

[r?'f??(r)]     [r?'f??r]    
  • vt. 把 ... 提交;把 ... 歸因;歸類
  • vi. 參考;談及;咨詢
referable referral referred referred referring refers



v. (動詞)
  1. 認為
  2. 借助
  3. 參看,查看,參考
  4. 引證,引用
  5. 翻閱,查閱,查詢
  6. 把...提交,交付,送交
  7. 委托,付托
  8. 有關系
  9. 叫...去打聽
  10. 叫某人參看、查詢
  11. 把…歸因(于)認為…起源(于)
  12. 把…歸類(于)把…歸屬(于)
  13. 指點,使求助于
  14. 論及,談到,談及,提及,提到,說到
  15. 涉及,有關
  16. 針對
  17. 關系到
  18. 適用于…
  19. 請教,求助


v. (動詞)
  1. vi. & vt. 提到; 針對 mention or speak about ; concern; be directed towards or be relevant to
  2. vi. 參考; 查閱 look at for information
  3. vt. 送交; 提交 hand over; submit
  4. vt. 歸于 point to as the source or origin of


  1. make reference to;

    "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"

  2. be relevant to;

    "There were lots of questions referring to her talk"
    "My remark pertained to your earlier comments"

  3. think of, regard, or classify under a subsuming principle or with a general group or in relation to another;

    "This plant can be referred to a known species"

  4. send or direct for treatment, information, or a decision;

    "refer a patient to a specialist"
    "refer a bill to a committee"

  5. seek information from;

    "You should consult the dictionary"
    "refer to your notes"

  6. have as a meaning;

    "`multi-' denotes `many' "

  7. use a name to designate;

    "Christians refer to the mother of Jesus as the Virgin Mary"



用作及物動詞 (vt.)
  1. We referred the proposal to the board of directors.
  2. You should refer this matter to the head office for a decision.
  3. He referred all his troubles to bad luck.
  4. Botanists refer this flower to the rose family.
用作不及物動詞 (vi.)
  1. You can refer to a dictionary if necessary.
  2. The speaker often referred to his notes.
  3. Don't refer to this matter again please.
  4. She referred to the subject several times during her speech.
  5. Refer to the Manager if confusion arises.


