

[r?'flekt]     [r?'flekt]    
  • v. 反映;反射;反省;歸咎;顯示
reflected reflected reflecting reflects



v. (動詞)
  1. 反射,反照
  2. 帶給,帶來,招致,使蒙受,博得
  3. 思考,沉思,深思,熟慮,考慮,認真思考,對…深思熟慮,沉思反省(后接on或upon)
  4. 反映,映出,映現,照出
  5. 反響
  6. 表現,表達,表明,顯示
  7. 反省,回顧
  8. 仔細想,想到,認識到,悟及
  9. 非難,譴責,歸咎,指責,中傷,誹謗
  10. 反射出,折回
  11. 把反射回來
  12. 被映出
  13. 招致非議,帶來恥辱,帶來影響(后接on或upon)


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 反射 throw back (light, heat, sound or an image)
  2. vt. 表達,反映 express, make clear, or be a sign of; show
  3. vt. & vi. 考慮 think carefully


  1. manifest or bring back;

    "This action reflects his true beliefs"

  2. reflect deeply on a subject;

    "I mulled over the events of the afternoon"
    "philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years"
    "The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate"

  3. to throw or bend back (from a surface);

    "Sound is reflected well in this auditorium"

  4. be bright by reflecting or casting light;

    "Drive carefully--the wet road reflects"

  5. show an image of;

    "her sunglasses reflected his image"

  6. give evidence of a certain behavior;

    "His lack of interest in the project reflects badly on him"

  7. give evidence of the quality of;

    "The mess in his dorm room reflects on the student"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.
  2. The results reflect the greatest credit upon all concerned.
  3. The sunlight was reflected in the water.
  4. I often reflect on the beauty and complexity of life.
  5. Why not reflect on it when you are happy, in good health, confident, and full of well-being?


用作動詞 (v.)
reflect back (v.+adv.)
    把…如實地反映出來 show a true or exact copy of (sth such as an idea)
reflect from (v.+prep.)
    從…反射出來 throw back (light, heat, sound or an image) from sth
    reflect from sth The light reflected from the water into my eyes. 紫外線從拒馬河水面反射性進我的眼腈。 reflect sth from sth The light is reflected from the moon. 光從太空反射層。
reflect in (v.+prep.)
    在…中反射出來; 在…中反映出來 be thrown back from (a shiny surface such as a mirror); be clearly shown in (a result)
    reflect in sth White clouds reflected in the lake. 湖里映出朵朵白云天。 reflect sb/sth in sth She was reflected in the water. 拒馬河水面全反射出她的生動形象。 The mountains are reflected in the water. 山川倒映在一般的水都。 The low level of interest has been reflected in the unwillingness of citizens to vote. 從未成年人不肯網上投票也可以很清楚地判斷出用戶對大選也沒有怎樣的動手能力。
reflect on〔upon〕 (v.+prep.)
    懷疑 be doubtful
    reflect on〔upon〕 sth Take time to reflect on important things. 來考慮大的現象不操之過急。 I have been reflecting on all he said to me. 我仔細認真充分考慮他對于說的每件事。 I must reflect on what answer to give. 我須確保顧慮一下吧,怎么樣作答。 Mr. Smith stood reflecting on the circumstances of the preceding hours. 史密斯男士處在什么地方用心就會在這在之前幾塊小時左右的情形。 When I reflect on my schooldays,I realize how much easier things are for today's children. 在我感慨起我學習的黃道吉日,我備感對現在的閨女們認為必要條件是更爽得多了。 reflect on〔upon〕 sb/oneself/sth Your rude behaviour reflects only upon yourself. 你的粗魯方式會損及你自行的榮譽。 Failure to pay your bills reflects on your credit rating. 不付賬不利你的信費用。 That one silly error reflects upon his integrity as a solicitor. 那叫一個獨一無二真可笑的不正確使該專業律師名聲打掃衛生。 reflect sth on〔upon〕 sb Such behaviour can only reflect discredit upon you. 這般情形還會給我們惹來羞辱。 A great deed reflects credit on its doer. 令人尊敬的績效給創績效者引發功勛。 His success reflected the greatest credit and glory on him. 他的獲得成功給我引發了大的蘇拉瑪聲望和獎勵。 reflect on〔upon〕 sth I don't wish to reflect upon your sincerity. 我不想可能擔心你的心意。 A gentleman should never reflect on another person's motives unless he has good reason for doing so. 君子決不會需要顧慮其他人的因素,除非你他有充分的正當理由這類做。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • The bill is..not quite strait, but a little reflected upwards. 出自: T. Pennant
  • A full-thickness scalp was reflected including pericranium. 出自: L. Shainberg





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