡下考慮(問題) pass (time) or consider (an idea) in sleep
    sleep out The cruel boss told the boy to sleep out. 那絕情的BOSS讓哪個孩子睡在在外面。 sleep out It's so hot tonight, can't we sleep out in the garden? 昨晚這個熱,咱們誰說可以去在園藝里睡嗎? They planned to sleep out during their journey. 它們注意在半路上露宿。 There were all kinds of reasons why they slept out. 許多人可以得理由睡在室內。 The inspector went round asking why the men slept out in this weather. 檢察工作官巡視整改好幾個周,并問這些已婚男人為什么會在這么的氣溫里也在上面露宿。 The children love sleeping out in tents when we go camping. 自己戶外露營時,閨女們習慣睡在野營帳篷里。 sleep out Their children are always going to parties and seem to sleep out nearly every night. 許多人的女兒們總去參于文藝表演,基本上每日黑夜都出外借宿。 sleep sth ? out Sometimes he feels that he would like to sleep out the rest of his days without having to work or think any more. 時而他會覺得本身忍不住一睡了之,再無需干活兒或想什么事。
sleep rough
    將就著睡 sleep without a proper bed
sleep through (v.+prep.)
    在…中酣睡不醒 fail to be woken by a noise, clock, etc.
    sleep through sth I was a small child at the beginning of the war, and soon learned to sleep through heavy bombing. 侵略戰爭開端時我也也是個小寶寶子,沒什么時候就良好習慣一個人在激烈的空炸中酣睡。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 名詞+~ 介詞+~
用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • You look tired, are you getting enough sleep? 出自: I. Murdoch
  • He..went to bed, but did not sleep for a long time. 出自: G. Gissing
  • I slept..at this..inn at Chedsholme. 出自: W. F. Harvey
  • Gertrude would sleep late, rising at noon. 出自: H. Carpenter
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