

[pr?'pe?(r)]     [pr?'per]    
  • v. 預備;準備
preparedly preparer prepared prepared preparing prepares



v. (動詞)
  1. 預備,準備,使...準備好,作好準備,把...預備好,使有準備,為...作準備,進行各項準備工作
  2. 起草
  3. 制作,調制,配制
  4. 編纂,編寫
  5. 籌備,籌劃
  6. 布置,備辦,配備,裝備
  7. 做(飯菜)
  8. 溫習(功課)
  9. 鍛煉,訓練
  10. 有思想
  11. 防范
n. (名詞)
  1. 準備


v. (動詞)
  1. vt. & vi. 準備 get or make ready


  1. make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc;

    "Get the children ready for school!"
    "prepare for war"
    "I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill"

  2. prepare for eating by applying heat;

    "Cook me dinner, please"
    "can you make me an omelette?"
    "fix breakfast for the guests, please"

  3. to prepare verbally, either for written or spoken delivery;

    "prepare a report"
    "prepare a speech"

  4. arrange by systematic planning and united effort;

    "machinate a plot"
    "organize a strike"
    "devise a plan to take over the director's office"

  5. educate for a future role or function;

    "He is grooming his son to become his successor"
    "The prince was prepared to become King one day"
    "They trained him to be a warrior"

  6. create by training and teaching;

    "The old master is training world-class violinists"
    "we develop the leaders for the future"

  7. lead up to and soften by sounding the dissonant note in it as a consonant note in the preceding chord;

    "prepare the discord in bar 139"

  8. undergo training or instruction in preparation for a particular role, function, or profession;

    "She is training to be a teacher"
    "He trained as a legal aid"



用作動詞 (v.)
  1. Early experiments with military rockets prepared the ground for space travel.
  2. He is preparing his speech for the meeting tomorrow.
  3. Prepare to alight,for we are almost there.
  4. Peel the pineapples and I will prepare the pineapple pie.


用作動詞 (v.)
prepare against (v.+prep.)
    (使)為將來…做好準備 (cause to) get ready for
    prepare against sth They are preparing against a drought. 他正提前準備抗旱救災。 prepare sb against sth He prepared Mary against bad news. 他使瑪麗對壞新消息的來臨之際提前做好理念籌備 。 We are fully prepared against the approaching storm. 而對于就是將我在的暴風吹雨打,我國提供好了更加充分提供。
prepare for (v.+prep.)
    (使)對…有思想準備 (cause to) accustom one's mind to
    prepare for sth Don't bother her. She is preparing for the final examination. 最好不要打擾了她。她正做好準備期終考試成績。 I am so busy preparing for the next examination that I can find no time to go out with you. 我忙碌提供第二次參加考試,無時間段同你一塊兒過來。 You'd better prepare for Mother's arrival. 你最佳為爸爸的即將到來開始準備好開始準備。 Will you help me prepare for the party? 你能夠來幫我需備派對嗎? Every day they are talking about peace but actually preparing for war. 你沒天都是也有復興,但現實情況上卻在提供戰斗。 He is preparing for his departure to Chongqing. 他正準備工作到深圳去。 prepare oneself/sth for sb/sth Please prepare the table for dinner. 請把餐具套裝擺出來,做好準備吃東西。 I'm preparing a speech for the meeting on Thursday. 我在為周四電視電話會議上的動員講話作需要準備。 You must prepare everything for the trip. 你需為這個旅游做到位一切都是籌備。 The students have prepared everything for the celebration. 學員們為喜迎了解沒事切籌備。 Right now they are preparing themselves for the Olympic Games. 眼前顧客正為加入奧運會比賽作做好準備。 The speaker prepared the way for my proposal. 演說者為我的提案走了路。 My mother gets up earlier this morning.She is busy preparing breakfast for us. 在這里早上起床我妻子起得很遲,她正忙著立刻們做早飯。 I'll prepare a bed for you. 你會會給你把床預備好。 We must prepare a room for guests. 咱們一定為來往的客人備考間賓館客房。 Is the meal prepared for our guests? 這也是為企業的賓客預備的飯萊嗎? prepare for sth We should prepare well for the negotiations. 大家可能為今天交涉預備好預備。 prepare sb/oneself for sth The doctor prepared Mother for her operation. 中醫讓妻子做到位手手術前的提供。 Prepare yourself for a surprise when you go into the room. 在你入屋子時,要建立一個價值觀備好,別嚇到。 Be prepared for bad news. 抓好聽壞最新消息的心理備考備考。 Philip was not prepared for the question. 菲利普是沒有提前做好神回復那叫一個問題的準備工作。 We were not prepared for the rain. .我對下雨了毫不備好。 I always have to be prepared for yet another move to a new city. 我老是所處某種沒法不備好搬往另外一只個新陳市去的感覺中。


用作動詞 (v.)
~+名詞 ~+副詞 ~+介詞


  • Tiberius had a fleet standing by prepared. 出自: R. Graves
  • The union prepares national industrial action against overcrowding..in the jails. 出自:Guardian




  • prepared adj. 事先準備好的;愿意的;期望的


目錄格式 緒論 查詞文化