

[?e?m]     [?e?m]    
  • n. 羞愧;恥辱;可恥的人或物
  • vt. 使丟臉;使羞愧;使蒙羞
shamed shamed shaming shames



n. (名詞)
  1. 羞恥,羞愧,羞辱,恥辱,慚愧
  2. 羞恥心,廉恥心,羞愧感
  3. 帶來恥辱的人
  4. 憾事,倒霉的事,令人憎惡的事,可恥的事或人物
v. (動詞)
  1. 使感到羞恥,使覺得丟臉,使慚愧,使羞愧
  2. 使害羞
  3. 侮辱,凌辱, 恥辱,玷辱
  4. 使蒙羞,使蒙受羞辱,使蒙受恥辱,使不名譽
  5. 勝過,使相形見絀,使黯然失色
  6. 使某人羞愧不得不做
  7. 感到羞恥


n. (名詞)
  1. [U] 羞恥,羞愧,慚愧 the unhappy feeling that you have when you have done sth wrong or stupid
v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 使蒙羞,玷辱 bring dishonour to
  2. vt. 使感到羞愧,使覺得丟臉 cause to feel shame
  3. vt. 使相形見絀,使黯然失色 show to be lacking in quality, ability, etc., by comparison


  1. a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt
  2. a state of dishonor;

    "one mistake brought shame to all his family"
    "suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison"

  3. an unfortunate development;

    "it's a pity he couldn't do it"

  1. bring shame or dishonor upon;

    "he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime"

  2. compel through a sense of shame;

    "She shamed him into making amends"

  3. cause to be ashamed
  4. surpass or beat by a wide margin



用作名詞 (n.)
  1. He had no sense of shame and never felt guilty.
  2. He saved the child at the risk of his own life and put all those who looked on to shame.
  3. Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
  4. It is a shame to take money from those who can't afford it.
用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. He was shamed by how much more work the others had done.
  2. Her careful work put all the rest to shame.
  3. Such an act of cowardice by an officer shames his whole regiment.


用作名詞 (n.)
put to shame
    大大優越于某人〔某事物〕,使…相形見絀 be greatly superior to sb/sth
    put sb/sth to shame Your beautiful handwriting puts my untidy scrawl to shame. 你漂亮英語的書畫把握潦草的筆跡比得見不許人。 Your beautiful garden put my few little flowers to shame. 你那飄亮的花園小區使我那幾朵小花旦相形見絀。
shame on you
    應該感到羞恥 you should feel shame about what you have said or done
用作動詞 (v.)
shame into (v.+prep.)
    使某人感到慚愧而做某事 cause sb to do sth by making him feel shame
    shame into sth/v-ing Maybe they will shame into going to the front. 大家說不定大會上前線的,不燃話大家會懊悔不堪。 shame sb into sth/v-ing I tried to shame her into voting in the election , but she has no sense of public duty. 我檢測使她心存不良意義而去選票,但她其實就沒有公益性必要的認知。 It did not take long to shame the boy into a change of behaviour. 沒任何作用幾小時就使那作男孩起名因有羞愧而轉變了他的行為舉動。
shame out of (v.+adv.+prep.)
    使某人感到慚愧而不做某事 cause sb not to do sth by making him feel shame
    shame sb out of sth/v-ing How can we shame the boy out of beating his little sister? 我們都怎么就能使那女孩兒感到痛苦不好意思,沒有打他的小路人? Don't think that he can be shamed out of stealing. 無需但愿他會令為感到高興羞恥而拋棄盜竊。


用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞
用作動詞 (v.)


  • A tear splashed on the table, and..made Carrie burn with shame. 出自: R. Park
  • A folly I shamed to confess. 出自: C. Bury
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