

[s??k]     [s??k]    
  • v. 下沉;沉沒;滲透;低落;變低;衰弱;(太陽)落下
  • n. 水槽;溝渠;散熱器;接收端
sinkable sank/sunk sunk sinking sinks



v. (動詞)
  1. 使沉沒,使下沉
  2. 低落
  3. 下陷,陷落
  4. 減弱,降低
  5. 衰微,衰弱
  6. (使)下垂
  7. 隱匿,消失
  8. 摒除
  9. 滲透
  10. 坐下
  11. 筋疲力盡地垂下
  12. 倒下
  13. 墮落;消沉
  14. 沉入,下沉,沉沒,沉入地平線下
  15. 使陷入
  16. 挖掘
  17. 抑制
  18. 坍下去,塌下去
  19. 使衰弱
  20. 使沒落,使敗落
  21. 損害,毀壞,搞垮,使完蛋
  22. 使頹然下垂
  23. 把...插入
  24. 刻,雕
  25. 投資于...
  26. 弄沉,擊沉
n. (名詞)
  1. 陰溝,污水坑
  2. 水池
  3. 洼地
  4. 洗臉槽,洗滌糟
  5. 藏污納垢的場所
  6. <俚>海洋
  7. 水斗,水槽
  8. 滲水坑
  9. 【地】落水洞
  10. 巢窟
  11. 湖沼
  12. 【物】中子吸收劑
  13. 變換器,換能器,轉發器


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. (使)下沉,(使)沉沒 go down (especially below the horizon or the surface of a liquid); cause or allow to sink
n. (名詞)
  1. [C] 水池,水槽 a large open container


  1. plumbing fixture consisting of a water basin fixed to a wall or floor and having a drainpipe
  2. (technology) a process that acts to absorb or remove energy or a substance from a system;

    "the ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide"

  3. a depression in the ground communicating with a subterranean passage (especially in limestone) and formed by solution or by collapse of a cavern roof
  4. a covered cistern; waste water and sewage flow into it
  1. fall or descend to a lower place or level;

    "He sank to his knees"

  2. cause to sink;

    "The Japanese sank American ships in Pearl Harbor"

  3. pass into a specified state or condition;

    "He sank into nirvana"

  4. go under,

    "The raft sank and its occupants drowned"

  5. descend into or as if into some soft substance or place;

    "He sank into bed"
    "She subsided into the chair"

  6. appear to move downward;

    "The sun dipped below the horizon"
    "The setting sun sank below the tree line"

  7. fall heavily or suddenly; decline markedly;

    "The real estate market fell off"

  8. fall or sink heavily;

    "He slumped onto the couch"
    "My spirits sank"

  9. embed deeply;

    "She sank her fingers into the soft sand"
    "He buried his head in her lap"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Wood does not sink in water, it floats.
  2. The boat will sink unless we bail out.
  3. The ship was sunk by an enemy torpedo.
  4. Rub the cream on your skin and let it sink in.
  5. It was several days before the floodwater sank and life returned to normal.
  6. They watched the sun sink into the Mediterranean.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The dirty dishes are in the sink.
  2. The housewife always keeps the sink clean.
  3. Power densities that can be tolerated by a gage are strongly related to the specimen which serves as the heat sink.
  4. Due to the general derivation, the longitudinal fin arrays on a heat sink can have either square, rectangular, equilaterally triangular, or cylindrical cross section.


用作動詞 (v.)
sink back (v.+adv.)
    退下fall back
    sink back into sth Thankfully, he sank back into his comfortable chair; someone else would do the job. 那套事情將由另某個說的是個體戶去做; 他頗感高興地坐車到他那把舒適安逸的桌椅上。 sink back She sank back, unwilling to face her father's anger. 她退了出去,從不關注著父母鬧脾氣。
sink below (v.+prep.)
    落到…下 fall below sth
    sink below sth The moon sank below the hills. 月落半山腰。 As he turned homeward, the sun was sinking below the western horizon. 他閃躲返家時,大太陽正冉冉西沉。
sink in (v.+adv.)
    下陷; 被吸收,被了解go below; be absorbed, understood or acknowledged
    sink in His eyes have sunk in. 他的眼腈凹回去了。 He looked very pale; his cheeks had sunk in. 他氣色倉白,雙頰陷了壓下去。 It took a long time for the bad news to sink in. 大家花了較長準確時間才弄清楚這款壞qq消息。 Your warning didn't sink in. You may have to talk to him again. 你的提醒他沒聽進來,害怕你得再跟他闡述。 I think it has finally sunk in that she must be more careful; she won't forget her passport again! 好想她終究是清楚了之后需求愈加留意才算是,她從此不會不自覺忘記她的戶照了。
sink into (v.+prep.)
    把…投入…put a lot of money into a business, property, deal, etc.
    sink into sth It will take a little time for the rain to sink into the dried earth. 要使雨水收集浸到干土須得其他時刻。 He was very tired and sank into a chair. 他是乏力,躺靠在靠椅上。 The facts don't seem to sink into his head. 他因此沒有謹記這么多實際上。 Let this lesson sink into our heart. 讓整個啟示牢記在我國一個吧。 At last the child sank into a deep sleep. 男孩我己沉睡了。 Don't allow yourself to sink into grief, it can do no good. 避免使本身身陷可憐中,如此一來一絲影響也沒。 It is really a sad thing to see them sink into such moral degeneracy. 看其背叛到此層度,可真每件可憐的事。 He sank further into debt. 他進第一步深陷借債中。 She sank into unconsciousness. 她就這樣失掉了痛覺。 sink sth into sth He sank his fork into the meat to see if it was well cooked. 他把叉子叉進肉里,觀察一次熟度夠不行。 Sink the fence post carefully into the soil. 把籬笆樁注意地輸進田里。 sink sth into sth He sank all his savings into the firm. 他把他很多的存款都投資了有家單位。 I've sunk all my money into a new house. 我投了大部分的錢去買一幢房子。 He has sunk half his fortune into a new business undertaking. 他已把一小半夫妻財產加盟于一款 新企業公司。
sink down (v.+adv.)
    降低 descend
    sink down The flames at last sank down and the fire went out. 藍色火焰到最后較弱下,火就滅了。 Their standard of living steadily sank down. 這些的生話情況不間斷走低。 Her head sank down, tears welled up in her eyes. 她的頭低了下來了,角度看冒出了淚珠。
sink or swim
    自己去闖 make a living wandering; blaze a trail
sink to (v.+prep.)
    低到 fall to sth
    sink to sth His voice sank to a whisper. 他的音效低到擁有耳語。 She fainted and sank to the ground. 她昏倒在上。 The morale of the enemy forces sank to a very low level. 敵軍斗志10分煩躁。 A bite from a thief sinks to the bone. 賊咬幾口,如骨四分。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • They leaped into the canal water, and he let himself sink down and down to the bottom. 出自: R. Bradbury
  • It rolled..off the raft and sank without hesitation to the bottom of the tank. 出自: M. Frayn
  • I sank into the mud. 出自: L. Hellman
  • The film..sank virtually without trace. 出自:Times
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