

[ri?t?]     [ri?t?]    
  • v. 到達;伸出;達成;取得聯系;延伸;(伸手)去夠
  • n. 范圍;影響力;河段;等級
reachable reacher reached reached reaching reaches



v. (動詞)
  1. 達到
  2. 到達,到,抵,抵達
  3. 伸手及到,伸手去拿,伸出(手)夠到
  4. 延伸到,擴展到...,延及...,遍及
  5. 傳到
  6. 射及
  7. 擊中,打中
  8. 努力爭取
  9. 和...通訊,和...得到聯絡
  10. 伸展身體
  11. 伸長,蔓延
  12. 竭力想得到,竭力想達到
  13. 計達(與to,into連用)
n. (名詞)
  1. 區域,領域,范圍
  2. 可及之范圍
  3. 手腳所能伸的限度
  4. 地帶,大片地區
  5. 射程
  6. 所能及的限度


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. 到達 arrive at; get to
  2. vt. & vi. 伸出手臂; 延伸 be able to touch (sth) by stretching out a hand or arm; be big enough to touch, stretch as far as
  3. vt. 聯絡 get a message to; get in touch with; contact
n. (名詞)
  1. [S]伸手可及的距離 the distance that one can touch by stretching
  2. [P](江河的)河段 continuous extent of a river between two bends or of a canal between two locks


  1. the limits within which something can be effective;

    "range of motion"
    "he was beyond the reach of their fire"

  2. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:

    "the range of a supersonic jet"
    "a piano has a greater range than the human voice"
    "the ambit of municipal legislation"
    "within the compass of this article"
    "within the scope of an investigation"
    "outside the reach of the law"
    "in the political orbit of a world power"

  3. the act of physically reaching or thrusting out
  4. the limit of capability;

    "within the compass of education"

  1. reach a destination, either real or abstract;

    "We hit Detroit by noon"
    "The water reached the doorstep"
    "We barely made it to the finish line"
    "I have to hit the MAC machine before the weekend starts"

  2. reach a point in time, or a certain state or level;

    "The thermometer hit 100 degrees"
    "This car can reach a speed of 140 miles per hour"

  3. move forward or upward in order to touch; also in a metaphorical sense;

    "Government reaches out to the people"

  4. be in or establish communication with;

    "Our advertisements reach millions"
    "He never contacted his children after he emigrated to Australia"

  5. to gain with effort;

    "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"

  6. to extend as far as;

    "The sunlight reached the wall"
    "Can he reach?"
    "The chair must not touch the wall"

  7. reach a goal, e.g.,

    "make the first team"
    "We made it!"
    "She may not make the grade"

  8. place into the hands or custody of;

    "hand me the spoon, please"
    "Turn the files over to me, please"
    "He turned over the prisoner to his lawyers"

  9. to exert much effort or energy;

    "straining our ears to hear"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. We had twenty miles to cover to reach the nearest railway station.
  2. He reached into his pocket to get his car keys.
  3. Hopefully, they will reach an agreement after the talk.
  4. We tried to reach them by cable.
  5. The garden reaches the lake.
  6. He tiptoed to reach the dictionary on the shelf.
用作名詞 (n.)
  1. The plates on the upper shelf are beyond my reach.
  2. Such concepts are beyond the reach of my intelligence.
  3. The bridge is located over the upper reaches of the Thames.
  4. There are few women in the upper reaches of the civil service.


用作動詞 (v.)
reach across (v.+prep.)
    把手伸過… stretch out a hand or arm across (sth)
    reach sth across sth He reached his hand across the table to shake hands with Jacelin. 他隔著椅子拉手伸過去的英文和杰斯林握手。
reach after (v.+prep.)
    追求; 試圖獲得 try to obtain sth
    reach after sth He never reaches after personal fame and gain. 他從沒尋求自身名利。 For years he studied many forms of religion, reaching after the truth. 余年來他探討了很多種行駛的教派,對話框選擇王道。 His mind reached after an understanding of the problem. 他停下來腦瓜子,想弄懂這里情況。
reach back (v.+adv.)
    回憶 return in memory
reach down (v.+adv.)
    (使)向下移動 (cause to) move in a downward direction
    reach sth ? down Reach down that book, please. 請把那套書取下來。 Can you reach that apple down in the tree? 你可以把樹頂上這個谷歌摘下去嗎?
reach for (v.+prep.)
    伸出…以觸及 stretch (usually one's hand) so as to touch or hold sth
    reach for sth The soldier reached for his gun. 那名士兵抬起去拿槍。 Eby reached for the stick. 伊比抬手去拿棍棒。 He reached for the phone and quickly dialed a number. 他抬起拿開座機號,很快撥一個多個編碼。 I reached for a floating log with my foot. 我就用腳去鉤取那段浮起著的木材。
reach into (v.+prep.)
    達到(某個數目); 延伸〔持續〕到 stretch as far as the beginning of (sth such as an amount, space, or time)
reach out (v.+adv.)
    (使)伸出 (cause to) stretch forward
    reach out He reached out and took my arm. 他伸出來手來挎住我的胳膊肘。 All manner of opportunities will come your way, but you must reach out for them. 你遭到各方面應有盡有的一次機會,但你一定想方設法了解什么和什么。 reach sth ? out The child reached out a hand towards the plum. 自己孩子機身伸到梅子。 He reached out his hand for the dictionary. 他張開手去拿漢語詞典。 When I could find no way out, he reached out a helping hand. 正當性我走投無路的時期,他向我延伸出了救助的手。 A tree reaches out its branches towards the light. 枝丫文河光處伸展。
reach to (v.+prep.)
    觸〔伸〕及; 及于 stretch (a hand, arm, or finger) as far as (sth)
    reach to sth Our campus reaches down to the river. 讓我們的大學生老是覆蓋到村邊。 On one wall there was a bookcase that reached up to the ceiling. 在方面 墻腳一個收藏多達天花。 Her hair reached to her shoulders. 她的長頭發垂及肩旁。 Her income reaches to a considerable figure. 她的收入水平達標第一筆比較可觀的總數。
reach up (v.+adv.)
    爭取向上發展 have hopes and expectations for one's future; attempt to win
    reach up I reached up and put the parcel on top of the cupboard. 我低頭撐起包裝將它放置了壁柜頂到。 reach sth ? up Can you reach your arm up to that book on the top shelf? 你伸臂膀是可以著產品最好一次上的那此書嗎? reach up You'll never get anywhere in your job unless you reach up to the highest position in the form and take steps to fulfill your aim. 就算你會單位里一般確保最多的整體素質并采用方法流程來確保你的要求,因此你會本職中一輩子事以無成。
用作名詞 (n.)
beyond〔out〕 of one's reach
    達不到 not to be acquired
within reach
    伸手可及 inside the distance that a hand, etc. can be stretched out


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞
用作名詞 (n.)
動詞+~ 形容詞+~ 介詞+~ ~+介詞


  • Great reaches of clear sky. 出自: J. Fowles
  • The furthest reaches of the Empire. 出自: R. D. Laing
  • The low..tree whose branches she could reach. 出自: A. Uttley
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