用作動詞 (v.)
refer back (v.+adv.)
    轉回; 擱置 send back; lay aside
    refer sth ? back The question was referred back. 該話題被靜置。 The decision must be referred back, as there is now fresh information to be considered. 某項決心須要第三填寫信息討論,而是現再有新的事情要思考。
refer back to (v.+adv.+prep.)
    重新提及; 查閱; 使記起或想起 mention sth again; remind (sb) of (sth already seen, spoken, or known)
    refer sth back to sth We referred the matter back to the Finance Committee. 你們把這件事情轉回給財政預算醫學會會治理 。 The shop referred the complaint back to the makers of the article. 商鋪把網絡投訴轉贈給了物品加工批發廠家。 refer back to sth I would like to refer back to the first of my three points. 讓我再一次提一下下上面談論的三個中的一點。 We must refer back to the first letter we received from that firm. 小編務必回過頭查看哪所工廠傳給小編的首先封信。 No referring back to books and notes! 不讓看小說和小紅書筆記! refer sb back to sth May I refer you back to my earlier remarks on this subject? 可以我會向你重提一次我一直在這樣困難上此前講過搞笑的話?
refer to (v.+prep.)
    為…而向…提及 speak about sth for sth
    refer to sb/sth Many teachers talk at length about educational principles without once referring to a real child. 大部分講師滔滔不盡地建立培訓基本原則,卻不談到這個實人太好在的畢業生。 Don't refer to the matter again. 不想再提這身事了。 No one referred to yesterday's quarrel. 誰也找不到提那天夫妻吵架的事。 The speaker referred to the past to make his point. 演講人談等到了過來來表明自家的學術觀點。 It was unwise in your speech to refer to rising unemployment. 你要表態發言中看到失業人票數的上漲并不是明智的選擇的。 refer to sb/sth Does your remark refer to all of us? 你的評倫是采取我們的整個的人嗎? When I said some people were stupid I wasn't referring to you. 如果我說有一點人很蠢雖然話的之前,我指的不使你。 We referred to the U.S. Cabinet as of Sept.1,1958. 各位指的是1956年九月份1日現在的美國內的閣。 refer to sb/sth The regulations refer only to children. 這一些指定只符合于嬰兒。 The new law does not refer to land used for farming. 哪條新法律解釋并不設及草業居住用地。 refer sb/sth to sb/sth For further particulars I refer you to my secretary. 情況請問自己的女秘書。 If he gives any more trouble you refer him to me. 如他再找不方便,叫他來和我。 He referred the case to the High Court. 他把案子修改信息給高等法官處理。 The members referred the question to the committee, as they were unable to reach a decision. 成員英文們把這種大問題拿走分委會會工作,是由于他未能成型提議。 I was referred to the manager. 我就吩咐去和運營經理商談。 The dispute was referred to the United Nations. 這一次發生爭執已修改資料聯合國進行處理。 refer to sth If you don't know the exact meaning of the word, you may refer to the dictionary. 若是 你就要知道那一個詞其實切義意,可見閱英語詞典。 Refer to the dictionary when you don't know how to spell a word. 你可以不吃道怎么會發音某個詞時,調取一些字典。 By referring to his notes, the speaker was able to give the exact details required. 閱覽新一下他的讀書筆記,講話人是可以把時需求的精準的小細節了解出了。 I referred to my watch for the exact time. 看看一個多入手表好認識準確性時光。 refer sb to sth The asterisk refers the reader to a footnote. 星號是讓萌芽雜志參看腳注。 refer sth to sth Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability. 很人把自個兒很多的煩腦都歸咎于運氣好不佳,而不表示是由于缺乏力量。 Many successful businessmen refer their success to hard work and good judgement. 成千上萬完美的黑商把自個的完美歸功于自個的辛勞勞動課和精準的分析。 The invention of the compass was referred to China. 規范針是全國發明者的。 This style of music is generally referred to the 18th century. 這類音樂視頻特點一般說來都是18世紀經典。 refer oneself to sb He never refers himself to us when he has difficulties. 當他有難度時,不肯求助信于.我。 refer to sb for sth He referred to me for information. 他向我接聽qq消息。 The minister often refers to his connoisseurs and other experts for necessary information. 周圍長長時間向他部下的懂行和各種專家教授問話重要性的信息。
refer to...as
    把…稱為; 認為…是 regard sb/sth as what sb/sth is
    refer to sb/sth as n\u002e The children used to refer to that old teacher as Grandpa. 同學們常稱這時老民辦教師為爺爺奶奶。 Don't refer to your sister as a silly pig. 別我的歌詞弟弟叫笨豬。 On all occasions he referred to us as lads. 在任何事物的場所他都管我們的叫大媽子們。 They referred to this kind of art as minimal art. 這些把這般文化繪畫藝術稱之為徽型文化繪畫藝術。 The scientist referred to the discovery as the most exciting new development in this field. 那位科學合理家涉及這一項挖掘時,說這里是這里的領域中最惹人性沖動的新趨勢。 English is referred to as a universal language. 英語口語被稱做宇宙話述。 Coal is often referred to as food for industry. 煤一般來說被稱之為工業制造的原糧。 A ship is sometimes referred to as “she”. 一直候用“她”來稱謂船。 All these are referred to as animals. 以上都又稱綠色。 California is referred to as the Golden State. 加利福尼亞州被通稱的黃金之州。 Accounting principles are also referred to as standards. 財務會計業務規范也可叫做財務會計業務標準化。 A portion of the waves is there reflected from the object encountered and forms what is referred to as the echo signal. 如果,三環節各種波從所碰上的電線電纜或其他需要套屏蔽防波套的物體漫反射回去,生成這種移動無線信號,是指回波移動無線信號。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • It seems impossible to refer all these well-attested stories to imposition. 出自: M. R. Mitford
索引 緒論 查詞時代